Tony Blair [12]

Tony B.Liar is the pinnacle of cuntishness!

Wickle Timmy Farron has nothing on this cunt in the cunt stakes!

From 1997-2007 this cunt ruined the UK and who only got out when he did because he probably had the “inside line” on the impending world financial collapse. Snakey cunt!

When Labour took over in 1997 – under this cunt – the Connies had left the economy in a decent state. When the Connies (and LibDem hangers on) got back in, Captain Scarlet (Alistair mono-brow Darling) left a note in the treasury dispatch box: “Good luck! There’s nothing left!”

That is the disaster that was “New Labour” with the “Old Labour” mantra of borrow-spend-borrow-spend…repeat.

I have no issue with public spending when it is to serve the whole of society with infrastructure projects and the like but “New Labour” spending was a master class in pissing money away on pointless exercises and – most gauling of all – the undeserving! Don’t want to work? Fine “New Labour” will provide by taxing folk prepared to work and then borrowing from the state when other people’s money had run out!

Instead of forcing lazy cunts into work to do these jobs that “nobody else wants to do” with a carrot and/or stick (whichever you prefer) legislation of “no work, no money” he instead allowed the bone idle to live well courtesy of Benefits Britain.

However some cunt needed to do these jobs and so that was easily solved – courtesy of “New Labour” – by letting every other cunt from the EU backwoods come over and do them!

Who cares if we overburden housing, education and the NHS in the long term…not our Tony that’s for sure. And here we are with the immigration nightmare that we have now – all under the tenure of the Right Horrible Tony B.Liar!

Now this cunt is back and looking to get back into ruining the country’s economy all over again. And all so he, and his untrustworthy mob of hangers-on, can sup at the teat of the EU!

That’s all this is B.Liar YOU CUNT! You didn’t give a shit about this country during your tenure, you care less about it now (interfering with democracy), this is all about lining your pockets, the pockets of your minions and your QC wife at the expense of ordinary folk fed up with cunts like YOU! Cunts like EU!!!

Hey Tony, why don’t you just fuck right off with your interference and give this country a chance to be great in its own right again without having to pander and cowtow to those uber-cunts in the EU!

No one wants to see your miserable fucking face on TV let alone anywhere near the House of Commons or House of Lords, so please take this as a friendly hint from a hard-working average Joe, FUCK OFF YOU CUNT! You’re no longer welcome in any political capacity in this country. Cunt!

Nominated by Rebel without a cunt

After beavering away behind the scenes to derail brexit I see ISAC hall of famer Blair has popped his head over the parapet, according to him the EU would do a deal on freedom of movement as long as we stayed in the EU?, a clear effort at divide and conquer, FMOP was a big driver for the leave vote and blairs intimation that the EU would do a deal is cynical and has Brussels dabs all over it, i personally I don’t buy into any of it….

Nominated by Quislings

I believe that Tony Blair is the biggest cunt alive.

There are evil cunts on a par with him but they eventually go away.
Some voluntary, but not this cunt.

Saying brexit nearly made him reenter politics, but he never, so why is he discussing brexit with EU leaders ?
Also, i find it patronizing that he thinks we’re that thick that this mass murderer and all round bad guy thinks we need him to save us from ourselves.

Tony Blair, biggest cunt alive.
Maybe ever ?

Nominated by Birdman

Tony Blair (11)

Mr Tony Blair runs a well oiled machine..He is slick and he has all the skills that are required to ease back into the limelight. He can purchaser’s power, he can pull strings, and above all, he can rely upon the support of the Braun Cow of Deutschland.

The trivial matter of a British electorate who are diametrically opposed to Blair’s return will NOT hinder this mans progress.
Democracy will be set aside , a fanfare will sound, and the Different”Hosannah”, and the laying of palm fronds will herald the arrival of the antichrist.

Votes and demonstrations will not stop this man, he is evil incarnate. A “cunting” no matter how well deserved is quite insufficient in this mans case, only a visit from the “peaceful ones” can end his reign.

Isis….Isis…where are you now?

Nominated by asimplearsehole

Tony Blair [10]

I’d like to nominate Tony Blair for a cunting.

His utter contempt of the British people as being “too thick to decide” with regards to Brexit (and that cuts both ways against those wishing to leave as well as those wanting to remain) just exudes everything that is wrong with him and his faux left-wing cronies, i.e., “Ours is the party of the people! Now let us dictate exactly how you live because you cannot be trusted to make any decision for yourselves. Power to the people! We just don’t expect you to use it, we’ll do that for you.”

The conceited superiority of this cunt really needs slapping down! And would he have been so vocal had the result gone the other way? His way, the gravy train for him and his cronies way?

It’s no secret that Tony B.Liar had designs on the top seat in the EU with all of his toadies in tow like Mandy Mandelson and Alistair Campbell, which halted as the WMD scandal hit.

But now the cunt is back and is shilling for another seat in the EU and his vehicle is to rabble-rouse the remoaners into kicking off (not that they need much of an invitation), even after parliament has now decided and passed through that Article 50 should be invoked (House of Lords aside – another nest of unelected cunts).

The cunt has obviously been promised something from Juncker, Tusk or Verhofstadt to attempt to derail democracy because once invoked in the UK they’re bricking it that their house of cards will collapse all over them! And let’s face it, that would be no bad thing, unless you’reof the ilk of Tony Blair and his cronies!

Tony Blair, you are a cunt. An educated lawyer type of cunt (to worm you way out of shit with your smarmy legalese) but when it came to Brexit yours was one vote. When it came to Brexit, mine was one vote.

Your vote does not count more than mine just because you are a cunt of undefined proportions!

Nominated by Rebel Without a Cunt

Tony Blair (9)


!!!Emergency Cunting!!!

The war criminal and alleged sex offender Tony Blair is at it again. In an interview with that pop up rag “the new european” he has said remoaners are the “new insurgents” and should organize to overthrow the democratic will of the people. Remember he also said in a previous interview that he may return to front line UK politics.

Cuntitude on a previously unseen scale, even for him and he sets a very high bar indeed.

Nominated by: Skidmark Eggfart

Tony Blair [8]


Whille we’re on the subject of Labour scum. Blair has once again stuck his head above the parapet. As we know, we need to negotiate our new relationship with the Fourth Reich over in Brussels. As we also know, this will be pretty complex. So, up pops Tony Blair, like the eternal foul stench, once again pretending to be our saviour and offering his services as a negotiator.

Apart from the fact Blair is a filthy, murdering, money whore, lying, arrogant, ignorant, dishonourable, dishonest, conniving, warmongering, bloodthirsty traitor. He never does ANYTHING unless there is something in it for Tony Blair. His chances of a cushy job in Brussels have been shot to shit, so I can only imagine that Blair considers this an opportunity to once again raise his profile and be seen as some kind of hero. He seems to need the adoration of the public. The big problem he faces, is that everyone on Planet Earth knows that he’s a massive cunt.

Still, he can’t resist the opportunity of taking part in a high profile negotiation. Whoever turns out to be our next Prime Minister, their first job should be telling Blair to fuck off, and shove a live hand grenade up his arrogant arse. Let’s not forget, it was Blair who gave up part of our rebate on the money that the EU steals from us each year.

Though not for much longer…

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw