Notting Hill Carnival

Crowds Flock To Notting Hill For 2011 Carnival

How about a half time cunting of the Notting hill carnival!
I’ll keep it brief:

Today is children’s day.
A special day for the kids to come down and enjoy the friendly Afro Caribbean culture.

So in honour of that, the crime ridden cunts have kept it clean:
As of 21.30 hrs on Sunday evening:

71 arrests
20 knives seized
4 stabbings
1 looking like its gonna be a murder.

You get that many of them in one place at one time and you don’t get any prizes for guessing the outcome.


Nominated by: Lord Ferrigno

Storm chasers


I’d like to nominate the people swept out to sea this week for a cunting. What did people tell you about climbing cliffs when the sea is rough due to high winds? Don’t do it. Did you listen? No. Are you dead? Yes. Do I have any sympathy? No.

Give these cunts a Darwin Award.

Nominated by: Chris Horner

Cunts who go swimming in the sea when there’s flags up saying don’t go in the water.
There’s plod on a loud speaker telling you not to go in the water.
There’s cunts getting dragged out of it left right and centre at deaths door.

Yet there’s still half brained cunts who decide to jump right in and make the best of it!

It’s Darwinism in its purest form if you ask me.
Too stupid to live…let them drown.

Nominated by: Lord Ferrigno

Naked Attraction


Bugger me (or not as the case may be) but yours truly has always regarded himself as a broad minded old cunt – minor public school, obligatory few terms at Eton before being sacked under a cloud then a decade or two tasting the fleshpots orf Europe and the Middle East before assuming the poisoned chalice orf inheritance, matrimony, progeny, stately home and servants. In short a well rounded old aristo who has seen it all and done most orf it.

But bugger me this telly fuckdoodle now orn Channel 4. Always been orf the belief that one lets the lower classes get orf as they are so inclined, keep a cap orn it so to speak so lorng as it is in private donchaknow. Really beyond the pale. Turns oit the host, one Anna Richardson is strapping orn the dildo for her ever loving partner and favourite orf this blog, Sue Perkins. More C4 crapdoodle necessarily follows. This “dating” show is played oit full frontal and full Brazillian (brings the tears to me eyes), and correct, not a pube to be seen (had a look at a 4K set in Curry’s just to be sure).

So full C4 then. Cut cunts and cock eyed cocks. Naked dykes and trannies, paraplegics and wooftahs, hairy marys and skins, the inked, the filed and clipped, all orf the rainbow nation orn display and looking for love orn HD TV. As we said in the ’60s. Let it all hang oit. A lot orf dangling. Fancy some horse radish on your beef ma’m?

Indeed me only complaint is that not all orf yours truly’s proclivities seem to be catered for. Must keep watching I suppose.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke



Plumbers deserve a cunting.

Just had one round today because the bath is really slow to drain, after him sucking in breath through his teeth he tells me I need the trap replacing and the pipe ‘snaked’ to clear the blockage causing the slow draining.

OK, I say, just do it, it needs to be done.

Straight away he comes back, it’s a certain type of trap which I need to go and get from the suppliers. Almost an hour later he comes back with the trap, he rips the old trap out, snakes the pipe clearing any blockage and finally fits the new trap.

Overall, 2.5 hours (1 hour sourcing the trap, cost of £8.20+VAT = under £10) and I get hit with a bill for £138.40.

Fuck me, being a plumber is a license to print money

Nominated by: Boaby

Nicola Sturgeon [10]


Sturgeon’s off again and warrants another nomination. The Scottish Government (aka SNP) has today published a paper predicting Scottish GDP to be between £1.7bn and £11.2bn per year lower by 2030 as a result of Brexit. It is based on a whole load of studies carried out by the Project Fear brigade before the referendum that only a cunt would still believe in.

Here’s an idea to boost GDP, Crankie – how about stop whining and go and get some trade deals? How about make Scotland more attractive to inward investment by resigning? How about reversing the decline in Scotland’s educational system since the SNP got into power? How about reducing public sector jobs in favour of private sector jobs? And how about accepting that we voted as the UK and the result, therefore, applies equally to all parts of the UK?

Hard to let go of the teat though, eh?

Nominated by: Harry Axwound