Christmas [3]


A nice out of season Christmas Cunting!

Its not here yet but a few thoughts, Christmas is just another day, celebrated by a micro minority who actually believe in a faith, celebrated by a mass of consumer brain washed morons and ignored by quite a few people.

So we have a day, 24 hours in which everything has to be perfect.

Now my day to day life is not perfect and it doesn’t fuck my year up, I had a right shit meal at the Harvester last night, but I don’t think its an omen of things to come.

World peace? now thats another fine concept, we can take the day off from killing each other, thing is I get bored easily so a quick burst on the HMG on boxing day does me the world of good, just to get things rolling again.

Perhaps most of all do you know the top selling item at Christmas?

Toilet seats, well that sums it all up millions of households treat themselves to a new bog seat to impress their relatives, bunch of cunts.

Just goes to prove christmas is a load of shit.

Nominated by: Lord Benny

Feminism [2]

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Feminists want equality and a voice for women. I dunno I have had enough of what feminists want nowadays. I feel they keep on bitching and they ruin young boys & mens lives in the process.

Teenagers today for the most part don’t bother dating and if they do get married it doesn’t last for long. I think feminists have tainted the waters for too bloody long. They are also instrumental in the gay agenda(trans too) telling kids its alright to be gay( I really don’t hate poofs but I wouldn’t encourage the bloody thing).

Have you seen the feminists holding up “trade racists for refugees” placards? FFS! what a bunch of race trading slags . Feminism might of sounded like a great idea when everybody was taking acid,smoking pot & snorting coke in the 60’s and 70’s but it was a bad fucking idea. Its gotten out of control and it ruined the concept of families for kids nowadays.

Nominated by: Titslapper

Roy Hodgson [2]


I would like to get an early Cunting in for Woy Hodgson before Euro 2016.

Don’t get me wrong – he seems a nice bloke an’ all but he is a useless manager cunt. He should have been sacked after the World Cup in Brazil after that gutless load of shit. Worse than that he has made that cunt Wayne Rooney England Captain. Rooney is utter shit at the highest level and his England record is full of goals in pointless friendlies and he has done nothing in the really big International games.

Now Wayne is Captain that guarantees another 3+ years taking a place upfront which he’s not good enough for anymore. Roy ‘scared to drop Rooney’ Hodgson will put Rooney upfront every fucking game until were eliminated in the group stages of the Euros, then he will be sacked and we will be back to square one.

We should start with Kane and Sturridge (if fit) with Vardy as the impact sub end of. The F.A need to be cleared out and get some cunts in there who know how to appoint a cunt who can win a competition. The cunts.

Nominated by: Black & White Cunt

Google Glass


Anyone who wears these fucking things is a cunt.

Our neighbour was out in his garden yesterday and as usual I spoke to him, The fucking knob-head was wearing a pair of Google Glasses (aka Google Glass). He looked a right cunt and is probably using them to spy on Mrs Boaby when she is tending the veg patch in the garden.

Google Glass, favoured by perverts, kiddie-fiddlers and metro-sexual hipsters.

I cannot wait to see the inevitable video where someone uses them to spy on someones wife’s tits and gets a swift punch in the face for being a cunt.

Nominated by: Boaby

Alistair Appleton

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Please, oh please, Cunt this cunt, Alistair Appleton!

I have mistakenly come across him doing that cunts programme ‘Escape to some fucking smug place’, because I am living off a disproportionate public sector pension, whilst I was waiting for a ‘Live Jasmine’ hook up.

This guy is truly a horrible, queer as fuck, smug big cunt, arse rape is too good for him.

Nominated by: Judge John Jizz