Bastille Day


So once again our fraternal amis make the rolling news channels. How do you like being the yanks first and closest ally now my froggy friends? Liberte Egalite Fraternite? As yours truly has highlighted in previous posts their reputation for being the whiffiest cunts in europe points to a long history orf colonial subjugation and exploitation. They and their Belgian acolytes share a bloody colonial past in the muslim world. Not so much orf the past at that. Bugger me why Obama has tossed orf so orften about “America’s oldest ally”? The frogs still have a large and productive (for them) empire or “administrative dependencies” as they style them. When we joined the Common Market we had to give all that up. Not them. How did the garlic farting tossers pull that orf? Give them credit when due, they have been robbing and rubbing johnny muslim up the wrong way for 200 years.

Back to tragic events. Up half the night hoping to spot a mangled frog but censorship rules okay. Bugger. Bastille Day, Reign of Terror. Very appropriate. Reminds yours truly that europe has been regularly fucked by little frogs with tiny todgers – Napoleon naturally and more recently Mitterand, Sarkozy and now Holland.

Stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity with our froggy friends? Fuck that. No intention orf getting hit by a truck.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

Ghostbusting tarts


I’d like the nominate the new Ghostbusters movie and the cunts who defend it.

What a load of PC bollocks this movie is, the people defending it assume that anyone who criticises the concept is some raging misogynist. People acting like it’s some great stride for feminism just because they changed the gender of the protagonists. You’d have done more by actually producing an original movie instead of coasting on the success of the previous male orientated movie. Then again women are constantly trying to ride on the coat tails of men as they’re entitled cunts who want stuff handed to them on a plate.

Then they cast that fat ugly unfunny cunt Melissa McCarthy in it and make the token black women an uneducated fucktard, I’m sorry I meant ‘street’. Trying to be PC yet still racist as fuck. Well done you utterly useless cunts.

I don’t want to watch it because it looks shit. Get that into your head you sanctimonious cunts.

Nominated by: Chris Horner

Martin Schulz


Martin Schulz, President of the EU Parliament, has been accused of orchestrating a power grab by plotting to put his German friends and political allies in key EU positions.

Already the EU’s top civil servant Klaus Weller is German. As is the leader of the European People’s Party, Manfred Weber.

Schulz isn’t happy with that though. He wants his long time aide, Markus Winkler to become Deputy Secretary General. He also wants to put several other German officials into the EU Parliaments administration. Germans have always had a certain arrogance about them, but even those standards, this is stunning. Even the French are concerned by this brazen attempt to snatch power from the other 27 nations.

Although, considering how Germany has TWICE tried to take over Europe, AND the way in which Merkel has ridden roughshod over the Commission, I’m surprised nobody saw this coming.

This came in the same week that it was revealed a British led EU military exercise out on Salisbury plain was ordered by the EU to display its flag on ALL military vehicles, amid rumours that EU is planning to take over our armed forces. I’m not normally one for conspiracy theories, but it seems to me that the Fourth Reich is starting to awaken. This cannot be allowed to happen.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw