The French (8)

There should be no need to nominate this bunch of dirty, snail eating, faggots.
They do enough by themselves to warrant a cunting site devoted solely to them.

The latest cuntishness from this duplicitous bunch of vomit inducing morons, is that they’re now complaining about the new AUKUS pact between Australia, UK, and USA which involves greater cooperation on intelligence and military issues.

The useless French twats have been left out of the deal, which is hardly surprising as they are unable to prevent dinghy invaders crossing to the UK and so have proven how reliable they are involving security, and military issues.

Best of all, the Australians have torn up an agreement worth billions to have their new submarine fleet built by the French, preferring to have some seaworthy equipment made by the USA and UK instead.

News Link

Maybe the next time the cunts will honour their own agreement, when they’re paid a fortune to prevent illegal immigration but do nothing except line their own pockets.

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire

And speaking of Frogs. here’s one from Chimp Licker

Un grand connarding, si vous plais, for the French for withdrawing their ambassadors from the US and Australia in the wake of the AUKUS treaty.

Did Monsieur Macaroon truly believe that a post-brexit Britain wasn’t going exploit its new non-EU alignment in order to build alliances in the Anglosphere?

Surely he must understand that Britain’s participation in this new treaty is entirely incidental to the fact that said treaty stiffs the escargot-scoffers out of a sweet 55 billion-euro submarine deal with the wallaby-worriers, and that it’s only the merest of coincidences that it happens to do so (heh heh heh).

Don’t take it so personally, Pierres!

News Link

66 thoughts on “The French (8)

    • The French hate the fact that we liberated them in the war, the cunts are very jealous of us.

  1. The French didn’t withdraw their ambassador from the UK, they are already fucking us over sending boat loads of scum to our shores, it should be us withdrawing our ambassador from Paris until the cunts take responsibility for illegals in France.
    Time to put more trade through other countries and become less reliant on Dover-Calais, the French are cunts.

  2. I forgot to include their drain cleaner wine in the cunting.
    Give me a bottle Australian any day. Come to think of it, if you pour French wine down the drain, then you’re probably violating laws about dumping toxic waste into the sewer system.

    • I stopped buying French plonk years ago due to it’s inconsistency and higher price.
      Rioja apart I buy Seffrican and new world wines.

      • Agreed. Anything from the Southern hemisphere.
        Except for Argentinian produce. I won’t support the bastards since the Falklands.

      • Pity Duke. Argie wine is really very good – you’re missing out. But everyone is correct about the overpriced Froganese rubbish – it is fucking awful – unless you pay an arm and a leg for it.
        (By the way Duke – please include a few MORE adjectives next time in describing the cunts – I don’t think you tried hard enough this time round!)

      • Australian wine is shit except for the really expensive Shiraz. The Convicts only send their worst, shitey stuff anyway, that’s why it’s so cheap and nasty.

        Argie Malbec is great, as is vino from Chile.

      • @Cap’n Mag I used to drink De Bertolli box o port $10 per 2 litres, pretty much metho and red cordial nasty stuff. The name is the sound one makes when you paint the bog with it.

      • I am more an ale man but a bottle of Chilean Merlot is an excellent alternative.
        BTW , reading a book about 809 Squadron during the Falklands War. The amount of help Chile rendered is very impressive especially as much of it was ‘do it now and we’ll sort out the paperwork later,if ever’.

      • Shackles – the crap we import in Blighty is like grapes soaked in ink, Yellow Tail and Jacob’s Creek, Kunawanga River. Even Cleanskins wouldn’t sell anything so foul.

      • I have a fondness for Portuguese food and wine, also the people – we had a lot in CH when I was there. Genuine immigrants who fled their dictatorship. They were hard-working, and really lovely. The women have gorgeous eyes.
        Otherwise it’s Ozand Seffrikan, an occasional bottle of Austrian Gruner Veltliner for sentimental reasons (2 years in Vienna).

  3. If the French had come up with a better deal for the Aussies then they may have held onto the contract. Nuclear propulsion tops diesel electric not least in CO2 emissions
    Surely with all the climate change bollocks going on the froggies would have seen that coming (not). There again they did sink Rainbow Warrior so not a good international record in environmental endeavours. Stands to reason really why chug around in a modified u boat when you can increase patrol time, increase range and of course cut emissions by giving the USA and us loads of money for an astute type hunter killer. I know what my choice would be and garlic buttered snails ain’t on the menu.

    • The French seeing ahead? You have to be joking. Additionally I am reliably informed that they were still insisting (to their CUSTOMER – Oz!) that the command and control systems would be Froganese, NOT American as the Aussies wanted. This came to a head about SIX months ago!

    • I’ve just been watching a programme on C5 about one of the UK’s hunter killer subs. It’s 4 days into a 4 month deployment and so far a man has injured his hand putting it on a steam pipe whilst changing a light bulb resulting in him being taken of by a passing warship, a fridge is leaking coolant which has had to be pumped out resulting in a feast of fresh food meaning future rationing and a fire in the engine room wrecking a part which needs to be replaced immediately resulting in surfacing next to a support ship for repairs. 4 fucking DAYS!

      • That boat is retiring this year I believe, it was one of the Trafalgar class built in the 1980s so it will be showing its age in terms of fixtures and fittings but it was and still is a very capable defense asset, all are being phased out and replaced with Astute class, later on in 2030s a new class will start coming on stream to replace the Astute boats. The Astute is a beast and probably with Virginia class would outmatch anything else in the World and its why nobody would touch the UK as you have no idea where they are.

  4. France is the best argument for racial stereotypes. Some will argue that they are white but I believe that the French are genetically different from the rest of the human race. Part reptile as demonstrated by their diet, part primate as demonstrated by their language.

    Not to be trusted by anyone, they should be isolated in France. France is so shit even Somali’s will risk their lives to leave it.

    Worst of all the French believe they are a world power and poor their nose into everything.

  5. Bravo! Excellent cunting.

    Only these cheeky cunts would have the brass fucking neck to whine about ‘not keeping your side of the deal’, after their ‘Take the money from those daft ‘Engleesh pig dogs’ and here’s your dinghy Abdul’ shite.

    They can shove their snails up their froggy arses.

    Fuck off.

    • As mickey flanagan said, there so fucking lazy the only thing they can catch are fucking snails

  6. Zoot alors! Who will now surrender at the first sign of trouble? Les Rosbifs need French resolve.

  7. Hoisted by their own petard comes to mind. To be replaced in the Pacific by the perfidious Brexiteering Anglo-Saxons – oh, how it must hurt the French who now realise, no one takes them seriously.

    This deal was hatched by Johnson, Biden and Morrison at the G7 in Cornwall. Emperor Napoleon Micron knew nothing about it and was left out. At the time he was huddled in a corner with his EU cronies, ranting about British sausages in Northern Ireland. Talk about taking your eye of the ball.

    A leading German newspaper, Berlin’s Tagesspiegel, commented that France had received a “brutal lesson in geopolitics” which illustrated it did not have the military cache of the UK – “In contrast to Great Britain, France lacks global power militarily. The European Union is far from being taken seriously in a security partnership beyond its own continent.”

    Meanwhile the jealous French dismiss the UK as a junior partner. Hardly. We are a greater military power than Australia who need our expertise with advanced nuclear subs and our naval capabilities in the region. We are easily on a par with France militarily, probably better.

    The French are making themselves look like fools with their reaction.


    • Also, a poll in o e of the German newspapers has it that 52% of the population think that “Wirtschaftswunder” is now over.
      Given the increasing importance of night trains – the Germans ditched their network and rolling stock some years back, and the Austrians are now doing brilliantly. And they know how to deal with immos.

  8. Swimming against the tide on this one.
    It’s less to do with your average French person and more to do with Macron himself.

    Majority of French people can’t stand him. As evidenced by him being slapped in the face a while ago.

    The French public don’t trust him. He was a banker. The French don’t like bankers.

    He was elected without the support of a traditional political party.
    Many French people consider him the candidate of richest people and the media companies they own. He’s also an arrogant prick, which they don’t like.

    You’ll be surprised to learn that your average French person is as fed up with the elites and the establishment as you are.

    Anyway, they gave us Alizée and Audrey Tatou, so I’m willing to be a bit more lenient with them.

    • Well, if you’re right that means the granny shagger should get his greasy arse kicked next year. That would be a great day.
      Vive Le Pen!

      • Unfortunately because they have a uniquely unfair system of voting Le Pen WON’T get in as Pres. Fact.

    • And Beatrice Dalle, who looks like she is absolute filth.

      And Marion Marechal who would only be fit for the skip after I had finished with her.

      Preferably both at once.

    • I’m with Harold, I love the French as a people. They PHYSICALLY stand up to their government gremlins and are always shagging each other in the afternoon while the rest of the world just thinks about sex. Lots of cunts in France though, just like anywhere else, but by and large they are fantastic once you accept their pretentiousness and they accept our bizarre British mannerisms. My favourite Frenchies…

      Charlemagne – we’d all be Muslim without King Chuck
      François Rabelais – Gargantua and Pantagruel is amazing
      Voltaire – very clever cunt
      Victor Hugo – Les Miserables is great
      Brigitte Bardot – sex bomb turned animal rights nutter
      Zinedine Zidane – amazing player, so silky

    • And Catherine Deneuve… Phwoarrr!!
      Macron really is loathsome, as is his poodle side-kick Clement le Con Beaune, another arrogant, smug, slappable face.
      Outside Paris, I’ve always found the Fre CH to be pretty OK. It DOES mean a hell of a lot to them if you can have a decent stab at their lingo.

  9. What is their navy capable of? Other than escorting migrants into British waters that is. Fucking some nerve from these cunts, Australia has cunting China breathing down its neck, why the fuck would they take shitty diesel subs when they can have top of the line nuclear tech and the added assurance of an alliance? Shit, if Obama hadn’t gifted the Chinese the same nuclear technology years ago it might even be worth something!

  10. It’s a charade Sorry, that’s French. It’s a pisstake. Frog ambassador to see Biden today. Note, they haven’t much of a case against Oz, because the deal was falling apart months ago. Over budget, delayed to the point of uselessness, French continually grabbing favourable concessions.

    And did the frogs want to join our tripartite effort in the Indo-Pacific (includes some of their sphere of influence too)? Apparently not. Wonder if and where Biden will tell them to stick it. And if they will then flog their subs to the Russians. Or Chinese.

  11. They’ve never forgiven us for either beating them in wars or hauling them out of the shit if we are nominally on the same side.

    Neither can they accept that English has become the international “world” language. Now that REALLY grips their shit…..

    The smelly phlegm-ridden bastards.

    • Raised an interesting point G the W. Our purpose would have been bettered served by going round France instead of invading France. We could have starved the bastards with blockades and such. I find their lack of gratitude somewhat cuntish, short memory syndrome I suppose. My poor uncle Paddy copped a bad one in the leg trying to liberate the fuckers. Though I think the allied mass bombings put a lot of frenchies off. Should have just gone round let the Germans and the French do whatever.
      One small mercy the bendy boat season is coming to an end, gets a bit choppy in the channel come the Autumn Equinox though I am pretty sure that all South coast Lifeboatmen are all full time employed and the new tactics of jetsking at sinking inflatables is starting just in time for gales etc must not forget the brave Border Farce boats thought the mileage they must have clocked up even the rivets are fucked.

      • Was watching (on ADSB) one of HM Coastguard Beechcraft -sensors for every eventuality* – shadowing a Frog coastguard vessel (on Marine Traffic) the other day. They were right in the middle of where the borders converge south of Dover. If the frogs pushed some immos across the boundary, then at least we now have a record of the event.


  12. Lazy, stinky, bitter, arrogant socialist branleurs.

    I gave up on the cross channel ferries booze visits years ago; after all that was about all that Le Francais was good for.

    Fuck off.

  13. The Frogs become more and more irrelevant with every passing month. They are stuck in the EU unable to make trade deals with the outside world as all trade deals must be done by the EU.
    They detest our freedom and will do anything to undermine it because they know they are on the WRONG side of history.
    Useless cowardly soap dodging cunts.

  14. Take that Macron you pathetic lying petulant cunts. Good to see the BBC has been siding with the French ha ha ha ha ha

  15. Zappa had the frogs sussed. In France is a great track and I’d put a link to it but I’m buggered if know how to on my phone.

  16. The French…..ahhh yes….Majestic cunts indeed. In fact, I could easily compose a Bible sized treatise detailing their history of cuntism.
    Having said this, I am rather fond of Jean-Michel Jarre and a certain, Marine Le Pen…and her daughter…

  17. All the dingy people without documentation should be sent back to France as French nationals without a passport. La France is over . Hungary seems to be able to build a wall to stop migration. We have a moat but seen to be unable to do the same. Wonder why.

    • Hungarian wine is bloody good, they’ve only recently started to bother much with beer. I’ve picked up a few from Lidl, who have an interesting wine selection generally, but only import limited amounts of a particular wine, so it’s a case of being there at the right time.
      Good food (potatoes roaat/fried in goose fat) and lovely birds.

  18. I don’t mind the French, they’re like our favourite uncle that shows up for our birthday and Christmas bringing us a bag of lollies and a noisy toy to piss off Mum. The sub deal was falling to bits, were doing what’s in our best interest to protect our sovereignty. The CCP call us America’s running dog, I’d rather be that than China’s dog hot pot. They treat their own people like shit and their subject races worse. Please cunters remember there are 2 other Han majority nations,, Taiwan and Singapore neither of which are keen on the CCP.
    France is having a tizz now but will get over it, they haven’t forgotten how many Skips died on their soil.

  19. The French are my least favourite amphibians.
    I hate the French so much ive started self harming.
    I was drowning?
    I wouldn’t accept a life jacket off a Frenchman.
    If in a burning building and the fire brigade was french id dowse myself in petrol shut the window and go back to bed.

  20. Gentlemen, an excellent double cunting for Les Cunts. Microbe must be poaching in his own piss, the arrogant little cunt.

  21. There are more allied soldiers buried in Frances soil than there will ever be French in the allied. Fuck these cunts. OK for them all to come in when the cunts dropped their rifles – All one sided – theyd never in buy anything from Australia UK or US its gotta be French so viva that you frog cunts. Hope their jet planes are next. Cunts

  22. I’m all for a naval conflict with these dirty bastards.

    Might discourage the dinghy vermin once they realise the gloves have finally come off.

    If it doesn’t shoot them as they land.

    We need to smack some Frog arses.
    (Not you Freddy).

  23. Doing our bit for Zero Carbon match between Chelsea and Tottenham by watching Marseille v Rennes instead. Wankers.

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