هو العضو التناسلي النسوي NOT the United Kingdom

Apologies Admin – I don’t have a link to an article

Just a brief ‘ WHAT THE FUCK ! ‘ nomination.
I recently used the cashpoint machine at my local Asda.
I was greeted by a screen filled with Arabic text – advertising some Muslim bank.
I really no longer live in the United Kingdom.
It’s already started resembling downtown Iran
If I had the means and anyone (other than the British Government) would accept me, I would leave my home and country of birth, Tomorrow.
I no longer recognise my surroundings nor feel Safe.

Alas for my poor country …..

هو العضو التناسلي النسوي = Is a Cunt

Nominated by: Lord of the Rings

(Disclaimer – If this was a national thing it would reach the media or social media, but at present it hasn’t. Moreover, Asda has no control over ATMs and is therefore not responsible for its on-screen imagery or money dispensed – Day Admin)

The SNP-Scottish Greens Alliance


Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s Scottish Affairs Correspondent Ron Knee reporting. The nation has been shaken to its core to learn that the SNP’s power-sharing arrangement with the Scottish Greens has come to an end at Holyrood. I’m joined now by Lorna Slater, co-leader of the Scottish Greens, to get her view on things”

“Aye, an’ och aye th’ noo. Ah’ve allus said et, yae cannae trust thet cowardly wee cunt Humza Youseless as feir as yae coud throw ’em. Ra basturd’s dumped ra key climate change turgetts whit wuz agreed, an’ noo he’s dumped uz en oor erses. He’s chibbed Scortlund en ra erse”

“Er, hang on, why are you talking like that? You’re Canadian”

“Yer erse. Ah’m ah troo Scort, ken, mair then thet feckin’ tawser Youseless’ll ever be. Ra SNP’s feckin’ cooards, so they are. Ra traiturrs huv sold oot tae ra maist reactionary forces en ra cuntry”

“Oh come on. Everybody and his dog knows that these ‘climate targets’ were never remotely achieveable. They were totally unrealistic”

“Aye, wull, en ra Greens, we’s visionaries; we dinnae deal en realism”

“Clearly. Just for the record, who are these ‘most reactionary forces’ that you just referred to?”

“Et’s all them cunts whit drive ah car, and heat thair hames an’ cook food, an’ gae orn holidays awn planes an’ awfae stuff like thet”

“What, the Scottish people you mean?”

“Aye, them dim feckers whit dinnae ken whit’s guid fae ’em, an’ need uz tae tell ’em. An’ come tae thet, wha’ th’ feck ah youse deein’ travellin’ app here anyways, destroyin’ ra planet’s resources en ra process? *drops nut hard on interviewer* Feckin’ stitch thet, yer climate denyin’ ersehole”

“Oh Jesus, you’ve broken my nose. Somebody call an ambulance. This is Ron Knee, bleeding badly for IsAC, returning you to the studio”

Daily Record

Nominated by Ron Knee

Universal Credit Gang



Bet you all think this is a cunting for the above gang of scum.
But you`d be wrong.
No, I`m cunting the “system` which didn`t prevent it happening in the first place:
Clearly run by gen-z adolescent pre-pubescent clueless cretins and probably the same morons who run the admin for the NHS etc, etc, etc.
Oh – and they are all totally accountable to …
I rest my case, m`lAdmin.

It beggars belief C.A.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe


Failed spy Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe is finding freedom `difficult`.

What is it with some people who don`t realise when to just shut the fuck up and be very, very grateful for what they`ve actually got?

Solution? Easy: Fuck off back to the shit-hole you came from.

Oh, and get a job you can do, as you`re a useless fucking asset to MI6.


Nominated by Sam Beau.

Average speed cameras

These cash cows are a pain in my arse, my daily commute takes me through a section of these yellow perils.

Installed when road and junction improvements were happening, and set at the marvellous speed of 50mph.
On a road that is 70mph everywhere else..

Now my gripe isn’t with the cameras, it’s with the low IQ simpletons that seem to have no concept of what average speed means..

Every morning and night it’s the same scenario.. slow for the camera, then speed up, till said moron spots second camera then slams on brakes..
Repeat and rinse 3 more times..

Then you have the idiots that can’t keep a constant speed, I take it most of them have some sort of leg muscle wasting disease?

Maybe someone should invent cruise control…
Anyway personal rant over..


Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.