I would like to put forward, if you’ll allow, a cunting that I believe most who frequent these hallowed pages will both understand and agree with, that being
Every Driver On The Road Is A Cunt Except Me.
Allow me to give examples which I hope you can add to
1. Scared of the speed limit Cunts – these cunts seem to take great delight in doing 40mph on a 60mph road, but then stick at fucking 40mph when entering a 30mph
2. The fuck me I don’t know where I am Cunts – these cunts creep along the kerb, threatening to stop, but never seem to, just fuck about looking for somewhere
3. The pull out in front of you then turn right Cunts – as described, these cunts pull out on you last minute, then immediately want to turn fucking right
4. The go in the outside lane at traffic lights then stick a right indicator on Cunts – so you’re waiting for the lights, and go behind a car in the outside lane, in the hope you can get a head of some coffin dodging cunt, then as the lights change the cunt in front sticks on a right indicator thus holding you up
5. Gormless Cunts – So you’re driving a long and see a cunt wanting to pull out of a side road, you do the decent thing from a distance and flash them, fuck all happens, so you flash them again, fuck all again, then as you get close the cunt decides to pull out forcing you to hit the brakes
6. The don’t like green Cunts – Another traffic light situation where the cunt in front decides to not move when the lights turn green, so after a round of fucks from your horn they finally decide it might be a good idea, they get through and the lights fucking change before you do
I know there are more, and when I go out later I’ll be cunting myself for not including another cuntitude I have encountered.
Nominated by : Dry Itchy Cunt