Cyclists [17]

Well this is ironic, cyclists as we already know are 2 wheeled cunts, these fuckers have climbed 50 rungs up the cunt ladder when they were given right of way over motorists, it was a licence to make themselves a hundred times more disliked.

Well when the rules changed these cunts have now to give way to pedestrians and they don’t like it, so now legally when these cunt ride into someone on the pavement you can not only kick the living fuck out of them, you can sue the fuckers as well.

Wales Online News Link.

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

Cyclists [14]

Cyclists are cunts, they really are, check out this bit of Oscar winning bullshit from this sweaty,ugly, cunt who should be a professional footballer with acting skills like that, she needs her bike folding in half and ramming up her arse.

Thats my opinion, so imagine what the Laaaaand Rover driver must be thinking, the new law is a joke, its going to be hit and run city i think, fucking cyclists are cunts.

Nominated by: Fuglyucker

Jeremy Corbyn [8]

Corbyn answers the first question and manages to make sure we all know Islam is a wonderful faith and bigged multicultural society.


Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

Now shitstain is caliming he will end large classroom sizes and hospital waiting lists.

Can’t do that without reducing immigration. Fucking idiot.

Claims leadership is as much using your brain as using your mouth.

He’s already screwed on that front.

Getting asked about immigration, giving a spiel about the EU.

Talks about ”future controls” but s saying nothing about how he would control it.

Now Paxo is on.

The roasting has commenced.

Paxo is ripping him on not being able to get his ideals in the Labour manifesto.

Comrade Corbyn talks about a nuclear free world.

Heh, it will be a cold day in hell before that happens.

America, Russia, China, N.Korea, India, Pakistan and Israel are laughing at this cretin.

Cunt Corbyn claims there will be a deal with the EU. Paxo is calling him out on this.

We all know Corbyn would take it up the arse from the EU in negotiations.

He would roll over on any divorce bill. Utter cunt.

Nominated by Prime Minister Sinister

Cyclists [5]


Cyclists are total and utter bell-ends. They seem to think that they own the bloody road,pedalling along in groups making overtaking virtually impossible. They jump red lights,ignore road signs and get quite snippy when you pull up in front of them to get out and explain to them what you think of their bellendery.

Well,you wannabe Bradley Wiggenses,you can all fuck off with your cunt-containing lycra, foreskin helmets and general total wanker attitude.

As for the prick who told me this morning that he had my” threatening behaviour” on camera,you’re just lucky that you don’t have a fucking good view of your lower digestive tract on camera.

Nominated by: Dick Fiddler

I fucking loathe the Lycra benders. They use the dual carriageway by me for time trials, the zoned out cunts. These pricks then think that the road, a busy main A road, is just for them, and traffic should give them all consideration and right of way. All these pricks care about is their time, so road positioning and indicating, or any of the rules of the road go out the fucking window, the riding four abreast cunts.

Pushbikes, especially those ridden by a pointy hatted, immac legged ponce, should not be allowed on a road where they have to compete with 70 mph traffic.

Team sky? Team cunt more like.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye

Cyclists [3]


Anyone riding a bicycle over the age of 16 is a cunt. Not only do they not pay any road tax nor have insurance but they don’t have to pass a test to ride on the roads. Not that this is a problem as most think its OK to ride on the pavement instead.

They don’t stop at red lights and they view the rest of the highway code merely as suggestions which may be disregarded as it suits. They expect roads to be closed down so they can pursue their puffy hobby thus inconveniencing proper people who actually pay for the roads in the first place.

But the real clincher, the thing which gets right on my tits is their holier than thou, condescending and completely misplaced and erroneous assertion that they are actually doing something good, something worthwhile. They have evolved to a higher state of consciousness and are actually saving the planet and all us un-enlightened plebs from ourselves. Wrong, cunt! You are playing around on a kids toy and getting in everybodys’ way while you are about it.

Nominated by: Fat Rich

WTF is it with cyclists who listen to their iPods while driving along the road. Do these cunts have a death wish? How the fuck do they expect to hear what’s going on around them?

And headphone wearers are worst of all. Especially designer headphones. “Look at me! I’ve got £200 headphones on! I’ve got more money than sense, I’m a poser AND I have a death wish!”

Squash the stupid cunts…

Nominated by: Dioclese