The Tokyo Olympics
Yes I know it’s been done to death and everybody has lost interest but personally I found the experience uplifting and inspiring.
It was incredible to see how a nation of malevolent psychopaths have apparently reinvented themselves as a peaceful and welcoming people. I was inspired to re-read my books on the subject of the war in the Pacific, and to do some further research into atrocities perpetrated by the Japanese in that era.
Most cunters will be familiar with the subject of Imperial Japan’s war crimes but the details of the systematic brutality, murder and xenophobia are usually skimmed over.
Today’s youth are taught that slavery and the British Empire were the most unspeakable evils in human history, and that misuse of pronouns equates to a hate crime.
I propose that a campaign is started advocating teaching actual historical facts in school. In the case of Japan this might include the rape of Nanking, vivisection on un anaesthetised prisoners of war, widespread cannibalism of American prisoners as well as individual incidents too harrowing to mention even here. Can’t do links but all readily available on a simple Google search.
When they have learned what true evil really is we might then begin to teach the post-independence history of countries once controlled and exploited by the nasty Europeans.
The Bangladeshi, Cambodian and of course Rwandan genocides would be a good place to start, before moving on to the relatively successful cases of Algeria, Zimbabwe, Liberia and Ethiopia.
Civilisation is a thin veneer covering the actual nature of human interaction, and it can be ripped off with very little stimulus, anytime and anywhere. This is getting too deep so fuck off.
Nominated by: Themagiccunt
They kicked the living fuck out of Russia, Mongolia and China in wars. Vicious bastards? Yes, but modern Japan is nothing like that.
Yeah, we can’t hold a grudge against the bastards for ever. We’re not wokies…….or Irish.
The problem with us Oirish is that we never forget, the problem with you Brits is that you never remember.
After watching shite unfold over the last week, I’d add that you Brits also never appear to learn from your mistakes.
Japan committed a lot of atrocities. Was a long time ago and they’ve done plenty of good things. You compare
what they have invented alone and compare it to the whole Peaceful side of the world and they seem alright on the whole.
And their birds like getting covered in jizz. Think they invented that, too.
The Japanese were cunts back in the day, but then again so were quite a few “civilised” countries.
They may well still be cunts behind their outward veneer, but they’ve done a lot of good over the last 50 or 60 years. Moreover, they’re mostly hard working, educated, forward thinking and inventive.
Much prefer them to the shite we’re seeing entering this country.
If Japan is civilised thank the USA. They civilised them after the war and removed their militaristic mindset. If they had won fuck knows what the world would be like.
Remember my dad telling me about some oddball when he was growing up in the 50s.
A local weird bloke, the kids taking the piss etc.
My grandad pulled my dad an uncle aside.
Told them calmly didn’t bollock them, but told them not to take the piss.
The bloke had been in a Japanese POW camp and the horrors hed seen/been subjected to had left him ‘funny’.
Both my grandads hated the japs.
A lot of people who went through WW2 did.
More than they hated the nazis to some degree.
Cruelty seemed to be a pleasure to them.
All sides committed atrocities.
Its war after all.
But remember my dad telling my grandad about some japanese landing in some mangrove swamps in Indonesia and all through the night they were screaming,
Getting picked off by crocodiles.
My grandad grinned said “good”.
My grandma told me some of the same sort of things. Didn’t have much time for the Japanese. Also got Asian family members who hate the Japanese. Mostly for things that happened a long time ago.
Holding grudges forever is a bit of a fucker though. Peacefuls and cunts like Kehinde Andrews, James O’Brien hold grudges forever about shit they weren’t even therefore. Oh, and women obviously do it all the time.
MNC@ – My history teacher was a Japanese POW.
This was discovered after he died – he never spoke a word of it in his life.
2 of my uncles were at Seralong camp in Malaya, one of the few stories they shared was the kindness of the Hokkien Chinese, going without themselves to bringing the prisoners vegetables, eggs and fish (the Japs only gave them rice). Later risking their lives to bring them news of allied victories which gave my uncles hope. My point being ordinary Chinese aren’t reflective of the current regime nor are Japanese to the government of the war years.
That generation of my family hated wøgs more, as they flooded over here after we defeated them.
Mam tells me of the Italians in prison camps in country Victoria. Let out on day duty to do various jobs on farms, they loved it, joked with the kids. Doubtless they were thinking of staying or coming back
Your “odball” MNC was of course one of those who were permanently damaged. Fifty years ago now I gave the woman who would become my mother-in-law a lift to a friend’s house. As we arrived she told me that her friend’s husband was “a bit odd” but not to be concerned. When we entered the room he was squatted on his haunches in the far corner eating a raw chicken with his bare hands. He had been a prisoner of the Japanese.
However when our elder daughter worked in the main hospital in Osaka for a few months in 2007 she was very well treated by everyone she met.
Might be Ramree Island, Burma, in 1945 when they were in retreat.
Compared to the Chinese, they’re is no comparison. I think the Japs are great.
Revisionist history paints the British Empire as evil but we were able to run these countries better than the natives and at least kept them from killing each other.
We gave them technology, built railroads, power stations etc
Once the British left they devolved into savages they are and the countries became backwards shitholes.
Like Themagiccunt states, is Rwanda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe etc better off?
The Japanese were feudal savages who committed atrocities but so did the Romans, Mongols and so many more.
If I were 50 years younger I’d seriously consider migrating to Japan.
May have to marry a geisha girl first though, like my brother-in-law done. Fuck me, she don’t half give me the fucking horn!
My son’s obsessed with Japan and all things Japanese.
Likes all the tech etc
I know id hate it
Willie told me its humid as fuck.
And Tokyo looks dead space age like the Death Star in Star Wars.
Also id have to take out Godzilla insurance too.
So going to Wales instead.
Jersey looks a nice place.
Mmm bit suspicious of Jersey.
Never met anyone who’s been.
Or anyone from there.
Makes me suspicious.
I banged a stunner from Jersey, many years ago.
She was training to be a Doctor and really appreciated my own dedication to becoming an amateur gynaecologist ?
All sons go through a phase of ‘turning Japanese’ during adolescence.
Fuck me Wales? I bet the Japanese are easier to understand.
Yes but in Wales im guaranteed rain and rude people.
Dont get that in Japan.
Can still get raw fish though as a meal.
There’s a word for it, ‘weeabo’.
That jap or welsh?
Whats it mean?
Apparently it’s very common for Japanese women to be abused and groped on the train systems. Never seems to be mentioned.
On the same note, Read The Forgotten Highlander. It’s a true story about a Scots soldier who survived horror at the hands of the japs. Hard to believe anyone could survive what he went through.
Evil slanty eyed fuckers.
Mind you, it’s not all sweetness and light. According to my next door neighbour (he of the Japanese wife) it’s common for Jap men to spunk on the rears of young women and schoolgirls travelling on the subway.
The report below would appear to bear this out:
Youd have to do the same Ruff.
Its cultural.
If you didn’t youd ‘cum’ across as rude.
What… me go on public transport? How little you know me, Miserable. ?
The Thornberrys & Abbott’s of this country would have laws toughened up against any a chance behaviour here, a bit like they did with upskirting.
I don’t think I’ve been guilty of upskirting since I was about 6/7 years old at school however them cunts were only so vocal about it as they were so jealous that it never happened to them. This was despite Abbott getting pissed on canned cocktails while riding the subway legs akimbo.
You can’t judge people of events that happened decades ago, only what you experience personally in Japan today.
Have visited Japan on many occasions and it is an absolutely fantastic place, and the people welcoming, kind and thoughtful.
So much in fact that I’m seriously thinking of fucking off there when my son finishes his A levels in 2023.
The Japanese respect their own history, culture and fellow man. Little or no immigration, less than 2% foreigners. They also have respect for their elders and their fellow man and play by the rules.
Everything works, everything is clean and there is virtually no crime as the police are generally efficient and take no shit from anyone.
People and children all work hard, and there are no benefit handouts. Their people are not fat cunts, no tattoos and are friendly.
Ok, not as green and as beautiful as here and I am sure I will get extremely pissed off with the constant politeness and having to conform, and for a veggie the food is not at all easy but is sure beats living in the UK now.
Anyone that has been there will already know this, I can only assume that you haven’t TMC.
RIP Sean Lock.
Can fully agree. A great country and good thing about is that they know who they are and have their own culture. You can have a great time in Japan, but it’s on Japan’s terms and the absolute last thing they would do is import more Peacefulness. That’s one of the reasons they are creating more robots as a solution to declining population. Within their culture there’s loads you can do and the dirty in the sack too.
My worry for Japan is that with the decline in their birth rate they will be required to import foreign labour to do the manual jobs. That’s where their problems will really start.
But from what I can see if this so far is that people are imported for specific jobs, and on a limited visa. They are carefully monitored and have to leave when the visa has expired.
No mass immigration of unskilled labour, no undesirables with criminal records etc and any sign of disobedience they are gone.
In Japan criminals in prison do not get an easy time, and are made to work for their upkeep. A great deterrent to keep their citizens on the straight and narrow.
A drunk person causing a minor affect is relatively uncommon, however police will quickly be on the scene, the perpetrator whisked away in a police van and will spend the night in the cells. Next morning they will be presented with a stiff bill for the polices time and trouble and for their overnight accommodation.
This country is as soft as tucking shit now from the top down, and it’s only going to get worse.
“Soft as shit” in the UK. Not sure if it’s that. Soft as shit on illegal immigration from Peacefuls etc, but not with other types of immigration that could be helpful. Soft as shit on benefits fraud, grooming gangs, the Abedis, but hard as nails on pronoun based hate crime.
Think it’s more about completely warped priorities…
“You can’t judge people of events that happened decades ago, only what you experience personally in Japan today.”….why not?
“Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.
We constantly judge people on their histories…only this morning we had reams regarding the Afgani people over the centuries and how we should have taken note of their history of defeating the British,Russians and Americans before getting involved again.
The Asian obsession with Nazi chic…
I get your point but not everything is so rosy. Read the novels of Natsuo Kirino and you´ll see another side of Japan – poverty, crime, filth, sexual perversion and darkness. At least two are available in English – “Out” and “Grotesque”. Don´t let the melodramatic titles put you off. They are great reads.
Appreciate yours and others points willie, and no I have not visited Japan. However the Germans are almost embarrassing at times with regret and apologies regarding behaviour in the war. The japanese do not teach WW2 in a way we would recognise in their schools and refuse to acknowledge culpability unless forced to. For example the rape of Nanking where upwards of 200,000 civilians were butchered, often for sport, has only recently appeared in textbooks, where it is referred to as the Nanking incident with no mention of the atrocities carried out. (Here I rely on internet sources with no definitive collaboration) One of the points I tried to make in the nom is that the Japs seem nice now, but how little would it take for them to revert to savagery? Less than most Western cultures I think, but there are populations who have never developed empathy or basic human decency and probably never will. Unlike warring religious sects or rival neighbouring tribes in the rainforest, the Japanese had 2000 years of civilisation behind them in 1937, yet showed no humanity whatsoever until after the forced surrender following the A bombs. With hindsight I probably shouldn’t post on anonymous forums when full of beer.
Amazing how a people can be brainwashed into being so brutal to other human beings. They do make a decent motorcycle.
Unlike the Americans…
I worked with a Japanese bloke for several months, they are a bit weird, he talked about the work culture and not wanting to be the first to leave the office at the end of the day, not actually working but don’t want to loose face.
Nice guy very polite, hard to see that his father or more likely grandfather could have been a murdering bastard.
The sheer brutality of the Japanese during the Second World War would have made Hitler shudder
Now it JK business, the dirty bastards ???
Amazing how unusually forgiving so many of the comments are on here.
Leopards don’t change their spots…the Japs would do exactly the same these days if they got half a chance.
If a Peaceful was to say “the British would ruthlessly colonise our country and half the world again given half the chance” it would sound like bullshit to me (unfortunately). I don’t really see it with Japan either, not right now.
It would indeed sound like bullshit…which is why I qualified it with “given half a chance”.
I agree that the Japanese are unlikely to try such a thing nowadays but I don’t believe that a nation like Japan changes it’s whole psyche within a generation…their inbred cruelty would resurface given the opportunity.
Nice to see you back.
The Germans have just changed allegiance.
Once upon a time, they worshipped Adolf. Now, the EU is like a fundamentalist religion to them.
I think I disagree Mr Fiddler. The Emperor of Japan at the time of the was revered as a god.
Kamikaze pilots would destroy themselves for him. And the country.
Whether dropping the Atomic bombs was right or wong it destroyed Japanese militarism. ‘We have to accept the unacceptable’.
Same with Germany. German militarism was finally destroyed by the last world war. Never to return I think.
The trouble is China has not been crushed. The CCP needs to be destroyed.
People can change. The IRA were called ‘the mindless men of violence’ for years. But they changed, they moved.
I made a comment earlier. Maybe the Taliban have changed. They could have you never know.
I dont believe that there is some inherent defect in a people. It’s all just culture.
I think the nuclear bomb was the turning point to WW2.
We bombed some sense into them.
If only we had gone on to bomb others while we were on a roll!
We should be more free and easy when it comes to nuclear bombs.
Start with Bradford as a tester and go from there.
Afghanistan, Pakistan,
Africa, all begging to be bombed.
“Give em what they want” BT Barnum
‘We bombed some sense into them’.
You could say that’s true. Whether it is morally acceptable is another question.
Afternoon all.
Never had much time for worrying about morals Miles.
Get the bombing out the way then can have a brew and a biscuit and worry about the morality of it.
Bomb some morals into them!!
“I dont believe that there is some inherent defect in a people. It’s all just culture.”
You’re right Miles, culture is the key. But I don’t think the Taliban have changed, they’ve had no incentive to.
I suspect they’ll be even more brutal, if anything.
Only way you will sort out that shit hole is get all the citizens on cruise liner type boats and then carpet bomb the whole fucking lot. Then let them back to build a decent society where they dont cut off innocents heads for not wearing a burka whilst raping 12 year olds the goat shagging cunts.
I don’t buy the enamouring qualities their culture currently possesses. It’s only veneer. They may run like clockwork and have no litter, but what is the cost?
The working culture and social climate is like ours but an order of magnitude more masochistic. That’s only going to hold for so long and when the veneer slips, what then?
Like us, like the American’s, they’re completely full of shit. The most dangerous of all people are those who can’t admit their faults, because when the dam bursts they project it all outwards, brutally, on to a scapegoat.
The social and sexual repression will make the explosion even bigger.
Dick, I don’t like to disagree with you but no they would not. That’s because they know if they misbehave what an atom bomb dropped on top of them will do.
I understand what you’re saying but my point is more that the Japanese haven’t suddenly becoming a cuddly bunch who would never hurt anyone. I believe that they still…given the chance…would behave in exactly the same despicable fashion.
Yes,there are reasons for them not to misbehave these days but I don’t think that there whole national psyche has changed in the slightest…it is repressed,yes..but it has not changed.
To me it’s rather like saying that a tiger that has been kept in captivity hasn’t killed a goat in years so it would be fine to shove it in the petting zoo while it’s cage is getting mucked out.
I visited Hiroshima several years ago. Took a tour with a Japanese guide.
She said that the only way the Japanese could ever be stopped was by extreme measures, namely the atomic bomb.
An extremely proud nation who are passionate about maintaining their incredibly high standards, and because of this I totally understand the pressure to conform must be incredibly tough, especially on young people.
I clearly remember my wife and I watching World at War (perhaps not the best choice of programme) which showed the Japanese treatment of prisoners on WW2. I remember her crying and telling me she didn’t know as they are not taught about this at school.
I stick by my comments that in the surface Japan is a far more civilised country than the UK and a place I would prefer to live.
This country has lost the fucking plot and bears no resemblance to the country I was born in and things will only deteriorate further.
So you’re saying Mr F that the Japanese are inherently cruel? That part of the ‘national psyche’ is an inborn cruelty?
Every nation on eath has committed atrocities during wars I would have thought.
Man is capable of anything during a war.
Ps just googled the ‘Rape of Nanking’ and wish I hadn’t.
“I stick by my comments that in the surface Japan is a far more civilised country than the UK and a place I would prefer to live.”
Quite understandable…I have no reason to doubt your far more educated position regarding modern Japan…I’m sure it does present a more civilised veneer than modern Britain.
My problem is more that I don’t believe that the Japanese people have undergone some massive change of character.
I don’t believe that those atomic bombs changed what has been bred into the Japanese mindset over 100s of years…given the chance,they’d be at it again. It’s bred into them in the same way as some soft family dog killing a rabbit if nobody is there to stop it.
Yes,Miles. I am saying that I believe the Japanese to be inherently cruel.
Simple as that.
They certainly have a cruel sense of humour.
Evening Dick. ?
And again:
(Warning, a bit homophobic this one)
@RTC – much as I and my cruel sense of humour enjoyed Banzai ( while living briefly with someone with a TV, since you are bound to query this) it was about as Japanese as I am. The show was invented by someone called Gary Monaghan or (Gao-li Mon Ah Han, so maybe Chinese Irish?)
I like Japans immigration policy – “fuck off somewhere else”.
They also invested heavily into the UK economy, not least the likes of Honda, Casio, Sony, Nissan and a whole bunch of others.
Plus they gave us some pretty awesome motorbikes – Kwaka GPz900, ZZR600/900; Suzi GSXR1100s, Yams F1, Honda Fireblade and other nutjob bikes.
Then there’s their culture towards manga/anime.
That said they were rather too into their CP until it was made illegal in Japan a few years back.
If they bring back the two stroke Yamaha RD series, I will forgive them for most of their past sins. Fuck Thunberg & Lucas type cunts robbing the british children of their right of passage on two stroke screamers and the wonderful smell that exits the allspeed exhausts as they idle in the driveway
I was blasting around the Norfolk countryside on a Suzuki X5 just the other day.
It was glorious…
The Japanese ‘Rape of Nanking’ was so utterly outrageous that John Rabe, the German businessman and Nazi representative in the ‘safety zone’, wrote to Hitler asking him to intervene.
What they did to the people of the Philippines was pretty grim too. As they were escaping the advancing Americans, they raped and murdered the civilians of Manila out of spite.
They also indulged in a fair bit of cannibalism, a fact that was downplayed to help with their rehabilitation.
As for being fanatical? I can’t remember which island it was, but when the Americans finally took it, out of several thousand Japanese soldiers, only around 65 allowed themselves to be captured, the rest either died in pointless battles, or topped themselves.
The dropping of the atom bombs on Japan saved more Japanese lives because of that death before dishonour crap.
I’ve always been amazed that after the way the Allied POWs were treated that Japan continued to exist.
Perhaps war weariness meant the resolve to seek complete retribution just wasn’t there.
Anyhow they seem to be behaving themselves and I wear one of their wristwatches.
I realise this may make me a cunt.
UT@ – Not a cunt, just appreciative of good kit that works.
Japanese Miota movements are used in pretty much every decent watch on the market, I have a Swiss watch thing which is an automatic, as I don’t often wear it it needs winding and the date setting every time I do.
Fkin Breitling..
Also made some good, reliable HI-Fi stuff in the ’70s through to the 2000s.
@rtc Wonder what happened to Saisho and Matsui?
I think Matsui was a British brand that was given a jap sounding name to give it an air of quality, because home based brands were considered shit. Amstrad for example.
There never was any “resolve to seek complete retribution”, just a general desire for peace and renewed prosperity.
Matsui was an invention of Currys. It was noticed that Japanese goods were good value, so Currys turned Japanese! Yes, I think so… The actual kit sold under that misleading brand was made in the UK from Chinese and Turkish components. Saisho was bought by Dixons and sold off in 2011, it says here.
The sneaky fuckers. If only Dawn Buttlard had screamed of this misappropriation / use of Japan sounding name to con us back in the 80/90’s.
Still better than Amstrad, my 1st “hi-fi” amplifier.
Later graduated to a Sanyo Class AA. Decent kit indeed.
Strange to think that the Chinese gave us Taoism and the Japanese gave us Zen Buddhism. Dunno if there are any conclusions to be drawn from that. Cunts!
I once had a tussle with a Tory ( I was then SNP – we all make mistakes) in the local rag’s letters page. After a couple of exchanges of vitriol, I actually phoned him. It emerged that he had been in a Jap PoW camp, and had not only forgiven his captors, but been back there and taken an interest in Japanese culture (as I did and still do). Ended up the best of friends, and he invited me to visit and discuss Japan – though perhaps not the camp – at greater length. I didn’t go, like a cunt, but the memory is still good.
Only ever known one Jap, that was back in 74, he was black belt karate. He was a good guy.
Still should have dropped more nukes on them 30 years before. Evil vile bastards.
It was hinted at ,( a blue paper) that the Americans were going to drop the Atom bomb in Germany before the end of ww2 .
They decided against it as the Russian advance was already to near the Germany
So onto Japan
The Toypta Land Cruiser from early to late 1990’s were brilliant, bombproof-the ultimate cars.?
The models post 2001 have a chassis made of Swiss-fucking-cheese?
Nothing stays great, forever ?
Yep they perfected many products and made them bulletproof
Probably shouldn’t say but I never sold my 1999 Honda CR-V .
It was idle for eight years outside bar the very odd jump start and quick spin around the estate
I have now being driving full time for about a year plus and it gives me great pleasure . It was built in Japan before they moved production overseas
Strange thing is, they make such bloody good cameras, and that was sixty years ago.
Interestingly, Peter Sellers, like L Ron Hubbard, was a very keen amateur photographer.
This is my favourite scene CS-
Thanks Miles ,It was a film of brilliance from when I was young and to this day
I love the film Mecuntry. It must have been a great shock to the first people to see it at the cinema. A bit like Pscho or The Exorcist. It doesnt flinch once from its terryfing subject.
Interesting fact. (Well this is what I heard). Kubrick was trying to think of which music to put the footage of the atomic bombs exploding at the end of the film. ‘Why not “We’ll Meet Again’ someone suggested. That person? Spike Milligan.
of which music to put to the footage
Classic Spike ?? , even the humor makes it all the more frightening Miles
I still think forces got to Kubrick in the end before finishing Eyes wide Shut
It would have had a different slant had he lived to finish it
Bernard Manning “ I heard the news about a Japanese airline crash this morning, all dead. I was gutted, there was an empty seat”.
Dont really understand these weeaboos who obsedd over japanese culture. The comics and cartoons they read andwatch are all thanks ro yank G.I l.s after the war.
Didnt have those giant silly-lookng robots when the B-29s flew over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan is an American protectorate with a stagnating economy.
Tell that to the next Japanophile millennial you meet and watch the tears start to fall.
Fat-thumbed cunt.
Rabbit Island is rather cute, but it is suspected that the rabbits might all be descended from lab rabbits at a biochemical research station during the war.
Wouldn’t mind visiting cat island either, lots of youtube vids on it. My final words on the subject; this turned into quite a civilised and thought provoking thread so thanks all. Promise never to post again unless it’s schoolboy humour or hate crime jokes. Got a good one about a thalidomide victim.
Appreciate yours and others points willie, and no I have not visited Japan. However the Germans are almost embarrassing at times with regret and apologies regarding behaviour in the war. The japanese do not teach WW2 in a way we would recognise in their schools and refuse to acknowledge culpability unless forced to. For example the rape of Nanking where upwards of 200,000 civilians were butchered, often for sport, has only recently appeared in textbooks, where it is referred to as the Nanking incident with no mention of the atrocities carried out. (Here I rely on internet sources with no definitive collaboration) One of the points I tried to make in the nom is that the Japs seem nice now, but how little would it take for them to revert to savagery? Less than most Western cultures I think, but there are populations who have never developed empathy or basic human decency and probably never will. Unlike warring religious sects or rival neighbouring tribes in the rainforest, the Japanese had 2000 years of civilisation behind them in 1937, yet showed no humanity whatsoever until after the forced surrender following the A bombs. With hindsight I probably shouldn’t post on anonymous forums when full of beer.
Know your audience.?