Manchester United (3)

are cunts.

‘Sir’ Jim Ratclffe and those Glazer mutants can kiss my arse. That new stadium he (Ratcliffe) wants? The concept art looks shit. It looks like a mosque that’s been designed by Albert Speer. And a 100’000 capacity? How are they going to get 100’000 to watch our shower of shit? If City can’t fill the Etihad to capacity. how the buggery are United going to fill their ‘new’ stadium?

Also , as a hardcore matchgoing supporter since 1974, I am simply not interested. If or when Old Trafford dies, that is me done with them for good. 66 (sixty sodding six) pounds for a kids ticket to watch that crap is scandalous enough. But this new ground will not even keep the old name or pay tribute to Busby’s legacy. I bet it it’s called somehing like The Glazerdome or the Ineos Stadium.

Well, they can sod off. Manchester United nearly died in 1958. Only to rise again, with an young Irish genius as their talisman. But this time I think the club I loved since I was a young boy is -or will be- well and truly dead soon. Whatever that cunt Ratcliffe or those Glazer scum are aiming to do, it has nothing to do with the people of Manchester and Salford who loved this club so much. They are doing this for the tourists, daytrippers, half/half scarf mongs, and any other imbecile they can suck money out of. Welcome to Glazerworld. With Marcus Rashford as Mickey Mouse.

Nominated by Norman.

Young Girls Taking Men’s Jobs

As if we dont have enough stereotypes to deal with, Polish plumbers, M’lungobungo Doctors, Australian bar staff, Danish wind turbine engineers, Greasy Indian gynaecologists etc.

Now we have young girls looking to be brickies.

BBC News.

By all means, I wish her well and hope she sticks at it to retire a sore and broken woman but I can see it ending one of two ways, either a fat sexual harrassment in the workplace payout or quitting because the rain was too strong, her back gave out and she broke a fingernail.

Following on from my “word salad” pum pum cunting, this is a carefully selected sober cunting.

Nominated by : Cunt of the Isles

Hope not Hate [4]

Well its that time of year again when anti-racist anti-fascist advocacy group Hope not Hate release their State of HATE 2025 report, a sort of rundown of what is fizzing the shit of the kind tolerant and inclusive Left.

Describing the report as “the most comprehensive and analytical guide to the far-right in Britain today” it would seem the far-right boogie men and women are everywhere.
(They would blame it on the boogie – NA)

So lets dive in and take a look to see who and what has been sent to the naughty step.

Reform UK, well obviously. Nigel Farage is Adolf Hitler reincarnated. Tommy Robinson or Stephen Yaxley-Lennon is a stalwart of course, the summer riots shouting at police dogs and writing anti-establishment rhetoric on X was a big no no too. A glut of YouTube channels like the Lotus Eaters, Paul Joseph Watson, Survive the Jive, Matthew Goodwin and eccentric nutters like David Icke and Piers Corbyn make the shit list. Oh the shame Jeremy!

Laurence Fox, Katie Hopkins, UKIP (bit out of date?), Turning Point UK and Breitbart all get a mention with case file notes of their ‘crimes’. Quite hilarious actually as its so self-righteous and completely oblivious to the fact that they are the real fascists and a danger to the country and society.

I should think most people named and shamed took it as a badge of honour and that at least you are pissing the right people off. I’m sure its required reading down at Labour Party HQ and the Dear Leaders ‘far-right’ fetish.

The only downside is that once again the cunters of IsAC have failed to get a mention and its not for a lack of trying either. Maybe the State of HATE 2026 will feature the obscure and shadowy internet forum Is A Cunt, spewing their hate and bile against refugees and other vulnerable minorities that is keeping Owen Jones awake at night.
(Me thinks something entirely different is keeping Owen Jones up all night – NA)

Challenge accepted!

Hope Not Hate.

Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator

Cancelling Woke Shakespeare Play

Help needed.

”Theatre boss resigns in protest after Shakespeare play CANCELLED in censorship row”

Midsummer Night’s Dream apparently. I suffered this shite in school. Fucking dreadful fairy gay tripe but for the life of me I cant remember this:-

”Performances of the modern adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream were paused due to references made to the Israel-Gaza war and transgender rights.”


What the fuck could this dreary fucking nonsense have to do with Gaza or Trannies? Or does having a fucking donkey head on give you rights?

Perhaps some of our more erudite cunters (forget it Mis and CuntEngine) could elucidate?


Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Engine engineers LTD and Jamal Ahmed MANNAN

So the old war horse was getting a bit tired so what better than to give it a new lease of life with a reconditioned engine?

After trawling the internet and registering on various sites, the above mentioned popped up with a reasonable quote for an engine rebuild quoting a strip down and turn around in around 14days. So after receiving photos of my vehicle in bits an additional sum was demanded for spares (which is standard practice) but paid on the nail. Shortly afterwards further communication was received stating that one of the reconditioned parts was not up to par and needed re doing, but whilst they were doing so the gearbox and injection system needed attention?

At this point alarm bells rang as the injection system is regulated by the ECU that is currently not connected to the engine so rather a doubtful claim. A quick look at companies house and above mentioned has made a move to be struck off the register and wishes to cease trading whilst actively encouraging me to trade with him and extort money under the pretext of offering a warrantied product.

Next move is to get trading standards involved only you cant because they do not deal with the public anymore? You are required to go through some do gooder at the CAB, which to be honest I cant currently be arsed with. Likewise the police have farmed out fraud to “action fraud” a library of cunts and misery similar to this, so not much joy there.

So You sir are a cunt, not only have you taken my car, but you have taken my money and I am very displeased.

Nominated by : Lord Benny