I want to nominate the Labour party for a cunting. They’ve always been a party of a hypocritical shit houses, but there reaction to the Toby Young affair have seen them well and truly corner the market. Ok, fair enough, Young was a knob for posting what he did. But there are members of the Labour party, John McDonnell and Clive Lewis being two of the most notable examples, who have openly made sexist comments toward specific women. According to Labour though, that’s different.
Esther McVey has allegedly accused John McDonnell of sexist comments on more than one occasion, even suggesting he used the words, “lynch the bitch”. Lewis was also alleged to shout “get on your knees”, to a woman in a nightclub, AFTER she had already been subjected to sexist abuse from another Labour MP.
So, it’s ok for male Labourites to make sexist comments, but Toby Young, who is NOT a Labourite is viewed by some as a misogynist pig, who must be executed and fed to stray dogs for his tweets. And it’s not the first time Labour have been hypocrites. A couple of years back, photos emerged of a Tory MP wearing a Nazi themed costume at a party during his university days. Labour made a huge deal out of it, as if none of them had ever done anything stupid while they drunken students. And this was in the pre-Corbyn era. Only last week, Keir Starmer tried to brush off criticism of his handling of the Warboys case by saying, “it was nine years ago”. Well that’s ok then. It’s ancient history, so let’s forget about his incompetence being partly responsible for a convicted rapist, who, by all accounts, is still a danger to women, about to be put back on the streets.
When Damian Green was accused of sexual harassment, Labour MP’s and followers were quick to demand his head. They weren’t so quick however, when Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins was accused of sexual harassment. That has been pretty much whitewashed. In early November 2017, he was accused of inappropriate behaviour by a Labour part activist, claims which were reported to Rosie Winterton in 2015. A week after the first claim, Labour MP Kerry McCarthy accused Hopkins of paying her unwanted attention via written notes, dating back to 1994, when they the Chairs of neighbouring constituency Labour parties in Luton. The attention allegedly resumed in 2005, when she became an MP, and didn’t stop until 2016. She even showed the notes to Labour whips, and they were reprinted in the Guardian. She even told that paper’s political editor that she was, “really, really wary of him”.
And it’s the same with Labour’s blatant anti-Semitism. Should anyone dare to criticise Islam, they and the demented halfwits of Momentum are the loudest in screaming “ISLAMOPHOBIA”. Yet when they are accused of doing to Jews what they accuse others of doing to Muslims, it’s not the same thing at all.
Then we have Jared O’Mara, MP for Sheffield Hallam. At least, he was ELECTED as MP for Sheffield Hallam. He was suspended by Labour last year, pending an investigation into allegations of sexism and homophobia, and hasn’t been seen October, four months after he was elected to parliament. He has NEVER stood up and made a speech in the commons, not even his maiden speech.
Since 2002, he’s certainly made a number of online comments that could be seen as homophobic, sexist, derogatory and even racist. He once got into an online forum argument with a Danish user and allegedly ended up calling him a pig shagger. The incident that got him suspended occurred in March last year, before he was elected in June, happened on a night out in March. A woman he was with claims they got into an argument and he allegedly told her, “I wouldn’t touch you with a manky woman’s cunt, you ugly bitch”. A number of the woman’s friends witnessed this, but O’Mara says they are liars.
What really gets me about these pricks, is that they have the nerve to call Tories the Nasty Party, and scum. Really? Was it the Tories who openly celebrated when Thatcher died? Was it the Tories who abused candidates from other parties, especially the Tories, at the last general election? No. It was, allegedly, members of that swivel eyed bunch of Corbyn lovers, Momentum. One member of Momentum is accused of pissing in the doorway of one Tory MP’s constituency office. If a Tory had done that to a Labour MP, there would have been hell to pay. Yet they have the nerve to call the Tories scum. Because the allegations of abuse are aimed at Labour and their followers though, they’ve been uncharacteristically quiet. Fucking hypocrites.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw.