The Sex Pistols


The Sex Pistols are routinely cited as one of the greatest bands in history, along with their debut (and only) album Never Mind the Bollocks… The truth is the Pistols had nothing to do with music or youth culture…. They were simply one of the greatest marketing operations of all time, whose rise to fame was made immensely easier by the shockingly backward state of 1977’s society…

If there’s one revolution the Pistols kickstarted, it was the idea that anything shocking – no matter how dumb, vacant, or closer to the lowest common denominator – is going to generate cash, and that’s the harvest we’re still reaping to this day with gems a-la Pete Doherty, Liam Gallagher, or even Jade Goody…. Get your name in the paper through whatever stunt or nonsense, look wasted, wear the right clothes and wag that oh-so-rebellious finger and half the job’s done…

Look at the publicity generated by one of the most stupid moments in the history of British telly, the Bill Grundy interview in which the affected young clowns make the presenter’s job stupidly easy. “Go on, you’ve got another ten seconds. Say something outrageous.” “You dirty bastard”. “Go on, again”. “You dirty facker! Worra facking rotta!”. If you’ve got a pet dog at home you may know exactly how it works…..

And then there was that swastika wearing, samckhead, psychotic prick, Sid Vicious… He was a proper cunt…

Nominated by: Norman

Effeminate arse bandits


You know the type, Graham Norton, Alan Carr, Rylan Clark.

They obviously grew up watching too many repeats of “Are you being served” on UK GOld and now think that being gay equates to acting like Mr Humphreys.

I could not give a shit if you are gay, if you enjoy a good arsehole reaming, giving a good arsehole reaming or sucking on a cock. What you do in your personal life is no concern of mine, but what pisses me off (and actually gives the gays a bad name) is the effeminate stereotype gays who act like divas saying shit like “talk to the hand girlfriend” and are extroverts acting like right fucking mincers.

Nominated by: Dribbling Reality TV Junkie

Ewen McGregor

Ewen McGregor is a right cunt! He has the most annoying Cheshire Cat grin, is the shittest actor and ruins every film he is in. I can’t think of any decent films he is in. Even the ones that are funny e.g. Men who stare at goats, he ruins because he is such a cunt!

Somebody once told this cunt he could do accents and based on that assumption that he could act, but he can’t, he is terrible … Plus he is Scottish and was a cunt in that cuntish singing film with Nicole Kidman, and that completely cuntish starwars shit where he tried to emulate Alec Guinneses accent – prime example of his inability to act.

What’s worse is that for some reason he’s revered as a good actor!!?? What the fuck are these people on? He is so incredibly shit, plus he’s got this permanently smug cuntish grin on his face!

Also, the BBC are paid him to ride around the world having a jolly on a motorbike with his pasty, ginger lookalike twat cunt friend!

If he’s not added to the cunt list then you’re all a bunch of cunts!

Nominated by: Kunta Kinte

Diversity Role Models

Suran Dickson, CEO, with a couple of other diverse cunts...

Suran Dickson, founder & CEO, with a couple of diverse cunts…

No, cunts. For the avoidance orf doubt, this is not a modelling agency specialising in woofs, dykes and trannies, it is a Charity!

Well fuck me furrier and bugger me butler! Having benefited from a birth into the liberal social mores orf the landed aristocracy plus a public school education, I fancied meself pretty bullet proof when it came to the sexual predilections orf the vulgi ignobilis (common people cunts). Indeed as a callow youth I was schooled in the corrupt decadences orf pre war Berlin. So let them have their cake and fuck it I say. I am not shocked, no rather like Zola’s Gaston in Gigi I am merely bored. Bored that the flowering orf a few perversions amongst today’s spotty young tossers has been commandeered by the PC Diversity Brigade. Channel 4 documentaries and self serving charities abound me dears in what was once the preserve orf the public khazi and the sleazy room with stained beds rented by the hour.

In place orf a discrete cottage industry with a spot orf furtive wanking in women’s knickers or a pair orf dykes sharing a Coke bottle or some stiffy sporting jasper hobbling to work in a girdle and suspenders under his M&S suit, we now have a grant funded profession me dears with statistics and a whole new language to validate it. We are told that the yoof orf today is gender fluid or gender neutral and surfing on a sea orf non aligned sexuality that spans the gamut orf the gay, the straight and the bi-curious with one in two 18-24 year olds somewhere in the middle. Throw them a lifebelt I hear you say. Certainly but not until they have had the opportunity for a meaningful inner dialogue about their sexuality led by a very highly remunerated trans-co-gender life style facilitator. All this before we delve into the gay Muslim drag queen scene or the Gaysian Community.

In the prophetic words orf The Daily Fail, you could not make this up!

(Oh and do not fail to re-acquaint yourself dear reader with some more old friends orf this blog orf fun pictured therein)

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

The Voice newspaper


‘The Voice ‘ newspaper, for fucks sake! Talk about holding 2 opposing views at the same time! On the one hand you say black people should be treated equally, then you go and set up a paper for blacks only!

And you also lump all black people together as though all black people have the same views on everything you totally misguided twats. I’d love to see their reaction if a newspaper was set up that catered only for white people, that would be fucking stupid and so is ‘The Voice’

Nominated by: Ozmandias