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Shabana mahmood

Our new justice Secretary..
Not that we have had any real justice in this country for as long as i can remember..

This genius has a ground breaking plan to stop the total breakdown of law and order by letting everyone out of prison..

Now why didn’t anyone think of that before.

Apparently the best way to stop people looting,smashing windows and setting neighbourhoods on fire… is to let the criminals out that have probably been incarcerated for the crimes above..

Still fuck public safety shabba ranks, I imagine your be safe enough..

I honestly don’t know if the Labour Party are gaslighting us or are that incompetent..

We should have the answer by Christmas..

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

David Lammy [17]

A cunting and two fingers for this lavatory blocker with his watermelon smile, who is arsehole crawling to the EU:

BBC News.

No doubt our curly headed babby wants shortening bread and Nancy Blair will give him some if he takes his “advice” and ensures we get BRINO followed by the second referendum he and his smug cunt of a boss wanted for the past eight years.

I can’;t wait for some international incident to crop up that is beyond the very limited capacity of this idiotic Foreign Secretary, to see him sacked and slink back to LBC where he can sit on his enormous arse pontificating.

Three days of this wretched government and I am fucked off already. If the Blair Tribute Band is the answer, everyone asked the wrong question

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

Cunts Taking Bikes On Trains

If you happen to use trains, you will know that they have limited spaces for bikes and cyclists are encouraged to book a space beforehand.

Despite this, nearly every time I get on a train, which is quite often, there is some sort of argument or commotion, where somebody or often a group, have turned up on the off chance they will get on with their bikes. This is particularly noticeable on weekends and bank holidays.

There will either be a heated argument with the poor cunt train manager who eventually tells them to sling their hook, or they wheedle their way on and then you get about a dozen bikes stacked up against the doors. There is rarely any consideration as to who is getting off first so whenever the fucking train stops, a sort of pantomime ensues and you may find muddy tyres rolling over your clothes, or get clouted around the head by a flailing handlebar.

It is usually middle class cunts, who look at you like you are covered in dog shite when you politely ask if you can get past, to get off the train.
I’m not usually in favour of increasing train fares but any cunt indulging in this behaviour should be made to pay an on-the-spot fine such as the equivalent fare of another person, but obviously a sound beating would be even better.

Nominated by : Mary Hinge

Deja Vu

Deja Vu is a cunt, is it not?. (Didn’t you just nominate this? – NA)

There are certain times in my life, I look back and feel a sense of disappointment, fear, foreboding. It happened in 1964 when I left the RN. It happened in 1990 when Mrs Thatcher was deposed by a bunch of wankers. It happened again last Thursday, when Anthony Blair’s ventrioloquists doll, Kweer Charmer got his capacious arse in the big chair at 10 Downing Street. The grinning moronic arsehole hasn’t stopped gurning since. The BBC go on about him like they used to fawn about Blair, although he is some kind of God, and they even managed to combine Kweer and the world cup on Wireless 4 this morning (just like Blair, his dummy loves football, but probably the pair of them still don’t realise there is more to football than sniffing Harry Kane’s jockstrap and the team bath.)

Deja Vu is a horrible thing – especially when you are taken back to the late 1990s, not a good time in anyones book.

There is so much to despise him for – brinming back expenses swindler Jacqui Smith, and the mincing Alan Milburn into government – just two old age pensioner Blairites, too weak and scared to ditch Rayner the cabinet bike. proposing either Mandy or David Miliband as the British Ambassador in Washington – one bent , the other in the closet (allegedly) – that will go down like a ton of shit with Donald Trump, who seems likely to be the next President.

But no surer sign of Starmer’s arselicking (apart from appointing Georgia Gould, daughter of Blair’s special friend, dead dad Philip Gould) as a minister only having got into Parliament last Thursday, is the revival of the disgusting money wasting PFI which built so many shit hospitals and dodgy buildings in Blair’s early days.

2024 is not the time to try the tricks of the late 1990s.

Morning Star.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

Film or Song Scientific Inaccuracy

If you are going to write a song or make a film involving simple science, at least get the fucking facts right. You might argue this is a somewhat pedantic cunting, but it`s just plain irritating.

Here are 3 embarrassing examples …

Film: The Wizard of Oz
[After the Wizard gives the Scarecrow his diploma, he says,] “The sum of the square roots of any 2 sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side.”
■ I would suggest the diploma awarding body needs investigating and the qualification withdrawn.
(The actual formula relates to a right angled triangle. Furthermore, the formula, as stated by our old mate Pythagoras, says the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two shorter sides equals the square of the hypotenuse (the longest side). Not the square roots and not an isosceles triangle. You’re welcome – NA)

Film: The Shawshank Redemption
… Andy is crawling through the sewage pipe, Red, in his narration says that he crawled through 500 yards to the end of the pipe … “just shy of a half mile”.
■ Yep, about 380 yards just shy.

Song: 9 Million Bicycles …
“We are 12 billion light years from the edge”; although to be fair, Katie Melua did issue an amendment …


Bonus: Anything that gushes out of Diane Abbotts mouth connected with numbers. Or anything else, for that matter.

Over to you cunters …

Nominated by : Sam Beau