The Smart Citizen Wallet

This is a social credit system currently being piloted in Bologna, Italy.

In essence it is a points system based on virtuous behaviour, such as using public transport, sorting out your rubbish and moving away from all forms of fossil fuels in favour of renewables.

In exchange for this “good behaviour” citizens will be rewarded financially or through goods and services (the exact details are still being discussed)

The pilot scheme is purely voluntary in Bologna, but is very similar to an ongoing scheme in China that has been running for years.

To take part it will be necessary to install an app to your phone or tablet in order to have a registered digital identity with the local government and its agencies.

The Citizen Wallet, is being backed by the EU Commission, and in particular, Ursula von der Leyen, who wants it to be used in conjunction with the “European Digital Identity Wallet”, which will store digitized information (supposedly including driving licence, health, social security details, employment, criminal record, banking, passport etc) of every citizen in the EU.

Inevitably, there are concerns about privacy, civil rights, freedom of movement as well as the logic that suggests if you don’t hop on board the “Smart Citizen Wallet” idea, then that makes you out to be a bad person with something to hide (possibly even cancelled for not being virtuous enough!)

In essence, the EU want to move ahead and insist that every EU citizen installs the app so that they can not only have all their personal details digitized and consolidated into one virtual “wallet” (database, to you and me). And if you’re a model citizen you will earn points, while those who do not “conform” will be stigmatised and possibly even fined for being naughty!

And from a technological point of view this means even more dependency on having a smartphone and the way it holds/interrogates not only what apps you have installed, but your contacts, photos, text messages, location, journey tracking, online purchasing, fingerprint and iris scanner authentication. The “wallet” just adds another level of electronic activity/scrutiny on your freedoms and choices.

The pilot scheme in Bologna is for the moment voluntary. But we all know what will happen once approved by the EU hierarchy. And despite Brexit/Brino, it wouldn’t surprise me if this EU policy is welcomed & implemented by Blow Job Boris and his No. 10 knob-jockeys!

The BL News Link
(Link provided by Part Time Admin – PTA in place of link no longer working)

Nominated by: Technocunt

Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP [5]

I hate this ginger Chris Evans lookalike wanker with a passion. MP for Brighton Kemptown (known as “Camptown” for obvious reasons) he is a dirty gay remoaner fanatic who wears his HIV positivity like a badge of honour. He is a very short tempered little fa**ot always getting himself into trouble, including getting thrown out of the House for grabbing hold of The Mace and going apeshit about not getting a re run of the Brexit referendum. This bumboy knows best you see and gets very angry when the lower orders don’t agree with him. This cunt is everything that is wrong with modern politics and needs a fucking good kicking in my opinion.

I can’t do links but I’m sure somebody can supply his classic “we’ll fight them on the beaches” speech from the 2019 election. That sums this piece of shit up perfectly.

Euronews Link
(Link provided by: Cuntybollocks)
(Second link provided by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff)

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

Tony Blair [26] – Still Alive Unfortunately

Like that one fart that is thick enough to cut with scissors, the one that simply will not dissipate on the air, it drifts back again demanding our loathing and disgust.

Yes, Anthony Charles Lynton Blah (Knight Commander of the Importuning Arrest) has bobbed to the surface of the slurry pit that comprises our public life like a decomposing turd, bloated with the gasses of it’s own rot.

And what wisdom does the cuntiest of all the cunts have to bestow on his lessers? Apparently, seventy-percent of our spawn should be sent to university. The residual thirty-percent or so can do absolutely everything else; what could possibly go wrong?

Just picture that one if you can. Seventy percent of the national youth armed with pieces of paper that once upon a time would have set them on course to Fat City, but now wouldn’t even serve as bog-wad.

Imagine their frustration and resentment when they’re flipping burgers despite being up to their tits in debt to obtain their BA in Lesbian Interpretive Dance, or their PhD on M’Bubabongo’s Basket weaving in Togo (Innit).

Blair did more damage to the UK University system than the Luftwaffe and it seems he’s not done yet. Skills? Practical abilities? Oh, fuck that shit, who needs those when you can run a country on fairy dust and good wishes.

What a cunt…

Spiked News Link

Nominated by: International Cunt of Mystery

(Edited for clarity – Day Admin)

And there’s this from Cunt Me In

Tony Blair
In case you didn’t know, today marks the 25th anniversary of the election of THE worst Prime Minister we’ve ever had. I really mean THE worst and I challenge anyone to show me a British PM or Monarch who did any worse.

Now where do I begin? Almost every problem facing our country today stems from the his Government.
– breakdown of social cohesion as a result of uncontrolled immigration – Blair
– creation of precariat graduate class of 50% of young people with worthless degrees expecting graduate wages – Blair
– long tail debt from taxpayer to private sector for white elephant PPP programmes that often don’t even work – Blair
– failure to repurpose the education system to cope with a new digital economy – Blair
– failure to stand up to federalists in the EU, leading to increased demands for more sovereignty in the country – Blair
– separatism in regions caused by increasing separation of legislation, culture and politics ; the direct result of devolution – Blair
– reduction in the quality of political discourse from proper debate down to soundbite vs gotcha moments + triumph of style over substance – Blair

These are all things he did as PM without mentioning his later grift and frankly despicable post politics career. He really is the absolute worst.

As with Barack Obama or Joe Biden, one asks oneself, ‘If this man had been hired to ruin his country, or was secretly a thorough-going Satanist, what would he have done differently?’

Spiked Online

Diversity Activists

Diversity activism is a cunt, isnt it.

Over in Yankland, Hopi Elementary school, of the Scottsdale Unified School District, recently held a fundraiser to benefit the school. They hired a local DJ called Kim Koko Hunter.

Stuart Rhoden and Jill Lassen, two diversity activists (!?) were looking at photos of the event and were horrified to see the DJ in Blackface. Clutching their pearls, the two ‘diversity in education’ advocates blasted the school and PTA, both publicly and privately, accusing the DJ of wearing “blackface” and consequently slamming the school for their alleged racism.

Quite right too. Disgraceful. Can’t be allowed.



There was only one problem; the DJ was actually black.


It’s almost as if these woke maggots are searching for reasons to be offended. What prompts somebody to become a Diversity in Education activist?
Being a cunt?

Daily Star News Link

Fox News Link
(Additional informative link provided by Part Time Admin – PTA)

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

and on the subject of “black faces”, here’s one from Liberal Liquidator

Blackface Blackface.

After the Jussie Smollett fake non-homophobic non-racist non-hate crime, you would have thought those pointing the finger would be more careful with their shit slinging, well you would be fucking wrong! Here is a pearler from Scottsdale, Arizona.

News Link

Yes it would seem that there are not enough MAGA hat wearing white supremacist Trump supporting Nazis to go around so now they have started accusing black people of wearing blackface. The pair of cunts who made the accusation work for the district PTA advocating diversity – not diversity of a working brain cell it would appear and will probably get a slap on the wrist and maybe some extra diversity training.

Personally if I was organising this fundraiser I would have gone with a professional and hired Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau.

“Ebony and ivory…..
Live together in perfect harmony”………..

Marc Griffin

This cunt has been up to a spot of tomb raiding. Interesting in that he has been following an ancient tradition dating back to the times of the Pyramids and beyond or more recently to Burke and Hare. No wish to enhance the cunt with a connection to the traditions of ages past but it is a thought.

Studying the mugshot helpfully supplied by Old Bill for a consideration (allegedly) what do we see? Obviously a dumb druggy cunt reeking of the nick with 60 previous, Griffin has the aspect of a villain not too far genetically removed from Neanderthal ancestors. What used to be described in more enlightened times as “born to hang”, now updated to “born to live on benefits”. He did three adjacent premises, a hairdresser, a cafe and an undertaker then nicked the keys to a hearse to make an inconspicuous getaway.

During its orgy of crime to get drugs money the cunt cut its hand and plastered its genetic fingerprint over premises various, broke into mortuary fridges, unzipped and rifled body bags (containing the mortal remains of the late lamented) to half inch jewellery and such items left by grieving relatives to accompany their loved ones to the next world. Happily the intellect of the local plod was not too overtaxed by the complexities of the case and Mr Griffin was duly nicked.

Outraged and heart broken relatives naturally and hacks given the gift of a “trail of blood” headline but let us be thankful that there are no reports of Saville like circumstances to the case. Granny’s pussy remains unviolated.

Daily Mail Link

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

(What is even more criminal is that this cunt has 60+ previous offences, but ends up with 2 years in the nick. These days a racist hate crime could earn you a heavier sentence!  – Day Admin)