Rollup, roll up and roll under for the Crown Prince of Habitual liars, Keir Rodney, devoted nephew to Uncle Tony and Aunt Mandy.
How anybody can take this shit-stain seriously is beyond imagining. Let’s take one example, which concerns me personally not a whit, but it does give me the chance to let you see the best photograph I have ever seen of Kweer which shows the arsehole up for what he really is. The only time the Daily Star has got it right.
Two years ago Kweer said he was going to “abolish student fees” so, naturally yesterday he RAISED them, Do we have to spend 4/5 years with this liar, or should we just reverse everything he says?
For Gods sake Angie, stab him in the back – at least we know you are an unreliable gobby Commie, and you might get rid of the poofter champagne socialists in the cabinet:
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
With supporting evidence of extreme cuntitude provided by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea
The dollop of shit otherwise known as the PM is a fucking anti-semite cunt.
Apparently he agrees with the communist/eezlambist ICC that the democratically elected Prime Minister Netanyahu should be arrested for war crimes:
Obviously there is no way the most righteous Israeli Prime Minister would want to visit a stinking jew-baiting dung heap of a nation like the UK, but should he choose to do so, I suggest he brings the IDF with him and flushes the filth from Downing Street. I would be wholly behind such a move. While he was at it, he could do us all a favour and sluice The Crystal and Palestra House from the river to the sea.
In case anyone is unaware, there’s a cracking petition going on now calling for a new General Election. It currently stands at just under 2.5M signatures and rising by the minute. By all means join in and let’s see how far the disaffected UK population can push this cunt – NA : Link To Petition.