Lisa is Councillor in the city of Seattle, Washington, USA who has come up with a brilliant idea! She is recruiting half a dozen “ mental health professional social workers” to take the place of coppers when dealing with people going through mental elf crises on the streets ( ie fucking druggie losers out of their heads and kicking off)
Apparently the coppers don’t know shit so these social workers are going to sort it all out. I’ve seen Lisa on YouTube explaining her brilliant ideas and I’ve never seen a libtard look more pleased with herself. I’d hate to be one of these social workers who is dumb enough to take this job and I’d hate to be Lisa when the first one gets stabbed or shot in the face. No doubt she will blame it on the patriarchy, white supremacy or Trump. But some stupid libtard cunt is going to die….we all know it and there’s fuck all we can do about it. It’s a fucking tragedy.
Nominated by Freddie the Frog, seconded and Link provided by General Cuntster.
This woman’s cuntitude is truly monumental. However, there is good news here in that stateside news reports indicate that this useless cunt will not, after 20 years of cuntishess, run for re-election.