Feminism was always stupid. It was always destructive.
I like Pearl Davis. She’s so honest. She talks about ‘chicks’ who are 10. Yes rating their beauty AS IMPORTANT in women’s lives. She has no truck with ‘the leader she can be’. No, it’s all back to basics with Pearl. The basic of beauty.
She says of herself she’s a 4 which is brutally honest.
She calls out women who think they’re higher than they really are. Comical pudgy black girl on one shows- ‘I’m a 10’.
But she goes deeper. ‘Body count’. She says it still DOES concern most men how many women his potential wife has slept with. That was dismissed by feminists but really deep down it matters.
There was a girl on another programme. A single mother. A ‘trad’ guy told her the truth that she was way down the list of potential wives for a successful man. She left the studio in tears. She never realised see. That’s because she has been lied to all her life by radical feminism.
Back to Pearl and her ‘truth bombs’. You’re out of the market (for a successful man) at 25. Modern women don’t know how to cook. When a woman becomes CEO of some company ‘they run it into the ground’.
Feminism has been the ruination of women.
Just what comes to mind -is there anything sillier than listening to a ‘career woman’ talking seriously about her work?
Women in the military, police is just daft. We all know that they are for no REAL reason. We’re indulging them.
Equal pay was worth fighting for I suppose. But even that I don’t like.
It unbalanced the family.
Women instead of being empathetic and supportive and nurturing have become hard and hateful.
1 in 3 women have has abortions in the West. One woman on a video saying an unborn child as a ‘parasite’.
Inked up to the eyeballs almost.
Germane you’ve got a lot to answer for.
Nominated by Miles Plastic.