Lauri Love


Lauri Love is a cunt. This fucktard hacker managed to get into US Govt computers.

Now I don’t think he’s a cunt for being a hacker – it must have taken a modicum of skill (although more likely luck). No, I think Lauri Love is a cunt because when he got caught red handed, bang to rights by the yanks who demanded we extradite the cunt, low and behold he can’t go because of his Asperger Syndrome and ADHD and all that other bullshit which didn’t exist 10yrs ago!

He was a naughty cunt and like a naughty cunt he should be punished, and if that’s the wrong end of 10yrs getting “Vaz’d” by some cunt called Bubba in Sing Sing prison then so be it!

Don’t hide behind these not-real, or certainly over used medical conditions (to excuse naughty little bastards who should be shown the buckle end of a belt), man up and take it.

It’s an old one but if you’re not prepared to do the time, don’t do the crime. Don’t go belly-aching to your Mam and claiming you have fucktard syndrome cos that won’t work with the yanks, those cunts know how to incarcerate their criminal element and not treat them like holiday guests like we do over here, you cunt!

Nominated by: Rebel without a Cunt!

Will Smith


Will Smith is a grade A cunt he has to be one of the worst actors around ever! does anyone think this phony offbeat cunt can act? Sure he can smile a lot like a spazzy monkey but smiling ain’t acting.

His suicide squad role has to be the worst ever that and the fact suicide squad is a steaming pile of shite . Now the little bastard wants all trump supporters to be killed off or driven into exile he said at a recent DNC convention on trump supporters “I think it’s good, we get to hear it, we get to know who these people are – and now we get to cleanse them out of our country.”

What does he mean by cleanse ? You know stalin and mandela wanted to cleanse their country too, neato. Can someone tell this retarded cunt to fuck off back to his Scientology supported mansion where he can play dress up with his poofy son

Nominated by: Titslapper



I don’t know why Nigerians bother with phones, they clearly have no need…..those cunts still shout even when you’re a foot away.

Loud cunts…..

Nominated by: J R Cuntley