Lack of Ambition
When I left school, many year’s ago, wages for a 16 year old were shit.
I would have been lucky to earn more than £15 a week.
We are talking about a long time ago.
The thing to do was to sign up for casual, agency work.
You could work whenever you wanted to, and for me that was every day.
The rate of pay was much better and you were not tied down to any particular company.
Those were the days before health and safety were thought about.
No special licence was needed to drive a forklift so one day I may be working in a warehouse and the next doing a night shift loading delivery trucks.
There was work available every day and night, so if I didn’t particularly want to work in one place I would ask for somewhere else to go.
The agency sent me to a local steel drum factory once.
A guy showed me what to do.
My job was to shove a steam cleaning hose into the steel drums that came past on a conveyor belt.
The drums would then be flipped over so that whatever shit was inside would get cleaned out.
Not really rocket science.
The factory was noisy so nobody could be heard if they were talking or even shouting.
The next guy up the line to me would bash the top of the now clean steels drums to put them back into shape after they had expanded with the heat.
Every hour an alarm would sound and all worked stopped.
We were given a half pint of milk to drink as the work was so hot.
In one of those breaks I found out from the drum banger that he had been at the factory for over 20 years.
Doing the exact same job.
Over 20 fucking years standing in the same place, day in day out, hitting steel drums with a big mallet.
What sort of cunt would want to spend their entire working life hitting steel drums with a big hammer?
Turning up and going home at the same time every day.
The half pint of milk every hour, forever.
Waiting for his pay cheque every Friday.
His working life controlled by an alarm sounding.
Probably the same 2 week holiday to the same place every year.
Lunch time was also started with the alarm bell.
The entire workforce stopped and made their way to the huge canteen.
In the canteen there was a line of workers with their trays, queueing up for whatever was on offer.
Probably the same thing on the same day every week.
The thing that struck me was that although there were many dozens of people queueing up to eat, nobody spoke.
There was just the clatter of cutlery to break the silence.
The misery of working in the shit hole had completely destroyed those guys.
I put my tray back from where I got it.
I left the canteen and walked out of the factory and got the bus home.
Although asked, I never went back there again.
Nominated by The Artful Cunter.