Chris Spivey [3]

drummer boy

I see Chris Spivey is on trial and is being sentenced today for harassing the family of Lee Rigby.

Reading the things that Spineless Spivey has done to that family, I find it difficult to believe that any intelligent, civilised human being could come with the sheer evil that Spivey has concocted. Then again, having visited his sight, it’s clear that Spivey isn’t even slightly intelligent or civilised. And I have serious doubts as to whether he qualifies as a human being. My instinct is to say to know.

This worthless piece of shit actually started his campaign against Lee Rigby and his family the day AFTER his murder. Over the past couple of years, Spivey has printed the addresses of his mother and sister, accused the mother of working with MI5 to incite anti-muslim violence, questioned whether Lee Rigby actually existed, accused Lee’s sister’s partner of being Lee Rigby, accused another man of being Lee, expressed his doubt that Lee was ever in the Army and if he was, “was a potato peeler at best”. This cunt is pure, fucking, evil.

It’s rare that for me to visit a website and then think, “what the fuck did I just see”? But that’s exactly what happened when I looked on Spivey’s site. This prick needs to be forced to speak to a psychiatrist, because he has some SERIOUS fucking issues. He’s not simply a sandwich short of a picnic, he’s an entire hamper short of a picnic. I know we’re supposed to treat the mentally ill with sympathy and understanding, but Spivey needs a severe beating, he takes trolling to a whole new level.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

Morrissey [3]


Morrissey is a clueless dumb cunt who worships PETA whose track record is pretty fucking shady to say the least.

To begin with the fact that they endorse celebrities who wear shit loads of fur all the while telling people don’t kill animals or eat them. You know just eat salad and nuts for the rest of your bloody fucking life and that Ingrid Newkirk is a real fucking cunt I’d like to slap the shit out that ugly slag cunt she’s responsible for this whole mess.

Also PETA has killed 78% of the animals they rescued in 2013 btw there is no money rescuing animals zip zero none hence why they kill so many. Morrissey just die you has been cunt or at least realize your a dumb stuck up douchebag who can’t write a decent song anymore.

I’m off to eat some hailal bacon

Nominated by: Titslapper



Do Foxes eat Cats? Or more rather can they be trained to like feline meat?

I’m fucking fed of the neighbours cats shitting on the front street (in the piles of gravel that council workers can’t be arsed to sweep up no less) so that I can’t have the windows open in the front of the house, because on a hot day the cat shit stinks.

And I can’t sit in the back garden because the little cunts have tag team shitting contests in my herbaceous borders, which also smell ripe on a hot day.

I’m not allowed to poison them, or take them over to Derbyshire. Old Reynard and family like the bins but there can’t be much sustenance in them, maybe I could just fillet a few kitties and give him a taste for them…

Nominated by: The Captain

Crisis Actors


I witnessed a fight in our town last night on my way home from the pub, the usual drunks fighting over a taxi or a kebab, or some slag, I know not.

But it turns out they were all crisis actors,

The council want to pedestrianize the main high street but there is huge opposition from the local shops who fear that business will be affected. So the council have hired in some crisis actors, as David Icke calls it “Problem, reaction, solution” alas, like 99% of Icke’s theories they are stolen from other people, it is historically known as the hegelian dialect.

Cause a problem to get a reaction and offer the solution. So the council hire in crisis actors to create a problem (social disorder) this causes the reaction (outrage by local residents) and the council offer the solution (pedestrianizing the local high street)

So it appears Spivey is correct, or he is just a delusional, fantasy living, adsense generating cunt?

Nominated by: Spivey the divy