Robert and Saskya Bush

Have Robert and Saskya Bush, the ‘brains’ behind Legacy Independent Funeral Directors, been cunted yet?

If not it’s about time that was rectified. We all know the story by now – a pair of (alleged) chancing grifters allegedly conned fuck knows how many people out of thousands at the most heart-breaking, vulnerable time of the lives in order to fund their poxy little motorbike habit.

They (again, allegedly) took what was supposed to be one last celebration of a loved one’s life for their clients, and turned it into a nightmare, all while showing absolutely no respect whatsoever for the deceased.

Indeed, they cared that little about the people they were meant to serve that they didn’t even bother to give them the correct ashes most of the time. If or when they are convicted, I hope they are shown no mercy by their fellow inmates.

What they did transcends regular cuntitude.

Daily Mail

Nominated by: OpinionatedCunt

Maid Programme (Assisted suicide)


Justin Castro proving he’s the west’s finest dictator yet again. I use to be pro choice on the assisted suicide topic but seeing the government overreach in communist Canada has put me right off it. I feel so badly for the father in this case, your daughter is physically fine but two pure bred cunt excuses of doctors have deemed autism and ADHD as passable for assisted suicide then the cunt of a judge doesn’t even ask about the conditions and passes it.

Considering how easy it is to misdiagnose those two conditions are it’s giving the government a machine gun to get rid of people it hates potentially. I can see the UK adopting this and considering being right or centre a mental illness and putting you down. Fuck the cunts in charge of Maid.

Daily Fail

Nominated by West Cunt-ry.

Dine and dashers


are cunts.

There are several things I really loath.

People who leave dog shit behind, especially those who bag it, and hang it on someone’s fence, or shrub.
There’s a place in Hell for you.

People who pile there unwanted items on the verges/footpath, because the rubbish fairy will take it away.

But dine and dashers deserve a special place in Hell, all of their own.

Working in this industry is hard enough, but dine and dash cunts really are the scum below the shit in the gutter.

Doncaster free press

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

The Alleged Plague of The Brown People

(The media have joined the dots, but refuse to tell the world – Day Admin)

Admin may I humbly suggest that this nom is achingly current putting the Sweden Gang Wars Murder Hotspot thingy in context..

In a universe far far from here a mutant breed of banished socialists met in the smoke stained back room of an Islington pub. Over a half litre of Directors Bitter the more squiggly eyed of them proposed a motion. A motion to End All Wars of a racist nature by eliminating all races and reducing our Once Great Nation to a one stop shop of Brown People.

Mix ‘em all up then prejudice, hatred and genocide – it all comes out in the wash innit. Then we can all move forward in a cohort of LGBTH+- ethnically neutral love and look back and forever blame Whitey for all ills.

So overnight there they are among us gaining strategic positions of power as the Mayor of London, the Welsh First Minister and First Minister of Scotland and as token presenters and back room leaders of the BBC. BeGod and BeJazus they even have one in Northern Ireland.

Belfast Live

The principle problem is that to a LGBTH+- person they are all, in my humble opinion, fucking useless at their jobs. Knife crime, well all crime really, is sky high in London, public services are being propped up by guess who in the so called devolved and bankrupt nation of Wales. Scotland is fucked and floating on drugs so even less likely to give us the pleasure of choosing Independence while they have their sullen jocko mitts stuffed up, guess where, the Bank of GB.

Now we focus our LCAR Viewscreens (as used in Star Trek) on Sweden which has the highest number of gun deaths in Europe. Come again (pun intended) the land of good old free love fuck me fillies with genuine blond hair, blond minge and blue eyes? The land of Wotan and Woke where all races and hatreds are welcome and paid for by the State?

Ah…a bit embarrassing this but hidden under the radar – well deliberately suppressed really – the Brown People have been knotting and gendering and rather than casting aside their difference as predicted by the Squiggly Eyed Wokos, they have been knifing, shooting and bombing all and sundry.

Racial Conflict has morphed into Gang Conflict all paid for the Drugs Trade. Woops, let us take an Abba Moment here, pull on our naff spangly tights and satin jackets and remember when it was so cool to deregulate drugs and see beyond race and appreciate the person?

Serve ‘em right you say? Well so do I.

Sky News

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

The Far Right (3)


We hear a lot about ‘the far right’ in Britain these days. Are you worried that your thinking might be deemed politically incorrect? Do you fear that you are, or are at risk of becoming, ‘far right’? Take our easy 10 point test now and find out if your fears are justified, simply answering ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the following questions;

* did you support Brexit?
* do you take pride in displays of the Union Jack?
* is multiculturalism a failed experiment that the British people never asked for?
* should the needs and rights of British people take precedence over migrants?
* does the state of Israel have the right to exist and defend itself?
* do you agree that freedom of expression is an inalienable right in the UK?
* is a man necessarily an adult human male, and a woman an adult human female?
* is ‘the climate crisis’ greatly exaggerated in your view?
* do you consider woke ideology and practices to be deranged?
* should Reform UK form the next government?

So how did you do? If you answered ‘yes’;
0 to 1 times. Congratulations! You are a bona fide member of the loony left; subscribe to ‘The Morning Star’ and an Owen Jones’ podcast today.
2-5 times. No need for immediate concern, but practice watchful waiting.
6-8 times. Your situation is becoming fraught. Seek urgent advice from the police about ‘checking your thinking’, and obtain counselling as soon as possible.
9-10 times. You are dyed in the wool ‘far right’. Avoid dinner parties and wine samplings in Islington and Hampstead at all costs, and don’t carry a copy of ‘The Daily Mail’ in public.

Nominated by Ron Knee.