Peter Davies

A cunting for Peter Davies.

This is some 90 year old veteran who has decided to “transition”. The cunt’s G.P. has put it on oestrogen tablets (no waste of NHS funds there),it has taken to dressing in woman’s clothes,and it has joined the fucking Women’s Institute. I hope it gets fucked to death by Peter Stringfellow.

All this shite about being “trapped” in the wrong body is just fucking wrong. People are born either male or female,and that’s all there is to it. The perverts who claim otherwise are self-indulgent freaks who have a mental disorder,not a physical one. Pandering to their delusions does them no favours,and they should not be indulged. Millions of pounds are wasted just so that a bunch of weirdos can prance around making unconvincing attempts to defy nature.

Euthanaize the whole lot of them,be they 9 years old through to 90. That should save the NHS a few quid,and prevent the risk of an ordinary red-blooded male,who had possibly had a few beers too many, making a terrible mistake and attempting to board one of these decepticons.

Nominated by Dick Fiddler.