

The BBC are monumental cunts…

Apparently that load of mockney shite, NeverEnders, had a scene recently which ‘showed the true meaning of Islam…’ Which basically means they churned out all the ‘They’re quite nice really’ and ‘Islam is the religion of peace, Ebony and Ivory’ fucking bullshit…

First of all, why is up to these cunts to spread this crap? Second, TV shows should not be used to spread social propaganda… Third, what the fuck do these IS cunts have to do to make these apologist cunts wake up? Drop a fucking atomic bomb?! Behead the Queen?! The mind fucking boggles!

Any excuse maker or apologist for these fuckers is as bad as IS themselves… And these BBC cunts should be wiped out with them…

Nominated by: Norman

Cunt of the Year 2015

Diane-Abbott-Quotes-5 copy

Well the votes are in and the panel of adjudicators has carefully considered all the candidates for the prestigious title of “Cunt of the Year 2015”.

It was a close run thing and we were tempted to award the title to Islam after adding together all the votes for the religion, jihadists, Islamic State leaders and extremists but we thought that would be unfair because if we did that, then the title would have gone to the Conservative Party. Interestingly, however, David Cameron did not receive a single vote!

The Royal cunt was Prince Charles. Entertainment went unsurprisingly to Bono. Special mention must be made for Chris Spivey who was disqualified for only pretending to be a cunt and for ‘too much effort’.

In fact the title was a dead heat between Dianne Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn who received equal votes. In the end we decided that Abbott should get the award as the real cunts were the people who voted for Corbyn rather than the man himself…

So congratulations to Dianne Abbott who receives the award of a bar of COTY soap which, if the rumours are to be believed, she is desperately in need of.

ISIS Apologists


ISIS apologists are such a bunch of cunts…

The tossers moaning about the bombing of Syria would probably have moaned about bombing Dresden in the last World War…

Of course the BBC’s Question Time is full of the knobheads… I wonder where all these do-gooding cunts will go when there is a major Islamic State attack on Britain?

Nominated by: Norman

ISIS Vandals

How can I shag this horse? Glorious Allah shows me the way. If I drill a hole for my cock here...

How can I shag this horse? Glorious Allah shows me the way. If I drill a hole for my cock here…

The swivel eyed ISIS wog camel shagging cunts have been hopping around and wanking orf while blowing to smithereens some orf the finest antiquities orf the ancient world, namely the temple orf Baal Shamin and other buildings at Palmyra dating back to the Bronze Age.

Extraordinary place. Got to saunter around it a bit during the desert campaign under that lanky cunt Archie Wavell v the Frogs. Correct cunts. Frogs fighting for Hitler. The Libya/Syria campaign was a particularly vicious show against the Vichy Frogs. Not much publicised at the time so not to antagonise our glorious Free Frog allies. Slap bang in the middle orf Syria and now surrounded by aforementioned ISIS wog cunts who use it to finance their scummy little schemes, genocide/world domination ect ect by flogging orf treasures piecemeal. Poor old Khaled Asaad, now Head(less) orf Antiquities at Palmyra having lorst his loaf after refusing to reveal after a month orf torture where the prize pieces were hidden.

In truth these ISIS cunts give our honourable calling a bad name. “How unfortunate, crimes against humanity ect ect, but we are powerless to do anything” bleat the limp listless liberal EU/ UN inbreeds like the Dutch, the Irish and the Dagos. Type orf cunt that will make a risk assessment before taking a piss in the desert. These cunts admit this is where huge chunks orf ISIS cashola is coming from aided and abetted by the world wide black market in antiquities fuelled by Chinko and Russkie money. Simple answer stop wasting time attempting to protect wog civilian cunts various and erect a ring orf steel around the ancient sites instead. Cut orf their money supply. You know it makes sense.

Be oit there meself quick as a wog up a camel’s arse if only I could find condoms big enough (for me shotgun cunts – keeps the sand oit me barrels).

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

The Chelsea Flower Show

Chelsea islam garden with dog

The Chelsea Flower Show needs cunting – more specifically the cunt who has created a garden for this year’s show entitled ‘The Beauty Of Islam’. I’m guessing it contains improvised explosive devices hidden in the shrubbery and a big central sculpture of a taxi driver raping a schoolgirl.

Nominated by: Fred West

Cannot see any topiary work of rapist taxi drivers, however, the trees look suspiciously young and well groomed…

Nominated by: Lez

Can’t see a taxi driver either – but that sculpture definitely looks like an IED and is that an ISIS recruiting poster in the foreground…?

Nominated by: Dioclese