Kevin Bacon [2]

Kevin Bacon deserves a nomination purely for that stupid name -Bacon.I ask you who but a complete cunt would have a name like that…

But let’s get down to business. I mean what is it with British advertisers these days and their obsession with has been American actors? Harvey Keitel, David Hasslehoff, William Shatner and now scrawny little skinny grey haired with highlights, rat faced Bacon.

Who cares about gifting data to your kids or listening to fucking Britney spears on Apple Music or getting the latest Samsung mobile on fucking EE with 2 years free BT sport.
Bacon must really be hard up and not bringing in the bacon as it were to demean him self on these horrendous adverts with his droning boring middle American accent, dressing in Spandex and donning syrups and going on about 4G and fucking wifi hotspots.

Bacon, do us all a favour and FUCK OFF back to the states and “star” in dodgy B movies and attend openings of art galleries but please get the fuck offa our TV you UTTER CUNT.

Nominated by not perfect but not far off

Kevin Bacon

Royston vasey nosed, crypt keeper faced, Worzel Gummidge haired cunt. Shove your mobile phone up your fudge tunnel see what service you get then you gimp, fuck off back to the states, CUNT.

Nominated by Winston Whitedogshit