COVID Day of Reflection

Gotta be quick on this one Admin, big day is tomorrow. (Roger that – NA)

A national day of reflection, no less.

For what?

The holocaust? No
Bumsex? No.
Starving children in Africa? Nope.

Covid 19. To memorialise its victims and honour the outstanding contribution of ‘front-line’ workers, no less.

Sly News.

What a crock!

The virus has an above 99% survival rate in the unvaccinated. It also has EXACTLY the same survival rate in the ‘vaccinated’ (it’s not a vaccine’) but those people would all be dead, every last one of them, had they not took the new wonder drug, obviously.

We should have a national apology, a multitude of heads should roll, we should withdraw from the WHO and the UN after they both were brutally exposed as utterly useless, yet again.

Doctors and nurses working with sick people? Just astonishing. The indomitable spirit of the NHS, the self-sacrificing endeavours of it’s workers and the rapid development of cutting edge technology was most aptly displayed by tik-tok’ing fat bitches doing the Macarana. Rushed off their fat feet they were.

Apparently there is a ‘memorial wall’ now. No there isn’t. There is a wall that has been there a hundred years which has been vandalised with graffiti and needs cleaning up.

Anyone grief-mongering and sympathy-seeking over this pile of shit is a cunt, who instead of banging saucepans together should be banged on the head with one.

Boris stuffing his face with cake, glugging claret, Matt Hancock, when not schtooping the secretary talking utter bollox and lying through his teeth, the decimation of businesses, obviously the destruction of the economy, Chris Twattie lying through his teeth. Dominic Cumface lying through his teeth, working from fcking home, yet another excuse for fat fcks to claim disability, forcibly injecting people with fck know what, fining people for walking around, fcking up funerals, herding dying people into old people’s homes to kill countless more…. that’s what we should be remembering.


Nominated by : Termujin

The Sentencing Council


Further evidence (as if it were needed) that 2 Tier justice is on the rise in this country.

The (supposedly independent) Sentencing Council has issued new guidance to courts, to the effect that whitey should go straight to jail without passing GO and get a longer sentence than effnicks and trannies who should be issued with Stay Out Of Jail Free cards.

Daily Fail

Sentencing Council chaircunt Lord Justice William Gobbledygook Davis said the updated guidelines take into account “evidence of disparities in sentencing outcomes, disadvantages faced within the criminal justice system and complexities in circumstances of individual offenders”. Eat fork, fuckface!

Soft lefty cunts The Prison Reform Trust said there were “very good reasons” for changes to the sentencing guidelines. Deputy director Mark Daly said: “we know already that if you are from a minority ethnic background you are more likely to receive a custodial sentence for an equivalent offence, particularly for certain types of offences such as drug offences, than you would if you were white.”

Yeah right…

Nominated by Shit-cake Baker.

“Pum Pum”

Pum pum/poom poom is a cunt on the basis of less than desireable large black ladies knowing it.

“Pussy onna pedestal”

To be fair, I for one would have no qualms in providing said pum pum with a robust filling but for said “pum pum” to be gyrating in ones face in a lyrically challenged “music” video I’m less sure.

Some things are best done but unspoken.

Not entirely sure of my point of this nom other than identifying the lack of recent noms and the growing abundance of poom poom.

Eat it, use it, abuse it, ditch it while yer can before the pum poom comes religiously unobtainable, just mind double bag yourself.

Musically, seperate cunting needed and cunters needed.


Nominated by Cunt of the Isles.

Boris Johnson (19) Meet and Greet Photo Opportunity

A pile of cunt.

I read with amazement today that this shameless, scruffy, wibbling cockwomble has an event on 2 September at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, titled ” An Evening with Boris Johnson”. Tickets are priced between £53 and £159. He will talk about his massive victory and how he got Britain back on course etc. I pondered about what sort of person would what to go to such an event and listen to this utterly delusional ballbaggery. Certainly nobody I know.

But it got worse..for a further £121.25, attendees can have a photo taken with him shaking their hand. I would be afraid I wouldn’t get it back.
It seems fair to say that we are in financially challenging times and I would question the mental stability of anyone that bought a ticket, never mind the photo opportunity. Probably the sort of person who would buy Magic Beans or Tower Bridge.
What a festering bag of old wank.


Nominated by Mary Hinge.

Corporate Exploitation

Employment is a form of exploitation. You are paid less than the value of the work you perform (except for footballers) with the difference going to the employer. Most people understand this basic economic principle and can live with it as long as the degree of exploitation is not egregious.

Enter Corporate America and probably Corporate Britain too.

My employer’s market is “under pressure” and they’re not doing as well as they would like. They say their employee costs are too high and they need to downsize the work force to the tune of many, many thousands spaced out over a year or more. As unfortunate as it is for those impacted, those of us still on the payroll are also affected. Losing colleagues means we have to pick up additional workload, take on increased responsibility and generally work longer and harder to make up for the fact there are fewer people doing work which still needs to be done. Your annual review comes along and guess what? No or very low pay increases because of market conditions, the economy, exchanges rates, volatility, blah blah blah.

Hang on a minute! They said their employee costs were too high and to address that they were letting thousands of employees go. So how come the employees left behind are also being financially discriminated against, despite their workloads increasing? Sounds like a classic case of wanting your cake and eating it.

It gets worse.

Performance related bonus time! Yeah, that’s not happening either. Bonus payouts decimated for the same reason. Hang on a minute. The value of the work you do does not correlate to the performance of the company. If it did then the argument would go something like this for the SAME job performance:

(Company doing well)
Your performance this year has been outstanding and you’ve really helped the company grow, capture new market share and significantly added to the operating efficiency. Big bonus awarded.

(Company not doing so well)
Your performance hasn’t really helped the company this year, we’ve seen little in the way of market gains and overall the economic outlook is poor. No bonus awarded.

These two scenarios are obviously nonsense given the SAME job performance in both cases. So despite your own job performance being recognised as “excellent” and “outstanding”, you don’t get the bonus you worked for and deserve because the company is choosing to base the payout on its own performance. Something which you have no direct control over. So the company has grossly misled you and seems to think there’s nothing wrong with that.

It gets worse.

You’re instructed to look for and execute cost savings and cost avoidances to help reduce the company’s costs and improve the bottom line. Many people pitch in and are so successful, literally millions of dollars are saved or are not needed to be spent. Hurrah! Top tier management then has an “all hands” meeting where they show the savings figures to the whole company on a PowerPoint side. They’re naturally delighted, thank everyone for their hard work and deliver the message to keep going.

Hang on a minute. The same company that terminated several of your friends and colleagues, screwed you out of a decent pay rise, didn’t pay out your absolutely deserved performance related bonus now wants you to help them save even more millions in return for a ‘thanks and keep it up’ message? Fucking seriously?

Three points:
1) A “thank you” from the CEO doesn’t help pay my mortgage.
2) The company reneged on the payment of performance related bonuses. I kept my side of the bargain. They didn’t keep theirs. Trust broken forever.
3) I have zero motivation to help the cunts save more money that they’re choosing not to share with the people who helped them save it.

So in essence, fuck off. Bare minimum effort from now on. Take on extra work? Nope. Assume greater responsibility? Nope. Stay late and work a weekend or two? Eat shit and die. Their exploitation has now reached egregious levels.

Time to find a new job. Cunts.

Nominated by : Imitation Yank