Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Boston marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is forever a cunt.

Getting what he deserves off the Yanks, but one can imagine if the little fucker had done it in Britain: The cunt would be given six months and then either be put in charge of child services in Bolton, or the council would set him up with his own ice cream van.

There would also be the endless arsewiping off the touchy feely brigade: “He’s misunderstood. He’s been radicalised. Society is to blame. The police should apologise.’ Bollocks to that.

Just top the sadistic little cunt…

Nominated by: Norman

Mohammed Khubaib


I’d like to cunt Mohammed Khubaib – guilty of sex offences on little girls.

He raped the 14-year-old girl in August 2007 by forcing her to perform oral sex on him after she was given alcohol and then “rewarded” with £5, the court heard. He has have also been convicted of no less than nine trafficking offences in relation to under-age girls who you were deliberately plying with vodka so that you could take advantage of them, knowing they “craved vodka” so you could exploit them sexually. says Judge Peter Rook.

Hold a sec. Mr Rook but since when do little girls crave vodka? More proof that these judges are nonces as well, the shit some of these judges say is unbelievable “His conviction brings the total number of people to be convicted under Operation Erle to 10, of which five are of Pakistani origin.” And there you have it, Islamic cunts love abusing children but don’t worry, Allah and Mohammad says its perfectly fine and normal behavior.

Nominated by: Titslapper