If WIki is to be believed, the original Stone Age began some 3 million years ago with archaeologists finding evidence of stonework tools made for hunting, cutting and calving.
It was basically a period lasting to around 2000BC whereby people lived in caves, had to light fires made of logs and branches; forage for food, grunt at each other because no one knew how to talk correctly; and they all lived in abject poverty and fear.
Their only form of transport was usually by foot or perhaps horse (despite going back 3 million years this was way after the extinction of the dinosaurs 60 odd million years earlier).
Stone Age people had pretty short lifespans of around 35-45 years at most; dental records suggest they had poor health and were riddled with disease.
There was no trade or bartering back then. No money existed. You simply had to get what you wanted by fair means or foul.
There was no police service either. You just had to fend for yourself and hope for the best that you didn’t get stabbed by a neighbouring tribe or pissed-off rival.
There were tribal leaders of course. But they knew jack shit about anything, and only got to their position of power either through being the strongest or offering bribes in the form of sharing food or wives.
Apart from fires there was no other form of warmth during those cold winter months. You just had to wrap yourselves with as many animal pelts as you could find or die of hyperthermia.
Just forward almost 4 million years, and you’ll see some similar comparisons going on given the way the woke eco-nutjobs are slowing pushing western civilisation back to the Stone Age with their insistence that we (not them) need to make huge sacrifices in order to save the planet for a few more years!
This transition won’t happen overnight, but its happening. Talk of 2030 and 2050 are common, and it makes one wonder if British citizens really will be sampling life more or less in their own little caves, with minimal heating, no meat-eating, no police, no NHS, no genders and a complete lack of how to talk other than by grunting or texting.
I fear for future generations because if left unchecked ordinary people will be living the life of Fred fucking Flintstone.
Nomiated by Technocunt.