Karl Marx [2]


Karl Marx was a cunt.

Along with every other middle class already moneyed hypocrite and cuntish student who thinks of the “Father of Modern Socialism” as some kind of fucking god. The trouble with Socialism is not, as the Empress Maggon (cunt) said, that you eventually run out of other peoples money. The problem with Socialism is that you never meet any working class Socialists.

I’d have “strong Socialist principles”, if I could afford them….

Nominated by: Mr Bastard

Hugh Laurie [2]


Hugh Laurie is an absolute cunt.

Sure he was fine in blackadder but these yank shows he’s doing are piss poor. A vicodin pill popping bellend a medical genius who leads a team of other diagnosticians(bellends) nuff said shite show.

What a great thing to teach the already drug induced youth take drugs!.

Nominated by: Titslapper

TV Licensing

TV Licensing Blog Billboard 1

Anyone who pays for a Television License is a cunt.

The fact that you may never even watch the BBC yet you are told you have to pay for something you get no say on whatsoever. Who decides what most of these overpaid Presenters etc gets paid? Not me and until they have a vote on what and where the money is spent they can fuck off. I like watching certain BBC shows but I ain’t paying for it not because I can’t afford it but because ‘They’ tell me I have to.

FUCK OFF you Cunts.

Nominated by: Black & White Cunt

Comedy double acts


TV comedian double-acts are cunts. Well almost all of them.

Mike and Bernie Winters – one acting like a special needs mong with a mental age of 5, and the other his nasty paedophile uncle on the edge of the snuff scene.

Morecambe and Wise – pitiful formulaic low-brow Ground-hog day unfunny cheap cat vomit (with a big prop budget).

Little and Large – get to fuck you pathetic sad cunts.

Cannon and Ball – brain-dead comedy of the lowest order to bore alzheimer vegetables into swallowing their own tongues to make it stop.

Reeves and Mortimer – alcoholic fuckmupery for the faux-hippy media studies polytechnic set.

The krankies – rare and strange sexual deviance fuelled with drugs, presented to frightened and bewildered children.

Ant & Dec – genetically modified shit bags that have one idea that is rammed down people’s throats as if they are foie gras ducks.

Nominated by: Sandle Seven