Important stuff

Whether you’re new here or whether you’re an old hand, this is how it works…

Nominations :

Leave the name of your nomination, and the reason why, on the nominations page by clicking the big red button on the front screen or ‘NOMINATE’ in the menu and, as soon as we can be arsed to do it, we’ll post the cunt for you.

We won’t write your cunt up for you, so if you can’t be fucking bothered, neither can we!

Some rules :

(1) Don’t nominate a cunt anonymously or use an eMoji for a name ‘cos it fucks up our spam filters and you’ll disappear and never see the light of day. Make up a name, you lazy cunts. Only snowflake cunts use eMoji!

(2) Our blog, our rules! So, we will decide who has enough cuntitude to deserve a good cunting.

(3) There are no donors. We don’t ask for donations and have no memberships or sign ins. Anyone can post comments and submit nominations that meet the criteria on this page.

Trolling :

We have a zero tolerance policy on trolling. All trolls are cunts, so of you’re a troll then just fuck right off! Don’t bother trying to use proxies because we can back track them and you’re less likely to get your first comment approved.

If you’re a first time commenter then your first comment will be moderated. After a first approved comment you’re in – so fill yer boots! We never publish your email address, but if we think you might be a troll then making up an email address is never gonna help convince us you’re not.

Don’t piss about insulting other contributors and commenters because that’s trolling. We review all comments, so behave or we’ll kick your arse out. We’re here to cunt the cunts of the world not to cunt each other, so piss off and don’t be a cunt!

Section 19 of the Public Order Act (1986)

It’s an offence to “publish or distribute any written material, which is threatening, abusive or insulting, if you are intending to stir up racial hatred, or if, in the circumstances, racial hatred is likely to be stirred up as a consequence”
This is a difficult area so please don’t be a smartass by referring to N!ggers or Dark Keys because you’re just being a cunt and it pisses us off

Furthermore, a similar offence of Incitement to Religious Hatred came into force on October 1st 2007

So if you’re moderated and an existing commenter, then it’s likely you’ve used a word that’s dodgy – like wog, nigger, coon, peado, queer, nonce. This is not acceptable unless proven to be accurate. To clarify, it is, for example, acceptable to call somebody a paedophile if they have been convicted in a court of law otherwise it is libellous.

Similarly threat or incitement to kill, injure, or maim anyone is open to criminal prosecution. Your comment will be reviewed and may be deleted. Continual behaviour in this vein could lead to you being blocked from the site.

If you’re not happy with this, then please feel free to fuck off somewhere else.

Now that’s all cleared up, we can get on with the deeply therapeutic naming and shaming of who you think are the world’s top cunts. Enjoy!