Federica Mogherini


Federica Mogherini. A name you may not know, but a name you should know.

She is the EU’s Head of Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. And this is what she said:

“Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history, in our culture, in our food and – what matters most – in Europe’s present and future”.

I wonder if this view will be publicised during the EU referendum campaigns? Somehow I doubt it

This is not just as nonsensical as saying that non-European Australia belongs in the Eurovision Song Contest, it’s FAR more dangerous. And for this reason alone she deserves a big fat urgent cunting.

Nominated by: Fred West

The Fourth Reich


Now I am the first to admit that Nick the Gwik is a lazy conniving type orf cunt but this whole Grexit hoopla is beyond the pale.

Why should the fucking krauts decide who should be in or out orf the Euro. We fought and allegedly won two world wars to keep those cunts in their place. What we joined was the Common Market and not a Nazi old boys club run by Merkel and Juncker.

All the german domination of Europe has achieved is a dose orf salts through the markets which now resemble the doorway of a Hamburg knocking shop on a Friday night – piles orf piss wet knickers coated in beer and shite.

So the krauts got tough with the Greeks. How joyful that they have only managed to destabilise the Euro and the EU.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke



Talking of evil right and left wing scum, I think its high time the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership was outed for being the monolithic cunt that it is.

I don’t like the EU, at all. I don’t like any socialist leaning, all encompassing society encroachment on my life. But the EU as a trade body does quite well at somethings, like keeping cunts like Monsanto from flogging its ‘Genetically Modified’ frankenfood in EU member states.

And, unlike those sepo cunts across the atlantic, we in Europe like to prove things are safe before we allow them to be used in public. Not so over there, anything can be used until it causes enough cancer to instigate a class action law suit. An iterating quote from the Guardian sites that in the EU there are 1200+ substances banned from use in cosmetics, yet those tea party throwing cunts across the Atlantic have only banned 12 KNOWN CARCINOGENS!!!

Government legislation damaging your business? Guess what, TTIP will allow you to sue the democratically elected government (if you have enough money) for loss of earnings, behind closed doors! And this is were the real cuntitude starts to creep through, these fuckers want a separate court to hear these claims, thereby subvert the last bastion of freedom which is ‘Equality before the law’. Imagine that, now multinational companies can actually run countries, innit brilliant?!?!?

So NHS, guess what? Yep, privatised. Because if you don’t, we will sue you for potential lost profits.

Utility Contracts? Yep, see above.

Public services in the UK are currently run by utter cunts, but they are some order of magnitude less cunty than those in Uhr-merica. I lived there long enough and had to deal with there shit. Thats what TTIP has in store for Europe.

Let get one thing straight, Uhrmerica is one fucking great cunt hole. It makes nothing of any notable value, it produces nothing pivotal to global survival. Its just mass market mediocrity, that is aspired to and idolised by the third world for some reason.

The UK is shit at a lot of things, but at least we only fingerprint CRIMINALS. Decent people don’t want to stay in the US thank you very much, its a fucking leper colony.

Time to throw them a little tea party… No, we should be more progressive, Polonium Sushi is more effective these days.

Fuck Yeah.

Nominated by: The Captain

EU immigrants


Generations have given their blood in defence of this once great nation just to see it all pissed away in the most heinous act since Adolf and Heinrich.

Got a maturing population? Flood the U.K. with tsunamis of young Poles and thieving Romanian Bulgarian & Slav sewage and pay them benefits to fuck each other. Then load benefits on their brats. Sheer fucking genius.

Nominated by : Sir Limply Stoke

Romanian gangs


A dozen cunts from our new cousins in the Fourth Reich, Romania, giving us an advanced demonstration of what to expect once the flood doors open next January.

The cunts smashed their way into jewellers across London and pocketed a million quid. One of the fuckers told the cops ‘I don’t care, I go to prison to go on holiday.’ Oi, Cameron you cunt, you listening yet? Prison here is better than being in their own country FFS!

And guess what? They’re going to be deported when they come out. Just like Abu Qatada, eh? And the cunts will be straight back again on the next banana boat. The biggest cunts here are the British public for putting up with this shit.

Nominated by : Dioclese