Woke Identity Politics

Over the last few years I have made very good friends whom are now disingenuously labelled as BAMEs and LGBTs+

I’ve had plenty of conversations with them covering all sorts of issues, not least this current woke bollocks called Identity Politics, which covers a multitude of so called populist issues including sexism, racism, homophobia and so on.

It is true to say that some of my friends have been on the receiving end of some nasty racist/sexist abuse, but for the most part most of that happened well over 5 or so years ago – well before Identity Politics entered the social media arena.

But more recently they’ve been receiving abuse due to the Woke’s virtue signalling agenda and taking every “victim” and lumping them under the BAME and LGBT labels in order for the Woke crusaders to come charging in defending their cause.

What this means, for example, is a good friend of mine who is a black female born in England, but with no political axe to grind is now seen as a victim because the Woke seem to think she needs to be represented on the political stage as a BAME rather than just someone minding their own business.

The same also applies to a couple of gay and lesbian friends, who feel rather pissed off at this proxy representation that has now somehow pushed them into the spotlight under the LGBT+ label, and everyone has to somehow give them special attention and respect because they too are victims as far as the Woke are concerned. Whereas in truth they would rather be left alone and enjoy their ordinary lives as ordinary people.

It seems that the Woke and some chippy minority groups just want to stir the shit for their own political aims, and they want to drag in as many disenfranchised groups to make it look like they’re speaking in their name on the global stage. Whereas in fact they’re just doing it for their own selfish grandstanding. A bit like the leaders of the BLM, most of whom appear to have become millionaires, bought a few mansions in posh WASP areas and quietly distanced themselves from the harsh realities they were supposed to supporting.

Basically its another tail wagging the dog scenario, and yet it seems the dog (the governments, and the silent majority) sits back placidly and lets the minority dictate terms on behalf of the majority.

How the fuck is that democracy in action?

Nominated by: Technocunt

Woke Street Scenery

I remember when zebra crossings were zebra crossings. Safe places where traffic would come to a halt if you were hovering on adjacent kerb, and you could cross over unscathed, with a little nod or wave to the drivers if you were polite.

Now, zebra crossings have become ‘Colourful Crossings’. No longer a simple tool for urban navigation, but an opportunistic platform for activism by means of showing support for the apparently oppressed and under-represented by painting in some brain-fiddling colours. Mainly the alphabet people today (but who knows where it will go tomorrow: corporate-sponsored feel-good colours matching the cause of the moment? road murals of dodgy cultural ‘heroes’ ?! Etc).

All very well, but in practice, problems arise: motorists don’t recognise them now as zebra crossings, Met police service horses are jinxed by them, and they cause some disturbance to pedestrians especially to those prone to autism and/or epilepsy, for example. Not to mention that they are fucking ugly and incongruous, like graffiti with the added annoyance of zealous virtue signalling so it can’t be rubbed off.

If traditional zebra crossings trigger ‘offence’ in a woke person, said person will go on to publish a whiny tweet on Twitter in order to attract attention/upticks. Whereas ‘colourful crossings’ that trigger an epileptic person will result in them having a public and messy seizure, the calling out of an ambulance and their occupying a valuable and scarce bed in A&E for some hours.

The perpetually offended are but a tiny (yet loud) % of the population. The majority of sane ordinary people must therefore endure the erosion of common sense road markings and the removal of supposedly offensive decent historical landmarks, statues and street names.

It’s only a matter of time before what’s left of our kaleidoscopic and hugely creditable history ends up on the 4th plinth at Trafalgar Square as a tourist side-show.

Stand tall against these cunts before it is too late.

GB News Link

*I feel inclined to add the caveat, that should the future thought police come prosecuting, when I wrote this in March 2022, free speech was still allowed / a thing.


Also, I know an epileptic who, like horses, find bright unnatural colours a tad of a pain in the jacksy for fear of bringing on ‘an episode’.

Nominated by: Fuckwittery

Seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface

I’d like to second this Nomination

Utter utter fuckwittery.

In the U.K. there exists (fortunately) a raft of laws governing the regulation of road signs.

And for good reason as they state the law and make it enforceable, ie a 30 mph sign in a red circle denotes exceeding it is breaking the law.

Pedestrian Crossings are the one place on British roads where the pedestrian has legal priority over the motorist.

As soon as you enter the controlled area, denoted by alternating zig zags you have to give way.

In order for this to be enforceable there has to be clear definition as to what constitutes a Zebra Crossing.

Currently if a motorist runs over a pedestrian in a controlled area they are automatically guilty and face a more serious charge than say Careless Driving.

However if the controlled area doesn’t conform to the law (on markings) then they wouldn’t be automatically guilty and definitely wouldn’t be guilty of committing an offence in a controlled area.

This is all covered by:

The Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossings Regulations and General Directions 1997


The key section being:


Road markings

6. Subject to the following provisions of this Part of this Schedule—

(a)within the limits of a Zebra crossing the carriageway shall be marked with a series of alternate black and white stripes.

I sincerely hope that nobody is injured or worse on one of these Virtue Signalling Crossings but if they are I’d want to see the the Cunt Committee that commissioned it flogged.

18th Century Wokeness

Do you cunts ever think that the woke mob out there are actually taking the piss?
Hogarth, the 18th century satirist and artist is being all but cancelled. You may know him for savage satires on 18th century morals and society but apparently he is racist, sexist and xenophobic. Nothing about trannies yet, but give them time.

”While Hogarth’s work often expressed a critical view of 18th century society, the curators said, “they also reveal the entrenchment of racist, sexist and xenophobic stereotypes”.

Then there is this comment: About a chair for fucksake:–

“The chair is made from timbers shipped from the colonies, via routes which also shipped enslaved people. Could the chair also stand in for all those unnamed black and brown people enabling the society that supports his vigorous creativity?”

That has to be a pisstake. Surely no sane person could seriously come up with such woke gibberish? About an 18th century satirist.
Anyway, look at the link and ask ‘ You cannot be serious. You are taking the piss.’


Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble