Jaw dropping


People who use the term ‘Jaw dropping’ are total wankstains….

Like ‘That was a jaw dropping guitar solo.’ Some cunt on a Doctor Who fansite (full of cunts since Davies and Moffat) said ‘The Daleks going upstairs was jaw droppingly terrifying.’ For some reason I wanted to knock the cunt’s teeth out…

Now that would be jaw dropping!

Nominated by: Norman

Womens World Cup


FUCKING women’s World Cup!!!

Football, rugby, cricket – who fucking cares? Watch them, they’re shit in all three events. Don’t even get me started on tennis where the screaming cunts feel they should be paid the same as a man when they don’t even play the same fucking game. Best of three sets for £1m!!!! CUNTS!!!

As for the cunts that promote this shit all over the press and TV they should be ashamed of themselves. Stick to netball and hockey which are WOMEN’S sports or at a push golf where at least the women can compete to some degree with the men!!!

Nominated by: Cunty Cunterson

Apparently there’s a BIG GAME tonight? Not sure what because as far as I can see it’s just some cunts kicking a ball.


Nominated by: Dioclese

The BBC [3]

I Love Our BBC

Can I nominate people who reckon the BBC isn’t biased to the left for a cunting? The current argument seems to be “well, the Tories won [you can hear them sobbing into their muesli], so we can’t be biased”. I can watch an advert for cat food and see it for what it is, without having to rush out and buy a tin of Whiskas. You patronising lefty fucking CUNTS.

Nominated by: Guardian Hater

There are two conflicting biases at work at the BBC:

Obviously programme-makers – directors, writers, actors etc – tend to be lefties, we all know that, but this bias isn’t reflected in their programmes. You couldn’t argue that Call The Midwife or The Great British Bake Off has a crypto-Marxist agenda.

BBC News on the other hand has a clear pro-Tory agenda. Their coverage of the election campaign showed a pro-Tory bias that was clear for all to see – in the fact that Tory announcements always led BBC news broadcasts and were hardly ever balanced or rebutted by comments from other parties (unlike Labour/LibDem/Green/SNP announcements whcih were immediately trashed by Tory candidates); in the fact that Chicken Dave’s interview with his Eton chum led BBC news broadcasts (instead of being relegated to the PPB slot as all the other leader interviews were); in the fact that Tory announcements were rarely – if ever – challenged or questioned by BBC reporters or journalists (unlike announcements from any other parties), just routinely swallowed and presented as ‘facts’. But then of course BBC Head of News James Harding is a former Murdoch editor, so a pro-Tory bias is probably just second nature to him…

Maybe the BBC are labouring under the massive delusion that a pro-Left bias among programme-makers cancels out a pro-Tory bias in their news reporting? If so, then the BBC is a massive cunt for failing to grasp the concept of impartiality.

Nominated by: Fred West

Posted in BBC

Cunts that, like, like cunts like…



That’s a word that you should be able to shoot people for abusing. “I was, like, going, like, to the, like, shop, but I, like, realised I’d, like, forgot my, like, wallet.

In fact forget shooting the fuckers, they should be, like, burned at the stake, like!

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

Stupid Tourists


I see a report that two stupid tourist cunts have died. As well as all the Greif Jackers sending their RIPs and Too Young to Dies all over the media.

One, some stupid american leaves a window open during a “Routine Drive”in a Lion Park in South Africa. A meter away she winds down the window to get a photo and the Lion does what it supposed do, – mauls the cunt.

Next – The backpacker inquiry into how a year or so back, a backpacker can “fall off a canyon ledge” in the center of Australia. Simple answer? You don’t, unless you fucking choose to. And, when all the guides and mates have removed selfies and posts of themselves hanging off an edge – isnt it obvious?

In addition to those that swim in Shark Beaches, Crocodile Areas and go missing fishing off rocks, why do these cunts think they are exempt from Nature?

Least we forget of course there’s cunts that fall off balconies.

They all should be nominated for Darwin Awards, not an Obituary the cunts.

Nominated by: King Cunt