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13 thoughts on “Nominations

  1. The Woking Stiones.

    Once the most feared, controversial and notorious band in the world.
    They have now turned into total pussies.

    Brown Sugar has already been axed, due to Me Too psychos. whining that’s it’s ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’. And now Sympathy For The Devil has been self censored. That old fool Jagger has decided the ‘who killed the Kennedys’ line is not to be used, because of the recent Trump shooting.

    Errrr. Wasn’t Jagger’s mate, John Lennon shot and killed? And there have been a good few shootings since then. So, why is Mick so concerned about it now, when he wasn’t before?

    Simple, the Rolling Stones have bought into the woke bollocks and they too are now frightened of offending people who are there, waiting to be offended.

    Never thought I’d see the day. One of their greatest songs, now butchered in case it upsets some soft cunt.

  2. Unpunished Perjury.

    Barely-punished crime, letalone perjury is of course a bigger issue … but the former, it seems, is now par for the course. Scumbag’s rights trump everyone elses. So much credit allowed by (gullible?) judges given when some cunt declares upon their 50th time being caught GBH-ing or mugging or thieving or burglaring ; that it’s their ‘wake up call’ .. and that – if spared prison – they’ll give UP being a scumbag there & then. Until they’re caught a 51st time, and spew the same crap again. “But this time he REALLY means it, your honour”

    So, we’re used to that. Bullshit ‘mitigating circumstances’ then go hand in hand. Don’t get me fucking STARTED there. But again, .. these shameless insincere (often pathetic) attempts always seem to pay off. Only once or twice I’ve heard of a judge berating such nonsense. A 24 y.o. habitual handbag-grabbing granny-basher ‘had a cancer scare at 18 that led him astray’ is a true-world disgraceful example. Think about that one. An alleged cancer SCARE a half a decade prior. I imagine his (also scumbag) solicitor mining(at taxpayers expense) for that kind of cuntitude to present. As I said elsewhere months back, I (if a judge) would be ADDING months to sentences, if such tripe was presented to me as supposed mitigation for premeditated wrongdoing. It belies ZERO contrition for the current court visit.

    And then there’s perjury. The 2 examples above are still at some cunt judges discretion to ignore. (It’s just a pity they don’t!) .. But perjury is itself an actual crime. Murderers, child molestors and more swear on a bible to tell the truth in court. That in itself is farcical but anyways .. yeah … a cunt ultimately found guilty is by definition lying if he/she ever said otherwise. But for this cunting’s sake let’s go pure black & white. Rapist persistently declaress it wasnt him, despite being picked in a lineup. Surprise last-minute CCTV (or dna or somesuch incontrovertable evidence) proves 100% that it was. You NEVER hear/read ‘7 years for the assaults and six months for perjury during the trial’. I can recall a lot of what I read going back decades, .. but witnesses that perjured on the guilty party’s behalves getting THEIR comeuppance at trials outcome? I’m drawing a blank on that one. Tens of thousands of people perjure every year. Bar plea deals, it’s probably more or less total, from(the)little things to the huge by guilty defendants and their alibi-providers.

    And by christ there are varying degrees. Ubercunt Maxine Carr should still be in prison for HER 2003 perjuries .. helping a child-murdering kiddie-fiddler with layered, detailed premeditated lies attempting to save her double-murdering beau from jail.

    Anyways, in summation. ALWAYS time reduced for hypotheticals, NEVER time added for barefaced clear-as-day jailtime-addable porkies, .. not even for societies ‘honour’, as concurrent sentences (yet another utter disgrace) would practically always absorb any extra sentencing anyways.

    *A thorough statistical link is proving problematic. Total cases in the entirety of Ireland(home to five million cunts, and me) for a full decade (2010-2020) … 31. Scotland averages 2 per annum over the same time period. Scotland 1965 perjury convictions numbered 9, out of a whopping 214 UKwide ; avg. sentence 2.5 years. For modern Britain, all I’m finding is a foia request for similar statistics, … denied.*

    Sentence of ‘up to 7 years’ applicable. But they might as WELL just remove it from the statutes, at this stage for all the good it does.

    This link, while not actually a [perjury] based non-sentencing still tells a parallel tale of an uninsured, high at the wheel, vehicular-manslaughtering hit & run cunt whose fleeing the scene(ergo a dying child) bought him time to come down and even though admitted the whole thing eventually .. served no time. The COMPLETELY provable driving-uninsured? .. free pass .. The admitted driving stoned? ditto .. kid shouldn’t have been on the road, granted, .. but other criminal acts by this driving-high manslaughterer came to light. There is plenty of fault there. If there’s ANY lesson to take away from this link or the nom overall, .. it seems to be ‘might as well be a cunt’. It’s no wonder the emergent worldly percentage (OF cunts) is exponentially on the rise every minute of every day …..

  3. Long Noms.

    That’s a joke, admin. But if you want me to do a trim job on the perjury effort over length, then do your ‘bold type’ thing & I’ll have a go… rather than an automatic binning. Alternatively everything from the first asterisk downwards could go and any old perjury-statistics link go in instead, although they’re shit. I had to read give pages for the few bits I gathered.

    When I get around to reading it, I’ll see if it passes muster. When we get longish noms we always take into consideration the effort put in – NA.

  4. Cressida Gethin,

    This Just Stop Oil activist was one of several people handed a four year custodial sentence for her part in causing immense disruption to the flow of traffic on the motorway in 2022.

    I bet Roger Hallam assured the gullible muppet that, at worst, she’d get a fine and a suspended. Bet she shat her knickers when the judge handed down the sentence.

    I’d like to buy that judge several drinks, well done!

    Anyway, Cressida’s mother has gone bleating to the press that her poor little ewe lamb will miss her brothers wedding.

    Oh dear, how sad, anyway…moving on to something more important now.

  5. Cushy Prisons.

    I have no firsthand experience of jail. I have 2 stories, though .. 1 excerpt from a documentary I saw on UK prison life 20ish years ago, and another from a trustworthy friend (ex UK armed forces medic, now a British prison guard).

    I’ll start with the latter. Short & sweet. This man I’ve known for thirteen years hates the job, more specifically hates what he observes there. The story I’m sharing happened a few years back. An inmate headbutted a guard during a (routine, for said inmate) violent kicking-off. Guard was bleeding from the mouth, teeth loosened. The cunt that did that hurt himself in the lunge. Skin ripped from hitting teeth. Good-enough for the cunt. BUT…. Outside medic brought in. Guess who was prioritised. Yeah. And the assaulted guard basically got sent home with paracetemol.

    On ITV, I saw three early-20’s cunts in prison. The documentary was about drone-deliveries of phones, drugs etc. TO prisons and how nets etc. weren’t stopping them. The three(handkerchief-masked) cunts were rolling themselves some decent looking phatties (one keeping lookout) ..and complaining about their cell’s prison-issue Playstation 2’s. The Playstation 3 was out, y’see? .. and the muggers/carjackers/fuck-knows-what’s .. only had the PS2 IN PRISON. And that was (quote) ‘bogus’. Unfair, they reckoned.

    (The fact a ‘prison’ PS2 cost £1000 – more than 2-3 standard PS3’s – didn’t faze this trio of cunts. (The outer casing of the machine, plus the television, has to be moulded from a transport resin, possibly acrylic, .. so shivs and drugs and mobile phones can’t be hidden in them .. and the cost quoted on the doc was a grand for each ‘bespoke’ device).

    How’s about a new approach, seeing as softly softly is no punishment at all, bar lost freedom. The amount of which (freedom curtailed)should always be at least twice what it generally is (AFTER sentence passed because of early release for ‘good behaviour’ (pass the fucking sick bag!), and often twice more ANYWAYS, from the outset (soft sentencing .. due to overcrowding .. due to high cost of keeping these cunts comfortable : a vicious circle of stupidity!)

    Who ‘decent’ wouldn’t like to see ’em try(for example)….

    Whitewashed cell, a 7ft cube. Hole in the floor for piss & shit. You want to smear the walls with it? – go ahead. Then live with shit-smeared walls. Supermarket-rejected fodder twice daily. On the turn stuff, say… and same 365 days a year ; no christmas dinner or anything similar. Suicide ropes PRO-fucking-VIDED. Honest to fuck, I would go medieval on the cunts… prison is supposed to be a deterrent. That angle should be dialled up to 11. Best I leave some room for other cunters to weigh in, though but….

    Link. Read it and puke, folks…

    • I’d like to second this cunting. Any prison where life in a.cell is more comfortable than a room or ward in an NHS hospital is unacceptable.

      My own solution is steel mesh-reinforced perspex boxes, 8′ x 8′ x 7′, allowing guards full visibility at all times. Cells on racks, transportable by forklift/telehandlers.No TV, playstations etc. books only and if they can’t read, learn in any number of workshops, situated further inside the prison.

      It’s a disgrace that the taxpayer spends £45k per prisoner per year. The yanks spend $27k a year, because they aren’t holding their cocks everytime they have a piss.

  6. Charlotte Webb.

    Der, Der, Der, Der, dumdumdum dumb.

    Well done, Charlotte. You got your 15 minutes of fame, just like Uncle Andy promised.

    Has it occurred to anyone that it may have been a dolphin? Oh no, that won’t sell papers or help Charlotte recover from her “terror” of seeing the supposed shark from the safety of the bridge.

    Poor little snowflake. I fucking despair, I truly do.

  7. Sainsburys and Esheru Kwaku.


    Once again an example where two completely seemingly innocuous words, when put together to mean something straightforward gets misinterpreted in a completely over-the-top fashion, and, when a member of a certain demographic complains, the company in question (in this case Sainsbury’s) back down immediately no questions asked with their heads down low (and their knees to the floor?). The offending product is “Grey Reinforced Knee Grow Hem Woven Trousers, 2 pack for children of 7 years of age”. That is Knee as in a person’s knee, and grow as in the trousers will presumably grow/stretch with the child wearer. Neither a 7 year old kid or the average parent would see any specific double meaning in the title of that product. Unless your a cunt who actively looks for this shit just to complain about it of course.

  8. Shitlibs.

    This is a term that made my ears prick up. After some further diggging around for context, it appears it sums up the verybpeople I despise the most; the rich, white tranatlantic centre-left.
    Our social betters the well-off, highly educated class of liberals and social progressives who use the rhetoric of the far left but are quite happy with the economic status quo.

    They are culturally progressive on race, gender and LGBT while supporting the class system, big state institutions and corporations, as well as trans-national institutions like the EU, IMF and WEF.

    The shitlib will join pro-EU demonstrations and BLM and make sure they have a photo of themselves for their ‘socials’, but not striking workers, and will recoil in horror at the louts who demonstrate against immigration or vaccine mandates.

    The Shitlib tends to be a class snob, referring to anybody who doesn’t have a degree as a loser, and will act in a superior manner for having a degree, a cushy job in public sector management or academia, and a flat in a city centre, despite their parents either paying rent or owning it outright. The Shitlib will likely never set a foot on a council estate in their lifetime, and perform exclusively white collar jobs in highly feminized offices. They will have all been on gap years, fully financed by daddy.
    They are the most privilieged people to have ever drawn breath, but will lecture a binman on his white male privilege, possibly launching intona tirade about their dustcart polluting the earth.

    They suffer eco-anxiety, support Just Stop Oil, worry about Arf-re-kuh and climate justice, but step over the homeless white people they see everyday in Brighton, Bristol and London.

    The Shitlib loves Obama and Kier, supports military ‘humanitarian’ operations overseas,, waves Ukrainian flags and thinks we should bomb Eussian convoys and send RAF Typhoons into Russian airspace, not understanding the potential consequences. They will welcome refugees while ignoring what led to them fleeing, the reasons so many are young men or the way in which services in the UK will struggle. They feel fully imformed on the situation in Syria after having read a few articles on the BBC, Independent and Guardian sites, and a film about refugees on Netflix.

    The Shitlib is a revolutionary in their own mind regarding the protests and attitudes they flirt with, calling every man and his dog ‘far-right’ (especially if the target is white and working class, AKA gammon) but ultimately they are good consumers and do as the government and establishment media tell them through the appropriate channels. They have gold-plated pensions waiting for them, after all.

    They are known by this name by both the left and right, because ultimately they stand for nothing beyond what their corporate and government oracles tell them is fashionable, and one hallmark of the shitlib is their monumental hypocrisy, coupled with insufferable arrogance and superiority complex.

    In Britain, they are often Blairites and Remoaners, and they fill our institutions from top to bottom, sit on QuaNGOs and local councils, NHS management, BBC production offices, as well as the Democratic party snd much of the broadcast media and press in the US.

    Shitlibs – hated by Left and Right equally.

  9. Jim Dale (Bacon)

    Professional Climate Change Worrier. Not the last remaining member of the Carry On team.

    And my word does the old bloodhound mug worry. The look is fawning cur after a swift kick in the bollocks. Pleading liquid eyes, flat boring midlands accent (very like the fun voice-over on the prostate ad), boat race composed of middle aged bags dragged down to the centre of the earth by gravity, large proboscis asking to be punched, a symphony of age, fail and decay. Pops up regularly on GB News as one of their token green lefties declaiming doom and global destruction.

    This time around was imported on a feed from sun soaked Thailand (land of ladyboys and little boys) to be asked about the latest hot weather in Europe around the Olympics. Clearly tanned – well reddened actually – and embarrassed to be reporting from Boyland but the appearance fee trumps all. “In my job I can work from anywhere” and had offset his travel “I volunteered to pay an extra fee when I booked my plane ticket”. GB News incredulous at the cunts woketude but then that was the reason for him being there, to be sneered at. Yours Truly gets sneered at all the time but seldom gets paid for it. 

    My tip to cool down Paris for the Olympics Monsewer Macron, forget trying to clean up Paris, get all the Frogs and dogs out to piss on the streets as normal. Ammonia is an effective refrigerant. Vous savez que cela a un sens (you know it makes sense)

    Infomash on the cunt:

    I know I have had Bond villains on the brain of late but surely…..

    Chief Meteorologist and Founder of British Weather Services, an advisory Think Tank at the service of Industry, Governments, GB News and other worthy bodies. If you wonder what happens to old weathermen when they have fucked up and vanish they go and work for Jim. Manchester born (a fucking Manky) hence the flat irritating Corry accent. Dropped his real surname (Bacon) along the way, always a dodgy sign.

On reflection I believe I must be in error. Surely this is the “Carry On” Jim:

  10. Amanda Holden

    I think that we all get a bit tired of seeing that skank Katie Price flashing her tits for the tabloids and making a proper bore of herself.

    It’s so refreshing therefore to see a bit more class and style being shown by Britain’s Got Talent ‘star’ Amanda Holden (53).

    None of that endless postering for the tabloids and soshull media. No being constantly photographed in a skimpy bikini or in a skirt with a slit up to her navel, flashing her knickers. No being seen braless in a tight top, nipples looking as though they’ve been iced down. No, she’s very reserved is our Mandy, as befits a mature 53-year-old woman.

    It makes a refreshing change, I think you’ll all agree.

    Amanda Holden is 53, and famous for being famous.

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