Government “Plans”

I would really like it if the current “government” stopped boiling my piss by putting a moratorium on the word “plan” and “plans”. Here is ther latest example from weak as piss Pixieballs Cooper:

AOL News.

Ydes – a “plan” for giving £10m for local investigations into CSA by mainly Pakistani British men of young vulnerable girls. We all know that these local enquiries will be quietly buried, so as not to embarrass Cooper’s boss, who was DPP during many of the excesses, 2009-2014.

But – plans – £”labour has a plan was trotted out for virtually everything by Kweer and his pansies for a year or two before the election. NHS? – Labour has a plan. Illegal immigration? – Labour has a plan. Social care? – Labour has a plan.

You get my drift?

We all know now (if we didn’t know then, and many of us did) that Labour had – and has – fuck all.

Who would expect mincing be-lipsticked Wes Streeting to have any sort of plan about anything other than bum sex. Kicking social care into the long grass was his only “plan”. The same with little Yvette (did she buy those nice blue glasses herself or did Gaylord Alli buy them for her?) – I Want Some Blue Glasses For A Red Lady – any “local report/enquiry” will be sat on – probably under the massive arse of Dame Emily.

It has got to the point now that the word plan is like a red rag to a bull. I am beginning to feel – for all her bluster – that Kemi won’t be much better. She has been announcing “plans”., and you think what the fuck for. None of that Westminster shower stick to their word – or their “plans”

Nominated by W C Boggs.

Comphet is a cunt

I was oblivious to comphet until I caught sight of a headline but the article itself was behind a paywall, so I googled comphet.

‘ Compulsory heterosexuality, often shortened to comphet, is the theory that heterosexuality is assumed and enforced upon people by a patriarchal, allonormative, and heteronormative society. The term was popularized by Adrienne Rich in her 1980 essay titled “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence”. ’

There you go, you’re only straight because you’re forced to be, in reality you’re gay as fuck.

The lengths LBGT advocates will go to convince us and themselves they are not deviant (from the norm) is astounding, more astonishing is how this utterly toxic and destructive bullshit filters into mainstream cultural belief.

I’m not providing a link because I don’t have one but a little bit of searching will enlighten any of us .

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit link below by Jeezum Priest.


La Gaiete Lyrique

Having just watched the following YouTube video, it was obvious that a Parisian theatre called La Gaiete Lyrique is worth of a cunting.


In an act of wisdom, akin to Queers for Palestine supporters standing on top of a tall building (if any remain standing) in Gaza, this far-left theatre which prides itself on “progressive virtues” decided to host an event called “Re-inventing the Welcome for Refugees in France”. This event proved to be so popular amongst “refugees” that they immediately took over the theatre and 300 are now treating it as home. The theatre has decided that they don’t won’t to evict these squatters as it would be “inhumane” to evict them “in the middle of winter”.

As a result of this occupation by illegals, the theatre was forced to cancel all of its events and has now gone bankrupt. It can no longer pay its 60 employees, although if they are all lefties I couldn’t care less.

Nearby businesses have lost a lot of revenue due to crowds of illegals milling around outside their premises, discouraging passers-by from the area and frequenting these businesses.

Many of these illegals are claiming to be minors to claim government benefits, although it is obvious that their balls dropped sometime during the late twentieth century.

Nominated by Hard Brexit Cunt.

Two Tier Justice?

Couple who joined protest outside hotel housing asylum seekers jailed’

For 21 months.

And what did they do?

‘The pair spent around an hour at the scene, where others were throwing missiles including fireworks, a petrol bomb, bricks, chunks of concrete and lampposts at Staffordshire Police officers who were trying to protect staff and residents inside the hotel.’

NB They werent found to have participated in the violence.

Also: -Stonehouse was seen shouting abuse at police and raising his arms while Kirkbride held him back.

Kirkbride was seen laughing when a firework exploded, chanting and asking police about his taxes being spent on those in the hotel.

So, they werent found guilty of any violence or damage but got 21 months jail for being there?

They should have joined the anti-semites and terrorist supporters and nothing would have happened to them.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

Pope Francis [2]

Well that didn’t take long.

Before President Trump had even got his feet back under his desk in the White House, that sanctimonious humbug Pope Francis had a go over the ‘disgrace’ of the president’s plans to intensify immigration enforcement actions in the US.

Il Papa’s got form on this, and has made ‘welcoming migrants’ a recurring theme over the course of his papacy. He stated ‘it would make migrants who have nothing pay the unpaid bill’. He has previously referred to Trump as ‘not a Christian’.

In a subsequent update, the Pope has indicated that the Vatican (which is estimated to hold between $10 and $15 billion worth of gold and other investments, plus an incalculable amount of wealth in property and art treasures) would be digging deep into its own resources to help meet payments on this ‘unpaid bill’. In addition, he stated that several hundred migrants would now be housed in his private apartments, and in those of other senior clerics, as well as being fed, clothed, and given money and a passport**.

**Okay, I made that last paragraph up. Which, I’m sure, will come as no surprise. So go on then, you pious old hypocrite, put your money where your mouth is. We’re waiting, tick tock…


Nominated by : Ron Knee