Federica Mogherini


Federica Mogherini. A name you may not know, but a name you should know.

She is the EU’s Head of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. And this is what she said:

“Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history, in our culture, in our food and – what matters most – in Europe’s present and future”.

I wonder if this view will be publicised during the EU referendum campaigns? Somehow I doubt it

This is not just as nonsensical as saying that non-European Australia belongs in the Eurovision Song Contest, it’s FAR more dangerous. And for this reason alone she deserves a big fat urgent cunting.

Nominated by: Fred West

Talk Sport Radio


‘Talk Sport Radio’ – Gawd help us!

For a start, by sport they mean football because thats what its about for 95% of the time. You can tune in any time of the day or night and there are fuckin’ idiots phoning in talking about ‘flat back fours’ or ‘making a run from the back’ or’ diamond formations’.

They take it so fuckin’ seriously. I really think the presenters must think to themselves ‘who are these fuckin idiots?’ but on the other hand they are keeping us in a job.

Its absolutely dire!

Nominated by: Ozmandias

Storm naming

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I want to cunt the piss stain who decided it would be a good idea to start naming storms.

So far we’ve had Storm Abigail and Storm Barney. I’ve written to the Met Office demanding that they name the next one ‘Storm Cuntflaps’.

It’s due to start with a C anyway.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

John McDonnell [2]


Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell (yes, that really is him in the photo), is a pissant of the first water!

The uneconomic cunt bangs on for weeks about the poor downtrodden working man being screwed by the wicked Tories cutting tax credits. Osborne does a U-turn and scraps the cuts and what does McDonnell say?

Does he say “Well done, Chancellor. Thank for listening”? Does he fuck! He quotes Chairman Mao, throws a little red book at Osborne and the accuses him of backtracking on his plans to cut the deficit.

What a total, complete absolute fucking cunt the man is!

Noninated by: Dioclese

Lionel Messi

FC Barcelona v Bayern Munich - UEFA Champions League Semi Final First Leg

Lionel Messi is a cunt…

I’m not disputing the lad’s talent, but the hype he gets is absurd… Not to mention him being FIFA’s favoured child (how he won player of the 2014 World Cup, I’ll never know)… Sure, he’s good with the ball, but opposition defenders aren’t allowed to touch him, he plays on pitches that are like carpets, he plays with a lightweight ball and boots, and players are always so respectful to him (ie: they kiss his arse)…

What Messi does not do is play on pitches that are frozen rock hard or mudbaths, play against the hardest and dirtiest players (Hunter, Yeats, Bremner, Chopper Harris etc), he doesn’t play with a heavy duty leather ball and with heavy boots, and he’s also never shagged a Miss World…

Messi better than George Best? My arse…

Nominated by: Norman