Last night I watched a show called ‘ Britain’s Hidden Wars’.
Hosted by Baldrick it covered the Mau Mau uprising in 50s Kenya.
But lo and behold!
The Mau Mau (who massacred black women and children) are nowadays brave freedom fighters against the hated English who are worse than the nazis!
Baldrick couldn’t be impartial,
It was obvious were his sympathies lay.
The program itself was good having ex Mau Mau terrorists talking and footage from the uprisings.
Well Baldrick,
I came away with a different opinion altogether.
I think that colonialism was good.
I think we should of if anything been harsher on them.
One fact that Baldrick didn’t cover, and I know,
Being a intellectual.
Is that Idi Amin fought the Mau Mau for the British in the King’s African Rifles.
Winning a medal for bravery.
Well done Idi.?
So Baldrick,
Do your fuckin research better you traitorous little virtue signaller.
(Link provided by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff)
Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt