David Mitchell


David Mitchell is a cunt, be he has to applauded for marrying that fat, pitted faced cunt Victoria Coren,

I am only guessing, but I’m sure he’s an arse bandit and just married her so he can carry on sucking cock after he fell out with his lover Robert Webb.

What’s he doing now? Probably working in Mr Byrites selling jeans

Nominated by: Boaby

Women with tattoos (3)


Women with tattoos! What the fuck do they think they are doing to themselves?

Don’t get me wrong here, a small little discrete flower , fairy, unicorn or dolphin maybe on the ankle I don’t have a problem with, a bit chavy perhaps but we all make mistakes. No, I’m talking big fucking ugly full sleeve jobs, ones covering the entire chest or the very worst big ones on the thighs. I saw one with a big red indian head on one thigh and a dogs head on the other. Fucking gross! And she couldn’t have been a day over 23. Big chief Pow-wow and fido are going to be with you for a very long time, you silly little cunt.

What are they trying to say? Tats are traditionally for bikers, convicts and sailors. People living on the fringes of society. Is that what these bimbos are trying to say? “Look at me, I’m an outlaw living on the edge” No you are not, you are just a silly little air headed cunt! I wouldn’t touch one with a barge poll.

Nominated by: Skidmark Eggfart

June Sarpong

BOB By Dawn O'Porter Pop Up Boutique Launch Party

June Sarpong is one such black cunt who cannot get over the fact that she is black and a woman to boot and has a persecution complex the size of Everest and enough chips on her shoulder to feed a Glasgow council estate for a year. The cunt thinks everything is about race and gender, you can’t get her away from it. And she is ugly as fuck too.

Cunts like her give blacks a bad name. Cunt.

Nominated by: Skidmark Eggfart

Dead Pool [41]


Congratulations to King Cunt! who picked one of our favourite perennial coffin-dodgers Shimon Perez

So we wipe the slate and move on to Dead Pool 41…

A reminder of the rules (especially the first one):

1. Nominate who you think is the next cunt on the way out. You can have up to five choices.
List your nominations in the comments of this post. It’s the current Dead Pool. Comments not in this post (e.g. in the previous one or other posts) will be ignored. Please wait for the reset when a pool is won and we move on. That way, we all know where we are!

2. You win if your Cunt dies first.
Then the slate is wiped clean and we start again. Of course, you can always be a cunt and steal someone else’s dead cunt candidate from the last Dead Pool.

3. It helps admin if you nominate one name per line, no numbers in front or comments afterwards. Comment what you like after your five names! A request – not a hard and fast rule – but it speeds up the list making if we can do a straight cut and paste to a spreadsheet.

Any cunt who tries to cheat by nominating the World’s Oldest Man or Woman is a cunt and will be ignored. Any anonymous cunt who can’t be bothered to make up a name for themselves will also be ignored. Oh, and the usual “Our Blog Our Rules” thing applies.

To completely unfairly put the boot in to Dioclese who is currently on holiday, TheEye is going to blatantly steal his famous five :
Herman Wouk, Kirk Douglas, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Olivia de Havilland, Billy Graham

So nominations are now open. Off you go and good luck

Electric Cars


Electric cars are a scam to avoid road tax, and are fuck all use for anything else apart from making the cunts who own them feel smug.

There is nothing more guaranteed to piss me off than being stuck behind some cunting piece of shit shopping car with “zero emissions” written on the back. Zero emissions my arse; where do you think the leccy comes from you cunts? Just because the fucking car doesn’t have an exhaust pipe, do people really think the fucking power stations don’t either? Cunts.

Just for good measure they put the charging stations in the closest parking bays to the shops just so I have to walk past the cunts. At least have the decency to put the charging points where they belong: In a corner of the car park that reeks of piss and has a long walk (hopefully in the rain) to the shops.

Nominated by: Cuntypops