Philip Hammond is a massive cunt. Today, his treasury has announced, ‘official figures’ show that Treason May’s Brexit deal, will leave the economy 4% worse off than staying in the EU. And to add to that, 9% worse off with no deal. He then continues to cement his cunting arse on the fence though by saying “staying in the EU was not politically viable”.
So you’re saying, oh we need to leave the EU due to political reasons (politics, the subject every normal person fucking hates) but we’ll be worse off economically (the one thing everybody see’s as being important, money). What a back handed, two faced cunts move that is Phil you prick.
You’re figures conveniently don’t include potential future trade deals outside the EUSSR, so you’ve basically plucked figures out of thin air and said Brexit = doom, we’ll all be fucked, let’s stay with the EU cunts.
P.S. BBC you are also cunts for running this story which is based on bullshit figures, impartial, are you fuck!
Nominated by elboobio