One orf the pleasures orf keeping up me connections with Brighton is conference time and the opportunities it affords for personal cunting. The Labour Party and its fellow travellers? What a shower orf cunts. Saw Keith Vaz slugging its way through the security zone and swear to God it left an oozy trail orf slime behind it and the Brighton seagulls tried to get a peck at its arse. “Vaz! You’re a cunt”. It simply slithered more tightly in to its shell.
Next up Claire Short looking very old and quite alone. Had a few kind words with the former member orf the awkward squad now dematerialized in to a ghost orf composites past haunting the seedy corridors orf old fashioned socialism. Whiffy old cunt on her. Nothing sadder than a cunt that knows it is a cunt and has gone to seed.
“Starmer! You’re a cunt”. Involuntarily turned to look at Yours Truly. “Starmer! You’re a twisted conked cunt “ – and he is too. Starmer followed by a gaggle orf cunts with EU flags wearing blue ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ T shirts. Card firmly marked.
Spent an hour or so mooching about spotting the new generation orf the goggle box “Oh it’s that cunt “ cunts. Cunts without names that one day, oh horror, may prove unforgettable. No sight this time aroinde orf The Dark Side, the Blairites and the Mandelson Sect but will be in a dark dungeon somewhere (Brighton has many) knotting and gendering. If that way inclined go here!
Always sad to see the old card carrying cunt socialists, older and fewer by the year. Did spot ancient little Walter Wolfgang being helped to stand near the venue. Cunters may recall how the decrepit old cunt was Sieg Heiled by security staff for daring to ask an unscripted question a few years back.
So back to me motor (disabled badge, only way to park in Brighton cunts) through the throngs orf party hacks and activists orf yesteryear, the blue suit brigade with their Conference badges, the baggy titted researchers nipped oit for a quick fag, cunts with leaflets supporting the Palestinians, a coupla vast dykes with silver bunny ears screaming while getting their arses and fannies licked by a local dog (respect to that dog). Not to forget the TERFS demo (Trans –Exclusionary Radical Feminists cunts).
Worth noting Old Bill oit in force and quite happy to allow Yours Truly to trundle me old shopper with drain rods sticking oit (looking remarkably like the barrel orf an H&K PSG 1) in and oit orf the security fencing .
Happy days.
Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke