David Lammy MP

David Lammy MP

The Rt Hon David Lammy wants parliament to vote to over turn the referendum result. Born in London of Guyanese parents I suspect David doesn’t feel British the same way I do. Probably bears some resentment towards Britain dues to the Empire and sums up in one person the issues with allowing people with no real national heritage or loyalty to be elected. Now I realise this will be considered very racist but I wouldn’t care if he was white.

I find it incredibly insulting that this man expresses gratitude to the British people by trying to deny them their wish to exit the EU.

Not only are you a cunt David Lammy but you are an ungrateful treacherous cunt. If London hadn’t been flooded with immigrants many of whom like David have no loyalty to the UK the constituents of Tottenham would surely be rising up and demanding this man is removed from parliament.

Brexit is just the start, there are a lot more wrongs to be righted, people need to take a good look at who they are voting for. You can be black and British but to be so you have to have some heritage and history in this nation.

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

Billy Bragg [7]


Billy Bragg must be overdue a cunting. I just saw him on the news leading a singalongacunt session (“we will overcome”, natch) at Glastonbury, onion in hand, for Jo Cox. Can’t these people let the poor woman rest?

Overgrown sixth former. And cunt.

Nominated by: Harry Axwound

Len McCluskey


Unite’s McCluskey is typical of the leftie bully boys that have taken over the Labour Party.

They’ve subverted the constituency Labour parties with left wing plants, bought Corbyn’s election for £3 a head and now McCluskey is propping up a leader who can’t even keep people in his shadow cabinet for 72 hours!

And the worst thing about this cunt is that he then has the barefaced bloody cheek to lecture us on democracy.

FFS! You couldn’t make it up…

…but McCluskey seems to have managed it, the undemocratic hypocritical cunt.

Nominated by: Dioclese

Nicola Sturgeon [8]


While we are on the subject of the EU I would like to nominate that fucking wart hog Nicola Sturgeon. Now I know that she/he has already been nominated before (a lot) but I felt that she has shown herself to be an even bigger cunt than I had first thought.

Is it not so overwhelmingly obvious to everyone that she is so terrified of giving up her chance to sit on the highly paid board of European commissioners and riding that gravy train long into the night that she has threatened us with another Scottish independence vote so that the people of Scotland can remain in?

Now she says that the people of said country (most of which can’t read or write anyway) have overwhelmingly voted to remain????? 62% is hardly what I would call overwhelming is it you fucking porridge wog? What about the 38%?

I appreciate that mathematics is not a strong point north of the border but come on! 4 in 10 people want to get out, that’s almost half of them. This rant is pretty pointless anyway because personally they can fuck off anyway bunch of useless cunts.

Nominated by: Mike Hunt