
Kellogg’s deserve a monumental cunting!

Can you believe they have released an LGBT cereal? As if these cunts aren’t pandered too enough already by the BBC and the Facebook/Twitter generation. These fuckers are just mentally ill. Do you really think you are gender neutral? Binary? Identify as a man in a woman’s body?

What’s next? A person born a female but identifies as a man but is a homosexual and only sleeps with men who will fuck her arse and stay away from the pussy?

Old sheila is on the home stretch – maybe ten years till I pop my clogs and I cannot wait. I am so fucking sick of what society has become. A populous addicted to phones with ruthless, narcissistic tendencies who think the world revolves around them because they have four Twitter followers and a post on Instagram that got twelve likes.

Nominated by sheilas shitty knickers

87 thoughts on “Kellogg’s

  1. After thinking for a while, I have decided to support LGBT – Lemonade, Gingerbread, Bacon, Twix.

    Especially that Jamaican ginger cake with lots of custard.

  2. Real men eat porridge so not really an issue, the thing that concerns me are hula hoops tailor made for the games bum bandits play

  3. Dr Kellogg was obsessed with how people shitted. There was a film in the 90s with Anthony Hopkins, can’t remember the name of it. He was one creepy cunt, second only to Dr Kinsey and his open tolerance of the ‘P’ that the left are working so hard to get included in the ‘rainbow’.

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