I was watching the marr show earlier and although not a big fan I thoroughly enjoyed his skewering of Diane flabbot, for years her and corbyn have voted against a whole raft of anti-terrorist legislation, blocking it every which way but today not only did marr call her out, he hung her out!! , it was beautiful to watch flabbot squirming around, all the 30 years of fuckin bull shit dredged up and served for the viewers delight, at one point he tried to hand her a list of all the terror organisations she had tried to help by voting against action, she refused to take the list so instead he read them out, I laughed so hard I spat my tea out!!, she tried to argue some were dissident, not terrorist groups, TBH by this point it didn’t really matter as she was finished , my wife’s a Labour Party member and she had her head in her hands!!
Absolute gold… Abbotts the gift that just keeps giving…,.
Nominated by Quislings
I cannot abide this loathsome bitch.
Terrorist supporting
British hating
Corbyn rimming.
Makes Jabba the Hutt look like Adonis
Piece of crap she is.
i don`t think she could be more of a cunt if she tried.She is a national embarrassment.
I’d rather not associate it with the term British quite frankly, not just because of all the aforementioned reasons bit because it despises everything good about this country.
PM, this is like my tick-list in the previous Jabba Abbot cunting. She’s like something from Greek mythology, an absolute gorgon. To think this brainless, contemptible cunt-sandwich could be Home Secretary in a fortnight terrifies me.
A 21st century swamp monster.
More like a modern day Cthulhu…….
Quality cunting of The Flabbott Q, this fat retard cant tie her own shoelaces let alone be Home Secretary.
Probably can`t even wipe her own fat arse.
I wonder how it even functions………
Sod that, I don’t think I want to know!
Cheers LL ….
At the seasoide:
That pitiful remainder of the old West Pier is always a downer to look at.
Labour is a fucking disgrace,Marr demonstrated the real reason no decent human being is going to vote this shower of shite in. There misguided socialist polices are bad enough but the current crop are actively engaged in policy that are destructive of our way of life. Not just our culture but our jobs our homes are all fair play to be redistributed to the trash of the third world.
Abbott now tries to say she’s changed her views with her hair. Funny that because I grew up with a lot of black kids and dreads or afros or shaved heads none of the cunts thought like Abbott does.
Many of the older West Indians had more conservative views then than I hold now. Labour wants poor fuckers of any colour to stay in our ghettos and keep voting Labour. Diane Abbott doesn’t give a flying fuck about black people, she just see’s her skin colour as a way to appeal to that demographic and get some votes.
Abbott, Corbyn and McDonnell lead a Marxist party who want to destroy the UK as we know it and end borders. The results of 5 years of a labour government now would be all to apparent in 10 to 15 years time.
If the people of this country don’t use this opportunity to wipe out these cunts at the ballot box now I really do fear for this country.
Not to mention ulcerous self serving vermin like Andy Burnham….
It’s like you said Sixdog, Labour don’t want social mobility, they want to drag everyone down the same level as the third world excrement they want to import into the country unfettered en masse.
Like Winnie said… socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
Well said Sixdog Vomit, I am from a mostly Labour voting family as I always thought they were for the average man in the street. There’s no way I’ll be voting for them now, that cunt Corbyn although he sticks to his principles (which I respect) was asked by some cunt interviewer about immigration and he kept avoiding answering the question instead going on about how much immigration helps the NHS. Labour have alienated most of their original core and Dianne Abbot is a hypocritical cunt who is an embarrassment to black people.
The funny thing is, if there wasn’t such high, uncontrolled immigration, you wouldn’t need so many immigrants working in the NHS!
a lose-lose situation, really…
Although I defo favour loads of Finns (now THERE’S a damn good tune, listen to Sibelius’ “Finlandia”, written when Finland was under threat from the Russians”) because they piss Flabbott orf mightily…
Corbyn, a man of principle?! You have got to be fucking kidding. For years he has assiduously campaigned against the EU but when it came to the referendum he suddenly became a remainer.
For years the cunt has supported the IRA, yet now refuses to admit he has ever met any IRA members despite being shown in photographs with the murderous Mick cunts.
Man of principle my arse and not worth an ounce of anyone’s respect.
I hope he gets a right kicking in the Sky debate tonight.
Oh, he’s a man of principles, that is, if the principles are; a strict adherence to a failed ideology, support for various terrorist cunts, being a hypocrite in the sense of never toeing the party and/or Government line and then demanding that, when leader, others toe his line and enabling every other no talent, insidious, communist cunt in your party.
Abboit,Corbyn and Mc Donnel. Worlds biggest cunts
Don’t forget Lady Nugee, Burnham and Khan……
Nah! Cunts are useful…
Not these ones Dio, they’re dried up, impotent and rancid.
Channel 4 tonight, 8:30, might be interesting.
What’s on?
Paxmon interviewing Corbyn then May, it’s on for a hour and a half.
I like Paxman he is a real interviewer, I passed him in Notting Hill a while ago and he looked at me with that serious look of his. The cunt.
I hope Paxman goes full throttle on them, especially Corbyn.
It will be a massacre!
I’m getting the beers in and my pot noodle ready for the excitement.
Anyone want to do live commentary on ISAC for it?
And how about Labour’s nice new poster campaign today, courtesy of McCuntsky & co :
So amateurish it took less than 5 minutes to photoshop…
Yeah, the poster sums them up about right.
Hey Dio, how do you think the election will pan out? If you asked me a couple of weeks back, I would have thought a surefire Tory landslide. But now…..
I’d forecast a Tory majority of between 60 and 70…
Living the dream! ?
At this point Dio, I’d take that!
Yep ,Paxo is old school and don’t take shit. If he hasn’t grilled Flabbott yet I would pay good money to see the sell out squirm.
Heh, Paxo grilling the Jabbott would almost be cruel.
Pfft, it would be hilarious!
Does nobody else think it’s slightly perverted or unacceptable that David Walliams drop his trousers in front of children on Britain’s got talent (I fucking hate the show and hate Ant in Dik but my strange brother watches it)
If I’d dropped my trousers at my neices talent show, I’d be arrested. With the likes of Rolf harris been put in front of courts, how does attention seeking Wanker Walliams not get arrested???? With celebritys like Jim Davison and Dave lee Travis getting hauled over the coals, why is this act of dropping his trousers get brushed off as ‘funny’
I do wonder about that…..
Does watershed not matter anymore?
… I hate the Cunt Walliams, and can’t reach for the TV remote quick enough if he appears on screen, and certainly wouldn’t watch anything whatsoever if he had a role in it.
Generally he’s crept up in chat shows or radio shows, and regardless of which other celebrities are on the same programme or show, he’s got to be the centre of attention. If an interviewer, or host, has asked any other guest a question … the Cunt tries to take over and spin it all on to him.
And his schoolboy trouser dropping and inuendos … I have the Cunt given the birch.
I find him desperately unfunny. Can’t say I cared for half the Little Britain stuff him and Matt Lucas used to do either.
If he’d dropped his trousers in front of my relatives aged under 16, I’d have him nicked!
My dog would tear the gearbox off the horrible cunt.
Walliams is always acting like a degenerate cunt for laughs,this might have been funny if there hadn’t been so many pervs in the TV industry as we now know. Maybe I’m a boring old cunt but I’ve no time to keep people guessing about my sexuality,I have just got too much to do!.Someone should tell the cunt that stuff got boring back in the 1980’s.
he’s come out as a poofter, so he’s “untouchable”…in more ways than one !!
I can’t understand how he’s allowed to get away with it, if you have a kid watching the show who has been a victim of a perv exposing themselves, they’d be horrified watching Walliams dropping his trousers and seeing that it’s acceptable. I have seen it happen in a pub on a stag do but not on a family show! I can’t stand Walliams!!!
How he didn’t catch something that time he went swimming in the Thames I’ll never know….
I remember it well :
Nuthall trys to mimic Sir Nigel, the way Nuthall does gaps Inbetween words like Sir Nigel did and even copies Sir Nigel by bouncing up and down ‘when-he-talks’ Jury’s out for me about Nuthall, personally I’ll probably not end up voting, not long now, 8:30 channel 4!
Nuttall is not even in the same league as Farage.
I haven’t read any posts yet.
Just scrolled done to give my reaction to the pic in the header.
Hahahahah. 🙂
It flatters Jabbott the Fatt too much.
I thought harambe got shot…. If I ever renounce my views based on my haircut please kill me…
Hard to believe Harambe died today last year just found it out after googling him cause flabott fat face reminded me of him https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/3638077/harambe-when-die-meme-death-date-year-anniversary/
Harambe was a proud handsome gorilla, 25 stones of pure muscle and strength. Flabbot is an ugly, fat, 35 stone piece of shit. I also reckon Harambe’s IQ was higher than the fat flabbot’s.
A worm in the dirt has higher IQ than Jabbott.
LSB, I think you left a 0 off Flabbott’s weight…
The outcry against the keepers/wardens for shooting Harambe by generation snowflake was extreme.
The outcry against the murdering “peaceful” scum for blowing up 22 kids/parents and maiming dozens more by generation snowflake was…non-existent!
They had plenty to fucking say about not calling out “peacefuls” for being the cunts they are though. Well than you Tristan and Poppy, please add that to your “What a cunt I was!” scrapbook for 20yrs time when you’re busy voting tory!
Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the society we live in where their huge public outcry over a zoo animal and not a whimper when it comes to kids at a concert.
What an odious bunch of cunts generation snowflake is!
I’m surprised the fucking fat lard-arsed ugly fucking cunt hasn’t been harpooned yet. She is totally devoid of common sense and as many cunters on here have said, she is a fucking nasty racist cunt. Everytime she opens her mouth the air is full of bullshit, she can’t remember facts or figures so that looks really good if she was to actually become this countries Home Secretary. How to dumb down in this country , it beggars belief. Then again, May has disappointed me immensely and I still can’t fathom out ifshe wants to be PM. She calls a General Election at a time when she is previously engaged on other duties, leaving us with that other useless cunt, Amber Ruddless.
Not to mention that fuck up of a manifesto. Christ, what an own goal that was!
And putting Amber Dudd on TV is not a vote winner in my opinion, never did like the woman.
With you on that PMS, how the fuck have the Cons got themselves in a position like this after being so far ahead. What the fuck are the Tories up to. Yes I know it can swing at times from party to party, but with the likes of Corbyn, McDonnell and the Flabbott at the helm. Reminds me when Blair was just about to named PM, or am I reading too much into it. Good job I have some Jack Daniels in the house, might as well numb the mind.
What happened Ballsac, is that the Tories got cocky and arrogant and thought they could put stupid shit in their manifesto and get away with it due to Labour being a steaming pile of shite. Only it backfired horribly.
It’s not the same as 20 years ago though, by then that cunt Major had fucked his own party into the dirt and rendered them unelectable. This is not the same in that regard.
You are right again there PMS, Major was and still is a major cunt
Home for Flabbott is presumably a U-bend somewhere, if indeed there is one big enough…
Labour could push Abbott into the background until the election is over and give more air time to that bastion of working class values Emily “call me John” Thorncunty.
There’s a new estate round my way where part of the contract you sign when buying a house forbids you parking any vans outside your house. Just the sort of place these Marxist cunts would want to live.
Ah yes, Lady Nugee.
A few months back, she was being interviewed on Sky News. Now keep in mind this bitch is Shadow Foreign Secretary, she couldn’t name any other country’s Foreign Secretary despite this being part of her remit. When she was called out on it, she played the sexism card.
Thornberry is another Islington MP, to me, she’s a white Jabbott the Fatt. Just as foul and offensive.
As for Mao’s no.1 fan MacDonnell, he is a legitimately evil piece of shit.
Imagine McDonnell having access to intelligence records, may as well post them direct to Adams.
Christ, might as well start learning to speak Russian or peaceful if he had power there…..
I dunno, least if your a Russian citizen and some cunt blows you up you know Putin won’t be making any unity noises.
Russians don’t fuck around, they get the job done.
True. If anything, while the rest of the world fucked about, Putin did his part to kill the ISIS cunts in Syria along with the so called ”rebels”.
Am I the only one that’s starting to like nutall?
A bit anyway!
I do not like Nuttall at all.
It seems that even though he’s UKIP leader, he still has the Scouse (no offense to any sane ones!) anti Tory, pro Labour mindset with some of the things he says, like wanting Labour to win certain seats off of the Tories, which could, in the long run, completely bugger up Brexit.
UKIP is going nowhere but down the pan with him at the helm.
Moral of the story? Never make a Mouser leader of a political party!
Yea I hated him but just saw him on Andrew O’Neil and he spoke more sense that the other cunts put together.
He is a stupid cunt and there’s no way that I’d want him as pm but I like his views on waterboarding and internment camps for muslims though.
Mmmmmm, now those I can agree with…..
Regarding the Flabbots hairstyle, she used to have an afro but has changed it to a straight, eh, straight hairdo/bowlcut.
I don’t get offended by much really, not even “retarded” or “druggie” as I’ve been called lately, but i am offended at the Flabbot appropriating white culture with her straight locks.
Calm down on the Frizzeaz Flabbot and go back to the wirey pube like hair yer proud race are born with.
And yer accent an’ all.
Very white and truthfully, you don’t pull it off, so sort it the fuck out sista.
Saw a picture of Jabbott in the papers from 1984.
Fucking hell, it was ugly as sin back then!
Never hear about her much but Corbyn has a wife, Laura Alvarez. http://i3.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article10392910.ece/ALTERNATES/s615b/Jeremy-Corbyn-visit-to-Northumberland.jpg What a menage a trois (threesome cunts). The thought orf Abbot joining for group sex if he wins the election…………
Gods Sir Limply, are you trying to make people ill?!
Planting that thought in people’s mind is evil! EVIL!
How did that cunt get a wife!
You’ve got to take your hat off to the man. If I’d been stuck up Diane I don’t think that I’d ever be able to go anywhere near a woman again.
Ha ha.
That’s funny as long as they lose the election.
Looking, again, at the hilarious picture in the header reminds of that old nugget of truth,
black folk shouldn’t wear leather jackets.
I’ve seen some black guys even wearing jackets the exact same colour as their faces.
Its as if they skinned some poor cunt from another tribe before throwing him in the pot.
For any cunts pointing the finger of race at me, well i feel the same about white girls wearing soft pink bikinis.
They look naked to a guy with blurry vision.
Corbyn answers the first question and manages to make sure we all know Islam is a wonderful faith and bigged multicultural society.
The cunt is getting called out on going to an IRA memorial.
Now shitstain is caliming he will end large classroom sizes and hospital waiting lists.
Can’t do that without reducing immigration. Fucking idiot.
Claims leadership is as much using your brain as using your mouth.
He’s already screwed on that front.
Getting asked about immigration, giving a spiel about the EU.
Talks about ”future controls” but s saying nothing about how he would control it.
Where’s Paxton?
Amagine if Corbyn wins….. Compulsory Sandles wearing, baked beans and lentils shops will replace chip shops and we all will have to have beards, even women!
Nowt wrong with beans and lentils.
Good source of protein and fibre and they don’t need slaughtering.
And they’re far tastier than any fuckin kebab.
Tough guys eat pulse too. 🙂
and don’t forget, “the more you fart, the better you feel”…
A remain voter asking why she should vote Labour instead of LimpDumbs.
A remoaner, leftie and she has horrid teeth.
The mong says he wouldn’t threaten the EU with undercutting them on taxes.
Now he’s getting ripped by a mancunian businessman for his (Corbyn’s) anti business stance.
Never trust a man with a beard.
Hey, Santa Claus ya cunt,
where’s me fuckin bike?
Kevin Bloody Wilson..!
Now Paxo is on.
The roasting has commenced.
Paxo is ripping him on not being able to get his ideals in the Labour manifesto.
Comrade Corbyn talks about a nuclear free world.
Heh, it will be a cold day in hell before that happens.
America, Russia, China, N.Korea, India, Pakistan and Israel are laughing at this cretin.
Probably a nuclear winter…
……shows what planet Corbyn is on.
Because all those other fuckers are going to just get rid of their nukes just like that…… dear God, the man is a delusional shit.
And the cunt wants to increase benefits year on year. Wonderful.
Now Paxo is ripping on him about McCuntface about MI5.
Paxo is really going for him on his political views.
Corbyn loves his diatribes.
Paxo keeps cutting him off at the legs.
This is too easy for Paxman.
Cunt Corbyn claims there will be a deal with the EU. Paxo is calling him out on this.
We all know Corbyn would take it up the arse from the EU in negotiations.
He would roll over on any divorce bill. Utter cunt.
Paxton is going for the jugular vein!
Corbyn talks about any ”legal requirement” to pay a divorce bill.
There is no legal requirement you fucking shit slinging imbecile.
Corbyn, to no one’s surprise, can’t give a straight answer on immigration.
Any eu cunt demanding ludicrous, made-up sums à la Flabbott should just face the wrath of the RAF…
Next time the sour krauts decide to invade another European cuntry, let’s not save them this time, eh?