Lisa Herbold

Lisa is Councillor in the city of Seattle, Washington, USA who has come up with a brilliant idea! She is recruiting half a dozen “ mental health professional social workers” to take the place of coppers when dealing with people going through mental elf crises on the streets ( ie fucking druggie losers out of their heads and kicking off)
Apparently the coppers don’t know shit so these social workers are going to sort it all out. I’ve seen Lisa on YouTube explaining her brilliant ideas and I’ve never seen a libtard look more pleased with herself. I’d hate to be one of these social workers who is dumb enough to take this job and I’d hate to be Lisa when the first one gets stabbed or shot in the face. No doubt she will blame it on the patriarchy, white supremacy or Trump. But some stupid libtard cunt is going to die….we all know it and there’s fuck all we can do about it. It’s a fucking tragedy.

Nominated by Freddie the Frog, seconded and Link provided by General Cuntster.

This woman’s cuntitude is truly monumental. However, there is good news here in that stateside news reports indicate that this useless cunt will not, after 20 years of cuntishess, run for re-election.

fox news

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

From the article:

“A critical report into how a mental health trust mismanaged its mortality figures was edited to remove criticism of its leadership, the BBC has found.”

So, let me get this straight: not only did hundreds of patients die unnecessarily due to poor management, but said management also coerced the ‘independent’ auditors into whitewashing their role in said deaths? Fuck off you self-absorbed, self-preserving cunts. For once, just for once it would be nice to see somebody from ‘ar anychess’ take responsibility when something goes wrong instead of trying to blame anyone and everything but themselves.

Yes, I know the Tories haven’t helped, but that really isn’t any excuse.

Bbc news

Nominated by opinionated cunt.

We’re updating your Account

Ever get those irritating emails whereby your bank, building society, internet browser, ISP or in fact anyone you do business with online want to inform you that they’re changing the T&Cs in your account, or they’re updating your product, or changing you private information. Or worse still they’ve decided to completely update their website/app so that you’ve got relearn everything that took you a fucking age to get used to first time round!

And the more apps/websites you sign up to the more of these annoying emails and popups you have to deal with, which often includes reading pages of bollocks that make little or no sense and when you think about it probably makes no odds to you anyway.

I wouldn’t mind if it was once or twice a year, but some cunts like Google or Wankbook do this anything up to 5 or 6 times a year, especially Facebook, who seem to look overengineering their website to include new feature or reinvent old ones and move things around to the extent where you don’t know where the fuck you are!

Personally I’d be inclined to email these cunts back with a “I’m updating my thoughts about you. Fuck off and die!”

Nominated by Technocunt.

Puking Scenes in Films

My daughter recently loaned us her dvd of the film ‘Knives Out’, and last night I opened a bottle of wine and the wife and I sat down to watch it.

All was going along quite swimmingly until we arrived at what seems to be that all too common moment in film; namely, when one of the characters barfs all over the place.

Now admittedly the hurl in ‘Knives Out’ wasn’t too graphic, but it was an illustration of just how much of a film-making trope this has become over the years. Say you’re making a crass comedy; a gross out vomit scene seems to be de rigeur. Equally if you’re making a tense drama or thriller, say where the protaganist finds a corpse, then it’s likely that he or she will then stumble outside and proceed to puke against the nearest wall. Graphically.

I loathe clichés in films, and heaven knows there are enough of them, but this one above all really gets my goat. It’s all about intended shock value, but it’s been overused to such an extent that it’s lost all its capacity for real effect, and is now just another example of lazy film-making in action.

Here’s ‘Team America’ lampooning the on-screen barf brilliantly;

Honestly I wish that producers and directors would just take the hint. Seeing actors fake throwing up in a film just ain’t my idea of fun. Enough’s enough.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Window cleaning operatives using pressurised water sprays

are cunts.

The chancer who visits our street claims to be a window cleaner. He is not. He is a bloke with a hose with a crap telescopic brush attached. No ladder, no bucket and rag, no bicycle and no fucking attention to detail.

The lazy cunt sprays water about for about a minute and a half, most of which goes all over the place and some of which hits to door so it runs all over the hall carpet when I open the door to pay him. £7.00 for less than two minute’s work. On £200 an hour he must live in a fucking palace with servants to carry him around on a fucking litter on his days off.

George Formby would be fucking embarrassed. Even Mr Wu and his ‘worn-out ladies blouses’ would be an improvement.


Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.