Occasionally I go on to Youtube in search of new recipes (or variations on old favourites) to add a bit of variety to our mealtimes. I’ve discovered some delicious options over the years, many of which have the added advantage of being very simple and easy to prepare.
The downside of this however is that I’ve also seen recipes for dishes that look absolutely disgusting, and lead you to ask immediately ‘who the fuck thought THAT up?’. Take for example this mess involving the baking of bread, tinned beans, eggs and cheese, to produce something resembling slices of vomit;
The American narrator claims to have learned the recipe from ‘a friend in England’.
Now I’m from this sceptred nation and I’ve never fucking heard of it, and even if I had, I’d keep quiet about it. I wouldn’t want to add more damage to the already maligned reputation of our national cuisine.
Of course this is just one example among many; Youtube is loaded with examples of cunts punting cack recipes that only warrant being transferred straight into the nearest bin.
So be warned cunters. You’ll find some good stuff on Youtube, but some of the crap you wouldn’t put in the pig swill. Gawd, I can feel an attack of irritable bowel syndrome starting at the mere thought;
Enjoy! Oh, probably not…
Nominated by: Ron Knee