The SNP [3]

Newly elected SNP MPs at Houses of Parliament, Westminster

The SNP are fucking hypocrites. They insist on having a say in things that have absolutely nothing to do with them, but if the UK parliament insisted on having a say on matters that were solely Scottish, they’d be screaming blue murder. I reckon they’re causing trouble on this issue because they’re hoping that if they fuck up an important English/Welsh issue, then the English and Welsh will start to call for Scotland to be kicked out of the Union.

Last Scottish referendum should have been open to all the nations in the Union. Then the SNP would have had their ‘independence’. Even though they wanted to put themselves under the boot of the scum in Brussels. The thing is though, Scots Nats are so thick, they wouldn’t have had a clue how to run their cuntry. And no, that’s not a spelling mistake.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

Remaking Porridge


More Beeb cuntery… The twats want to remake Porridge… With Fletch’s grandson in the nick for computer hacking…

For fuck’s sake, is that all they can think of? Porridge was of its time with excellent scripts, actors and characters… All leading players from the series are now dead, so expect piss poor copies of McKay, Barrowclough, Godber etc… Also, a little cunt in for computer hacking in an all mod cons holiday camp modern prison is not the wide boy stuck in a shithole 70s jail, is it? Hardly the same earthiness to it really… I also don’t see how it could work…

A modern comedy in a men’s prison that will obviously be ridiculously PC and full of the token multiculti and gay characters… It’ll probably be like Mrs Brown’s Boys behind bars… Porridge was a man’s show, but this won’t be….

Nominated by: Norman

Posted in BBC

Harry Clarke


Harry Clarke is a prize cunt…

This is the cunt who was ‘unconscious’ when his bin wagon veered out of control on 22 December 2014, killing six people…. A recent inquiry report states that he repeatedly lied in order to gain and retain jobs and licences…So if the lying bastard hadn’t been so selfish and stupid six innocent people would be preparing for Christmas (which is what they were doing when he killed them) and several families wouldn’t have been wrecked…

I am not interested in ‘health issues’ or how sorry Clarke is… He should be in HM Prison Barlinnie, the murdering fat cunt….

Nominated by: Norman

Amber Rudd


Amber Rudd (Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change) is a cunt.

The woman is a 5th columnist from J.P. Morgan, acting for vulture capitalists to destroy the UKs native infrastructure to make sure the globalist 1%ers maximize profits on fuel, energy and even the air we breath.

The cunt is closing all our coal-fired power stations (that used to burn our own coal – we have at least 4000 million tonnes ion reserves – but presently import coal because the Lib/Lab/Tory party has closed all the mines out of hatred for miners and for under the table cash from foreign coal exporters), and has dictated imported gas has to be used to generate electricity in place of all the coal-fired power stations, by 2025.

Coal provides 30% of the UKs energy needs and there are over 30 coal-fired power generation stations still in operation. Dozens of gas-fired power stations will need to built to make up the shortfall in supply (obviously, given the filth we have in parliament, by foreign companies awarded ludicrously generous contract with zero risk and obscene profits guaranteed for the next 50 years, by venal MPs.

The fucking irony is that treated emissions (scrubbed smoke etc.) from a coal-powered power station have less ‘greenhouse’ gasses than a gas-powered power station.

So expect a kilowatt of electricity to be £5 by 2025 (with a surcharge of £10 for carbon trading and to subsidize fuel bills for the rich).

I wouldn’t be surprised if Amber Rudd sold the air we breath to J. P. Morgan so it could charge us all 50p a lung full.

Nominated by: Delroy

John Lennon


John Lennon was one of the most overrated personalities in one of the most overrated bands of all time.

Lennon was the Jeremy Corbyn of pop music – a shambolic, whining, perennial sixth-former posing as an intellectual who pretended he could cut through all the bullshit, but ended up being one of the biggest bullshitters on the planet. An empty vessel for the frustrated hopes of the culturally, politically and intellectually handicapped, a monumental fucktard who offered nothing but cuntitudinous platitudes for mass consumption.

Just as Corbyn might have retained some shreds of credibility had he remained a rebellious backbencher, so Lennon should have abandoned all pretensions he had to be anything more than a second-rate guitarist in a third-rate Hank Williams-Buddy Holly-Chuck Berry tribute band. But the cunt could never decide if he wanted to be Spike Milligan, Pete Seeger, Jesus Christ or a conceptual artist and ended up being none of them. He was just an overrated fucking cunt.

Originally I’d thought of ending this cunting with the words “Chapman did the world a favour”, but, on balance, Chapman’s actions only succeeded in 1) martyring the cunt, 2) elevating Yoko Ono into the role of Lennon’s Representative On Earth, and 3) robbing us of the opportunity of seeing Lennon exposed in later life as the talentless fraud we knew him to be. So maybe Chapman should be cunted too.

Nominated by: Fred West

Any cunt who writes ‘Imagine no possessions it’s easy if you try’ before fucking off on tax exile to live in a fucking mansion across from Central Park has got to be a monumental cunt. However the public who fell and continue to fall for his bullshit are Mong cunts of a gargantuan order.

Nominated by: Vermin Cunt Spotter