Alex Salmond [4]

Alex Fucking Salmond, is a little Fat obnoxious cocksucking smug Bastard type of Cunt.
A jumped up short arsed pie eating fucker who has the audacity to dictate to the rest of the United Kingdom.

Fuck right off you useless Nationalistic fake smily faced prick and take all your dole scrounging fried Mars Bar eating jocktastic fuckwitts with you.

Bunch of smelly unwashed thick as fuck animal shagging SNP Cunts.


Kimberley Hainey

Child murdering cunt Kimberley Hainey.

This septic haemorroid on the sphincter of humanity partook in Jockland’s favourite pastimes of recreational heroin use and living in squalor. After killing her son through neglect she left the poor cunt’s corpse to mummify for 8 months. 15 years fucking years for this atrocity? I’d prefer 6 feet of twisted natural fibre tied in a noose round her fucking fat cunt neck!

Total Scunt.

Nominated by Occam’s Razor

Alex Salmond [2]

I hate that cunt Alex “cunt of the fucking English speaking universe” Salmond, because he is a fucking racist English hating bastard.

Alex “scotch cunt of the century” thinks scrote-land is better off without “they english bastards”. Fuck off you cunt. There are 8 million cunts in scrote-land and 90% of them are either on the sick or on the dole. That would be the sick and the dole paid by the 60 odd million English who work and pay taxes. Taxes that go to the unworthy, racist, lazy sick bastard cunt Scottish. Fuck off Salmond. Time for the English to kick you cunts into touch, you fucking ungrateful, whinging, Scottish Cunt!

I had the misfortune to not be represented at Westminster by that Racist Cunt, while I lived in Aberdeenshire doing a job not Scot could be fucked doing. Salmond is a cunt. The SNP are complete cunts, and Scotland is full of of cunts who live off the the English, who they hate. Fuck those cunts. Get those cunts out of the UK. They need to be disunited, the total cunts. Fuck off you ungrateful scotish bastard cunts

Nominated by peter