The G7


I worry about a group of national leaders meeting in Japan this week who can’t count to 7.

Formally the G8 until they took the oh-so-mature decision to kick the Russians out, there are now 9 national leaders in the G7. What?

Hang on though! Tusk and Juncker are there representing the EU! This makes the EU :

(1) The only ‘country’ with 2 representatives at the table

(2) The only ‘country’ there that isn’t actually a country at all!

(3) The only ‘country’ there who’s leader wasn’t elected

FFS! You couldn’t make it up!

Nominated by: Dioclese

Brian May [3]

Britain Badger Battle

Brian May is a tax avoiding cunt along with the rest of Queen. They shacked up in Switzerland for a full year to avoid UK tax.

Now its not actually that that pisses me off but rather the leftie bollocks he now spouts conveniently forgetting this tawrdry episode.


Nominated by: Vermin Cunt Spotter

Tim Healy


Seems the seedy old cunt of an actor is suffering from a mystery illness and shortly in danger of becoming a dead actor cunt. Frankly how he survived so long married to ol’ Welchie is the biggest mystery.

Fit enough to fly his arse back from Benidorm to the UK to take advantage of our wonderful NHS though. Perhaps the junior doctor cunts will finish him orf during one of their strikes?

Time to say “Auf Weidersehen Pet” perhaps

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

Patrick Stewart [3]


It is high time that that fucking ignoramus actor luvvie cunt Patrick Stewart was cunted again.

He has always been on the radar of cunts but he has overstepped the mark with his latest ‘comedy’ video in which he claims ( this is the serious part) that it was the European convention on Human rights which gave us in the UK , the right to a fair trial, protection from torture and the criminalising of domestic violence amongst other things. FFS !!!! This is the latest in the brainwashing of the populace to have them think that none of these things existed before ECHR.

A similar strategy is underway with the EU. The EU won peace in Europe don’t you know. Fucking cunts and useful idiots like Stewart are at the heart of this fucking nonsense.

Nominated by: Vermin Cunt Spotter

Angela Merkel [4]


I’ve Just been reading in the Daily Express (don’t judge me) the ‘real’ reason that Merkel wants the UK to remain in the EU. Apparently, a Kraut bank has estimated that if we do leave, Germany will lose around £35 BILLION. That loss will seriously fuck their economy. If that happens, it will fatally fuck the EU, because it will mean that the EU’s top TWO financial contributors will no longer be contributing. The UK because we’re no longer members, and Germany because they’ll no longer be able to afford the payments. Greece will no doubt love the Irony of that one.

I feel sorry for the ordinary German people, but Merkel deserves everything that would happen to her. She’s a nasty, fat, arrogant piece of shit, who thinks she owns Europe. That’s why she invited EVERY refugee on the planet to Germany, without thinking about (or asking) the other countries they would have to get through to reach Germany. She didn’t even bother to ask the German people, calling her “damned duty” to help refugees. A couple of years ago, Greek protesters mocked up pictures of Merkel as a Nazi, they weren’t far from the truth.

The Nazis were left wing socialist bell ends, who thought it was their destiny to rule the world. Merkel has acted in exactly the same way with the EU.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw