The Fourth Reich


Now I am the first to admit that Nick the Gwik is a lazy conniving type orf cunt but this whole Grexit hoopla is beyond the pale.

Why should the fucking krauts decide who should be in or out orf the Euro. We fought and allegedly won two world wars to keep those cunts in their place. What we joined was the Common Market and not a Nazi old boys club run by Merkel and Juncker.

All the german domination of Europe has achieved is a dose orf salts through the markets which now resemble the doorway of a Hamburg knocking shop on a Friday night – piles orf piss wet knickers coated in beer and shite.

So the krauts got tough with the Greeks. How joyful that they have only managed to destabilise the Euro and the EU.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke



I am now sick to the back teeth of cunts everywhere that think it is their god given right to get stuff for free out of people who work for a living. If you’re too thick or too lazy to do an honest days work, please do the world a favour and fucking top yourself, you useless cunts!

Be it the cunt in the street who sees me lighting up a cigarette and swerves over the pavement trying to scrounge one off me with a cheery “Scuse mate, have you got a spare fag for me”? and then instantly follows it up with a mouth full of abuse when they get directed to the nearest tobacconist (20 Bensons are £9.30 FFS! I guard these things like I would guard a pallet load of cash!).

The irritating chuggers (charity muggers – AKA chunts) that now litter every high street in the kingdom , who bound up to you and block your path, trying to get you to sign up to some direct debit charity bollocks that I wouldn’t give to in a million years.
I have found that the correct response to “Excuse me Sir, do you have a minute to talk about the abused children of Pakistan”? is in fact “No, but I do own a nine stone Rottweiler and a frighteningly short temper and I’m happy to introduce you to both of them, now get the fuck out of my way!”

What really brings this to the fore is that where I live, we have scrounger’s corner. This is the place that every pisshead, junkie and sad act cunt seem to congregate on a rolling basis looking for handouts from the unwary leaving the local supermarket.

Well, I am fucking wary and fucking weary of the bullshit sob stories trotted out by useless cunts trying to part me from my hard earned.

Yesterday’s little gem was some scrote giving me a pile of steaming shit about having ADHD, OCD and numerous other imagined illnesses along with the “I used to live in Manchester and if you can give me a bit of cash I can get back there to my family……..I haven’t eaten in eight days.”

This cunt got directed to the nearest hospital with a two fingered salute and a hearty “Now fuck off!” The cunt didn’t even have a Manc accent. Stupid prick!

Last weekend one of the regulars who doesn’t seem to realise that she has now tried to scrounge off me in three separate locations, tried the “I’ve lost my purse, can you give me some money to get home” bullshit.
She is quite convincing with a panicked look, also direct and to the point. I have to give her that.

What she forgot is that when I asked her where she lives, this time it was Richmond. Last time I saw her was in Victoria station and all she needed was £80 for a train ticket to Bolton, where her family live. I pointed out that trains to Bolton don’t go from Victoria and that she would be better off getting a coach as these are much cheaper. That was met with a tirade of four letter abuse.

Frankly put, I hope they all die screaming, as they get their head stamped on by a gang of hoodrat cunts.

Nominated by: Odin’s Balls

Doctors and Nurses


I fucking hate Nurses and Doctors!! If I every go on a killing spree the first cunts to go will be those two self important cunts.

Classic shit Scumbag doctor’s say “Oh your in glorified pain heres a advil You goddamn junkie”. “Oh your feeling suicidal and can’t handle life anymore and you want a valium sorry those medications are dangerous and we don’t use those anymore in fact we don’t use medications anymore at all just anti-depressants that make you more suicidal sorry”

Doctors have to be the biggest Scumbags in the world. Fucking Nonce Cunts.

Nominated by: Titslapper

Posted in NHS

Kanye West (2)


If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Kanye West, I would shoot Kanye West twice…

Funny to see all them wankstains at Glastonbury: all those white English folk singing along to Kanye Kunt’s set, and then all the furtive looks and awkwardness when it came to the ‘N’ word….

Nominated by: Norman

Florence & the Machine


Florence And The Machine are cunts…

Overhyped, tuneless, ‘this is the best British music can do’ shite… They’re not even really a band… Just that ginger bird squawking with backing musicians… Everyone’s wetting their keks because she/they are playing Glastonbury (Yah! Super! Daddy’s paying!)…

Anyone would think they were Jefferson Airplane or Blondie (circa 78/79)… And that version of ‘You’ve Got The Love’ is fucking cack…

Nominated by: Norman