Christmas [3]


A nice out of season Christmas Cunting!

Its not here yet but a few thoughts, Christmas is just another day, celebrated by a micro minority who actually believe in a faith, celebrated by a mass of consumer brain washed morons and ignored by quite a few people.

So we have a day, 24 hours in which everything has to be perfect.

Now my day to day life is not perfect and it doesn’t fuck my year up, I had a right shit meal at the Harvester last night, but I don’t think its an omen of things to come.

World peace? now thats another fine concept, we can take the day off from killing each other, thing is I get bored easily so a quick burst on the HMG on boxing day does me the world of good, just to get things rolling again.

Perhaps most of all do you know the top selling item at Christmas?

Toilet seats, well that sums it all up millions of households treat themselves to a new bog seat to impress their relatives, bunch of cunts.

Just goes to prove christmas is a load of shit.

Nominated by: Lord Benny

Feminism [2]

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Feminists want equality and a voice for women. I dunno I have had enough of what feminists want nowadays. I feel they keep on bitching and they ruin young boys & mens lives in the process.

Teenagers today for the most part don’t bother dating and if they do get married it doesn’t last for long. I think feminists have tainted the waters for too bloody long. They are also instrumental in the gay agenda(trans too) telling kids its alright to be gay( I really don’t hate poofs but I wouldn’t encourage the bloody thing).

Have you seen the feminists holding up “trade racists for refugees” placards? FFS! what a bunch of race trading slags . Feminism might of sounded like a great idea when everybody was taking acid,smoking pot & snorting coke in the 60’s and 70’s but it was a bad fucking idea. Its gotten out of control and it ruined the concept of families for kids nowadays.

Nominated by: Titslapper