are cunts.
‘Sir’ Jim Ratclffe and those Glazer mutants can kiss my arse. That new stadium he (Ratcliffe) wants? The concept art looks shit. It looks like a mosque that’s been designed by Albert Speer. And a 100’000 capacity? How are they going to get 100’000 to watch our shower of shit? If City can’t fill the Etihad to capacity. how the buggery are United going to fill their ‘new’ stadium?
Also , as a hardcore matchgoing supporter since 1974, I am simply not interested. If or when Old Trafford dies, that is me done with them for good. 66 (sixty sodding six) pounds for a kids ticket to watch that crap is scandalous enough. But this new ground will not even keep the old name or pay tribute to Busby’s legacy. I bet it it’s called somehing like The Glazerdome or the Ineos Stadium.
Well, they can sod off. Manchester United nearly died in 1958. Only to rise again, with an young Irish genius as their talisman. But this time I think the club I loved since I was a young boy is -or will be- well and truly dead soon. Whatever that cunt Ratcliffe or those Glazer scum are aiming to do, it has nothing to do with the people of Manchester and Salford who loved this club so much. They are doing this for the tourists, daytrippers, half/half scarf mongs, and any other imbecile they can suck money out of. Welcome to Glazerworld. With Marcus Rashford as Mickey Mouse.
Nominated by Norman.