Hugh Jackman


Hugh Jackman is almost certainly a cunt. Although I haven’t had personal dealings with him, nor had a film ruined by his on-screen presence*, my mate Tino once saw him in an airport and he was doing the following (Hugh Jackman, not Tino):

– wearing sunglasses (not only was he obviously indoors as he was in an airport, but the incident took place at night)
– swearing on the phone in front of children as he issued demands to show how massively consequential he is
– playing billy big bollocks by having removed himself from the wealthy bastard lounge to make the afore-mentioned phone call in front of the economy class and homeless loiterers
– being Australian (possibly this isn’t his fault as he was born an Aussie but for fuck’s sake, he’s an actor! He could pretend to be Canadian or Danish surely?)

This is what Tino had to say about him:
“He wears sunglasses indoors, Sxxxxl. At night. At fucking night time. For the fucking sake of fuck. Who does that? At fucking night. What a massive bellend.
And he swears loudly in the company of children. Fucking twat.
We can’t disagree on this. I am definitely right on this issue.
He is a cunting cunt.”

* just had a look on imdb and I have seen him in two films, The Prestige, which was passable, and Australia which was a horrific pile of inner bum lining, and thus further proof that Tino was right and Hugh Jackman is a behemothic cunt.

Nominated by: Galted Asas