Ed Miliband [5]

Ed Wallace Miliband

Ed Milipede is a cunt. First of all, for bragging that he’s bringing back socialism. Who told the cunt there was a demand for it? What lying sack of rat vomit looked Milibong in the eye and said ‘boss, we’ve been out on the streets, and what the entire population of the UK told us was, we want socialism. Well, the ones who spoke English did anyway’.

There’s also the fact that the cunt took to the stage to do his ‘I’m one of you poor plebs’ act…whilst wearing a fucking £750 tailor made suit. Actually, he should be cunted just for giving Chuka ‘Britain’s Obama’ Umunna a place on the front bench. Britain’s Obama. Not unless he’s talking about Cyril Obama, a toilet attendant from Barnsley.

Being a politician, Militwat is expected to talk shite, but this cunt really goes above and beyond with it. He almost makes Clegg look honest.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

The Labour Party


Labour really are useless cunts, if that cunt Miliband is the best they can come up with.

Does anyone seriously expect this fucking cunt to lead the UK out of the shit to pastures greener? I don’t reckon the whole fucking arse load of cunts could boil a fucking egg without error.

The Labour party are the biggest bunch of cunts going for actively encouraging immigrants to Britain on such a fucking ridiculose level that it was obviously going to fuck the place

Nominated by : Alf Garnet

Ed Miliband (5)


The Mr. Bean of politics wants to turn us into one nation. Unfortunately he and the aptly named Balls don’t have a clue how to do it. Let him loose and our nation – his “one nation” – and pretty soon that nation will be Greece.

His “One nation for all people” sounds too much like “one empire – one people – one leader”. Of course in those days it was better known as ‘Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Führer’.

What a massively useless cunt.

Nominated by : Patty O’Heater