Every fucking year the saintly institution goes into crisis and every year we have to endure all manner of cunts telling us they must have more money. Not really surprising as the NHS is a socialist institution and the only thing socialists like more than spending other peoples’ money is the mass slaughter of anyone who disagrees with them.
They always tell us the NHS is the envy of the world. Is it fuck! Is that why the NHS is unique in all the world? The world envies the NHS so much that precisely fuck all other countries fund their health services the same way.
The NHS acts as a magnet for free loading cunts from around the world. And I’m not just talking about cunts from 3rd world shit holes either. Americunts fly to UK to get aids drugs off the nash for free as the flight over here is cheaper than buying the drugs back in US. I wonder how many cunts would be in Calais trying to break into UK if we didn’t have a NHS?
The NHS is a ponzi scheme. It is like one of those pyramid selling scams, it always relies on more people going in at the bottom to cater for the few at the top. It will eventually collapse as it cannot sustain itself.
The NHS fucks up quite regularly. They pay out millions each year in out of court settlements in compensation for their own incompetence and negligence.
The NHS is very expensive. Back in the bad old days when I paid tax I would pay many £1000s in NI plus my employers would pay even more on my account. I now pay less than €1000 per year for private health insurance and have access to health facilities world wide.
Those are just a few of the reasons the NHS is a cunt. I have every faith my fellow cunters will come up with more.
Nominated by Skidmark Eggfart