Effeminate arse bandits


You know the type, Graham Norton, Alan Carr, Rylan Clark.

They obviously grew up watching too many repeats of “Are you being served” on UK GOld and now think that being gay equates to acting like Mr Humphreys.

I could not give a shit if you are gay, if you enjoy a good arsehole reaming, giving a good arsehole reaming or sucking on a cock. What you do in your personal life is no concern of mine, but what pisses me off (and actually gives the gays a bad name) is the effeminate stereotype gays who act like divas saying shit like “talk to the hand girlfriend” and are extroverts acting like right fucking mincers.

Nominated by: Dribbling Reality TV Junkie

53 thoughts on “Effeminate arse bandits

  1. Or the closet doughnut punchers who try to be extra manly. Rugby players at a certain tournament, for example.

  2. Lost the war, lost our forefathers. Depression. Lost the war. Windrush. Gold standard. Poles.(1st) Inflation. Indians. House prices. Pakies. Union unrest. Queers. House prices (again). Political correctness. EU. Queerdom legalised. Kiddie fiddlers. Debt upon debt…… and so on and so forth.


  3. I could tell you a funny story about two Croatian police who went to arrest a German poofta in a hotel in Zagreb…next thing they knew they had strange pains around their bodies, were disarmed and being held on the floor with their own weapons as said poofta called the military police in (who he was training) seems that some pooftas are good enough to be GSG9! however I do understand what you are saying about the talk to the hand bit, its tempting to answer with “chew on the fist?”

  4. There is clearly a difference between being Gay and being a poof. You have just hit the nail on the head.

  5. Went to the Sanctuary On Sea do I flagged up a week or so ago on behalf orf the Cuntitude and it was fucking dry. Just light refreshments – water, orange juice, herbal tea bags for crissake. Levered me old arse doine in disgust at the back with me life saver, me old Dunhill hip flask, and waited for the thing to start.
    Room hot and airless as the Black Hole orf Calcutta and a right veggie pong as the bleeding hearts cunts shuffled and moi moi kissy kissied “how lovely to see you” their way in. Room full orf Whole Life Co-ordinators and Refugee Facilitators and, I kid you not, a little cunt lecturing in Refugee Studies. Said cunt also doubled as the Event Facilitator ie introduced the turns and pep talked the audience “fantastic atmosphere, lets keep it up all the way to the end” type bollocks.
    Caroline Lucas (former Green Party Leader and now MP) introduced to spiel. Legs not bad but could not help wondering if Botox was vegetarian. Her usual snide praising the krauts for their response and how she found the British actions deeply shameful (actually so do I but for different reasons) then went orn to say that at least Cameron was focussing on the most needy ie the refugee cunts that would cost us the most to keep. She detailed the types orf cunt that would be fast tracked to poor old Blighty, those in abusive relationships, parent-less families and those needing extensive and intensive NHS treatment prioritising those with mental health needs. Sure we are all looking forward to that.
    The gig then closed with some Black comedian name orf Forward Maisokwadzo who only got the one laugh, when he tried to say his name.
    This reporter then made his excuses and left.

    • “Whole Life Co-ordinator” has to be the most sinister job title ever devised, at least since the Spanish Inquisition stopped recruiting.

    • hamburg hauptbahnhof unbelievable and the tingle tangle dope smoking lazy fucks have got work and they earn more than me
      Remember them films in the 50,s when a type would throw a hand full of change to a bunch of kids ALLE FUCKING ACHTUNG they are in packs
      To go for a night out !
      First wave sooties ,second wave arrogant turks,third wave street whores and by the time you get to the boozer you are mentally and physically drained
      And supping ale is not fun ,The journey on the train back home is sinister FULL OF ARTFUL DODGERS (gippo kids)and friendly FAGAINS who think you are friendly when they ask you “is this the train to?”
      If you are staggering they are like flies on shit …………………………………………………………………………

  6. Louie Spence is one of the worst of them. I actually feel a mixture of nausea and anger whenever this mincing, over the top, prancing faggot appears. Who the fuck does he think he’s impressing? Every time the little cock jockey appears on TV, there his, pirouetting, jumping and twisting, like a kangaroo on crack. I have no problem with gays, we what we are. But dick heads like Spence are making things difficult for all the ordinary gay men, who just want to get on with their lives. Just like the rest of us.

    • Oh Christ yes, he is such an irritating prick. Gay or not, anyone who appears on panel shows and starts dancing is a cunt. Mind you, so are the producers and hosts such as Jimmy Carr (and his FUCKING laugh) who encourage him. Oh just fuck off you arse.

  7. What I don’t get is why these mincing cunt like Norton, Carr etc always have to make a queer joke or an innuendo on every fucking thing they appear on…. The stereotype of the gay man as a prancing, effeminate shirtlifter will never die as long as cunts like them play up to it… Same goes for the word ‘Nigger…’ It’s cunts like Kayne West who have kept the word alive, by saying it every five fucking minutes…

    • As I know you are, like me, occasionally exposed to Corrie, Norman, may I suggest Anthony Cotton (aka Sean Tully) as exactly the kind of mincing queen who gives homosexuality a bad name.

      • He is a total cunt, I dare you to go on to Twitter and offer some constructive criticism of his acting ability…

        “I think your portrayal of Sean Tully is promoting a negative stereotype, it is setting-back the gay community years”

        Did he reply? NO

        I attempted to Tweet him to ask why he had not replied..


        I actually cried……


      • I agree, it was the funniest thing he has ever said.

        Graham Norton on the other hand has to rely on hecklers for his comedy….
        Case in point:

        During a live show Norton was recounting a story where he had made a bit of money and was staying in a posh hotel during the Edinburgh fringe,
        He went on to explain he had a craving for fish and chips and so left the hotel to go buy some fish & chips, he said he stuffed them down his trousers before entering the hotel foyer,
        At this very point a heckler shouted out “That’s the only time your cock has ever smelled of fish”

        Now that’s fucking funny!

    • I have to laugh my arse off when I hear these ‘black’ Hip Hop artistes/rappers spouting “nigga nigga nigga”
      Hip Hop did not start calling people niggas, it was the blaxploitation films of the 70’s “The Legend of Nigger Charley and “The Soul Of Nigger Charley” and of course “Boss Nigger”
      But of course, like all good slaves they mimic, copy and adopt under the illusion they are innovative or forward-thinking.

      The same goes for the fashion in Hip-Hop of wearing your jeans hanging off your arse.
      Again, these fucking Hip-Hop/rappers and people who wear this style have no idea that the wearing of jeans so low is a sign used in prisons in the US that they are ‘open’ to anal sex!

    • Get in!!

      Back of the net!!!

      Sorry, no I didn’t have him in the dead pool.
      Just think he was a pretentious bellend cunt.

      • Oh he was pretentious that`s for sure but he knew a cunt when he saw one.His acerbic put-down`s of Hirst and Emin make him ok in my book.I think he would have been fond of this site if he wasn`t such a luddite.

  8. Spot on! It’s like I’ve always said; being gay is not a choice, being a flamboyant, attention seeking queen very much is.

    • I dunno I’ve always considered being gay is a choice your not born gay . Your either sodomized as a boy(by a priest or jimmy saville,cyril smith types) or was influenced in someway to choose that lifestyle,but born gay? I don’t believe it, do poofs not have freewill or thought to do so? So I believe it’s definitively a choice just my 2 cents though

      • If it were a choice, there wouldn’t have been all those suicides when it was a criminal offences. If it were a choice, it would be far easier not to choose to be gay – especially since it was a criminal offence for so long and resulted in prison and a lifetime of shame. You’re born with your sexuality, it’s not an active choice. Sure, kids get abused by nonces and they may go on to abuse too (not all do), but the motivation in that respect is the desire to regain power. Being abused as a kid doesn’t somehow infect you with noncery.

      • I like fat birds, that’s not a choice, I was born that way. Well, it took seventeen years or so to kick in but still.

  9. Kenny Everett is dead. Freddie Mercury is dead. Alan Carr and Graham Norton are still alive There is no God.

    • Too true Sir limpy good documentary sad though, They are going after all the dead nonces because they were too powerful when they were alive. Jimmy knew the queen personally ,friend of Margaret Thatcher, Prince Charles,friends with cyril smith gary glitter and also rolf harris. He also knew powerful people in the Roman Catholic church and had a papal knighthood,honorary doctorate of law and Knight Bachelor. The list goes on and on he had bloody power like no ones business they called him the godfather (of paedos). Unbelievable connections was born in royalty and powerful connections throughout his life he had 1,000 flats he could of used at anytime,Savile had his own room at both Stoke Mandeville and Broadmoor hospital, it was reported that Savile had sexually abused vulnerable patients at the hospitals with exclusive passes and keys to get into 90% of hospitals even restricted zones. He was also a attendee at Jersey children’s home Haut de la Garenne where alot of kids were raped tortured and killed very sick shite that took place there. Is anybody still wondering how the eccentric wank got away with it?Its obvious, Well that’s enough nonce talk for one day disturbing as it is…. And now for something completely different https://youtu.be/BW3gKKiTvjs Use to hate this song

      • His determination to raping young girls and boys and abusing his power?honestly fuck off you cheeky cunt nothing he did was funny regardless of his achievements and phony honourary bullshite or if he was a charming eccentric . I know your joking but it really isn’t funny mate I mean would you say that about serial killers and rapists too that at least they were determined? Its only funny if it hasn’t happened to you.

      • hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha so funny GH oh because mums.net worries bout paedos and you don’t. Always a barrel of laughs GH I knew there was a reason I read the guardian more, well that and because daily fail freezes my PS

  10. I think we have all stuck it up the wife’s arse when she’s on the rag, but that’s no excuse to mince about like Dale Winton.

    Anyway, Jeremy Corbyn is a cunt. Just because he’s not in politics overtly for cash and dresses like a charity shop manikin does not mean he’s righteous.

    The dirty bastard is in it for holes. He’s poked that stinking black pig Diane Abbott, and loads of other filth slags that go into politics to thieve taxpayers money and gas babies with their putrid rotting fannies.

    Corbyn is a cunt in politics for cunts. The dirty cunt has lost my vote.

    • I haven’t done that with the wife. All you potential turd burglars, ask yourselves this question. If you’d been in solitary confinement for two years, and they put Julian Clary in the cell with you, would he have to have it? Be honest.

      • Cheeky Cunt of a work mate did the rounds with a simple question:

        “For exactly £1,000,000 cash would you take it up the arse once?

        I’ll tell you now, even though it was a wind up, there was more than one thought about it.

        Go figure, as the yanks are wont to say.

        BTW: NO!



      • I would take it up the shitter for a cool million, but I would rig up a camera to film it, then proceed to blackmail the cunt for another few million.

        Now thats the sort of business enterprise the tories love.

    • Maybe that’s what turns men gay period blood! Nothing worse then sticking it in the old in out and coming out with heavy thick gross looking blood bound to at least kill your boner if not turn you into a poof. Yes Comrade Corbyn is a cunt but he can’t be any worse then Cameron thats a fact, Cameron is two Thatchers in one… with a penis God now I have that image in my head Tranny Thatcher

  11. Gay bars are good for one reason you can take a bird along and not get harrassed by a pack of shit faced ragheads and they know who you are and as goes for mincers “too much coke too soon” or tip toe´rs
    And mind you Moniques on the grosse freiheit
    “jocks with cocks and chicks with dicks” slip em a tenner and a torture faced phillapino will show you its cock

    • Your English is showing slow but steady improvement. One of these days you will be able to write in proper sentences and we will all understand what the fuck you are talking about.

      • vermin cunt spotter do you mind if i take a look at your bottle top collection
        I have been a happy follower of Is a cunt for years Dio,Grumpy old twat,all seeing eye and the enjoyment of thier comments and wit GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU LITTLE CUNT

  12. Someone should tell these benders the arse is for shitting and farting and that’s it… Nothing is supposed to go in there… The PC mob don’t like it, but that is why so many of them fucking die… Mercury, Everett, Rock Hudson etc…If you continually put the old John Thomas in a place that shit comes out of, you’re gonna cop it sooner rather than later… Mercury was a great frontman and all that and his passing was genuinely sad…. But if he’d behaved himself Queen would still be going today… Elton John is lucky to be alive….

    • Exactly not only that but men have more drive for sex so there more chances to get a disease or std’s. Gay men have more sexual partners more gangbanging partners to have bumsecks so your bound to get aids the arse bleeds too yo,u don’t notice it as much because of the shite you bleeding poof. speaking of poofs ………http://memegenerator.net/instance/38155986

  13. As ‘they’ famously say…

    One in the rectum won’t affect them

    One up the bum, no harm done

    Plough the pink, then cum in the stink

  14. As a rule I generally have an open mind to all forms of sexual deviancy including knob jockery. In fact they are to be praised for leaving more totty for the real men. However, their un-natural desires have stooped to new depths of depravity, see the link bellow;


    FFS! You couldn’t make this shit up….

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